Andrew Tegenkamp
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Nisarg] Non-existent changeset UUID.@bub, you’re a lifesaver! Works to fix our customizer theme issues on a multisite ??
@disenor, SiteURL is listed first for us and Home (not listed as HomeURL but is really) is buried way on down. I just did a “find on page” and searched for Home and found it as just Home not HomeURL … it was between Active Plugins and Category Base for us. I switched from subdomain of to and our customizer came back to life!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sermon Manager] Version 2.0 not workingYep, same here. We have it on a multisite @ and and both broke … both seemed to break when trying to render_wpfc_sorting to show the sorting/filtering boxes.
Reverting to 1.9.6 fixed it for us, too.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin Email – No AccessThanks, that what I figured but thought I’d check. Appreciate the help!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin Email – No AccessNo, I’m sorry I wasn’t clear enough.
A site we have nothing to do with (not hosted by us and not related to us at all) typed in our email address (probably a typo) as their admin email, so we get the emails when the site has been upgraded and so on.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BP Group Documents] Make it compatible to new versionsI’m just a user as well but can I ask what does not work for you? It’s working for us using WP 4.6.1 and BP 2.7.2.
While it’d be nice to see that updated in the repository here but if there aren’t any bug fixes or new features, it’s not really necessary.
Short answer if you need syntax: Answer if you need context:
Ok, assuming you are using Paid Memberships Pro (PMP) and your signup page is … if that is not correct let me know. Also you may know most of this but I want to start at the beginning for reference and to help anyone else who finds this post later.
Assuming you have PMP setup and just want to add a field to signup, a guide to get you going is at
Following that guide, when you get to the “Register Helper Example Plugin” you will need to edit that for the checkboxes. I went ahead and tested it and got this going on a test install we have: should let you see the options with the first one with a bunch of comments to help with options. Additional options are the “Options that apply to all field types:” at
AndrewForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Invite Anyone] Rename the tab label 'Send Invites'The official way to do it in BuddyPress is detailed on
One other way would be to add this function to your theme’s functions.php file or to a bp-custom.php file (
add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'change_profile_tab_data', 999 ); function change_profile_tab_data() { global $bp; //allows you to access buddypress vars $bp->bp_nav['invite-anyone']['name'] = 'Invite Anyone!'; }
You can also move the order around with code like this:
$bp->bp_nav['groups']['position'] = 30; //groups before notifications
I hope that helps!
AndrewYou have linked to the BuddyPress registration. You would have to disable that to get everyone to register through PMP at or you can leave it open as a free membership registration option I suppose too.
To add fields to you can use the code at but you need to do some coding. Once that is installed review to see how to
Create Register Helper fields & sync them with the corresponding BuddyPress fieldsTo add fields to use the Users => Profile Fields in WordPress Admin. The tab that says “Base (Primary)” is the one that is shown on register. You can change Base to something else there too.
If you need places to look for additional things I suggest Jason’s (plugin author) pages at and plugins here at
AndrewForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wordpress not saving postsFor us it ended up being a conflict with our theme and the updated WordPress and Akismet plugin. We deactivated Akismet and installed Antispam Bee and were good to go.
This happended to someone else and he posted in the Akismet forum and I posted my findings there too:’re having the same issue with WP 4.5.1, Akismet 3.1.10, and an older theme called “Quare” from and we’ve never used Yoast.
WP, Akismet, and Quare were working fine together until another admin updated it around 4/26 and then it let you type it up but you couldn’t do anything with images like Daniel has mentioned and when you save it wouldn’t show the text in the editor. You could see it in text view. I suspected a TinyMCE error and switched it out according to but got nowhere so I deactivated all plugins and it was ok, and Akismet was the first I enabled and it went bad again.
I went ahead this AM and did a test install and here’s what I found:
Default Install: Fine
Activate and Input Akismet Key: Fine
Switch Theme to Quare: Error
Deactivate Akismet: Fine
Activate Akismet: Error
Kept Akismet and Switched Theme to 2016: FineFirebug returned this on each error:
Error: no such method ‘instance’ for menu widget instance,jquery-migrate,utils,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,postbox,plupload&ver=4.5.1
Line 2Since I switched to Twenty Sixteen and left Akismet and it’s fine again, it’s definitely something with the theme and Akismet but they have been working well together for close to 2 years. The theme is not updated and we’re planning an update over the summer but can’t use Akismet until then. So FWIW, I installed Anitspam Bee on our live site and that works fine for us at least.
Feel free to message me or email me using my username here at gmail if needed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wordpress not saving postsDid you find out anything that caused this issue? We are having a similar issue. Thanks!
Great point. I’m wondering if you edit wp-config and force SSL admin if you still get that issue.
define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true); //force wp-admin to be https define('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true); //force wp-login.php to be https
That may help since it forces all admin calls to be SSL. We have that on one of our sites and don’t get any warnings from the admin bar. I guess the other option is to uncheck “Show Toolbar when viewing site” in your profile if you need to be logged in while testing.
It is still working ok for us on a couple sites still for now but I’m looking around too. It appears that is actively being developed and supported and has a few good ratings so I’ll probably try that next time we need one.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Restaurant Menu] Resetting Post DataI believe it is because the function erm_shortcode_menu calls
global $post;
and then in the foreach it sets$post = get_post( $item_id );
which alters the $post variable. So $post at before the function shortcode is different than $post after the shortcode. This is the same effect as WP_Query even though it is not called, so wp_reset_postdata() fixes it.I think if in the foreach the $post got renamed to something like $post_menu or $post_item then you would not need wp_reset_postdata(). I know talks about the global $post variable almost like a reserved variable for WordPress.
I hope that helps and makes at least some sense ??
AndrewForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Caldera Forms - More Than Contact Forms] Permissions – Impressive QuestionThe only current option I have seen is to search the code for manage_options and replace with an editor permission such as publish_pages.
We didn’t end up needing to explore it further as the admin did not want editors to create forms, just view them, and for us, the pin to menu worked as expected/intended.
If you change the code you probably won’t need the pin to feature so you could take it off the form settings and hopefully it’d clear up your error until you can track it down.