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  • Thread Starter Andrew Tegenkamp


    I guess a little trial and error is the thing… this seems to work if someone wants to confirm or tell of a way to use “default option” in the interface?

    add_filter( 'caldera_forms_render_get_field', function( $field )  {
    	if ( 'lightsaber_color' == $field[ 'slug' ]  ) {
    		$data = array('red' => 'Red', 'orange' => 'Orange', 'yellow' => 'Yellow', 'green' => 'Green', 'blue' => 'Blue', 'purple' => 'Purple', 'pink' => 'Pink', 'black' => 'Black');
    		foreach ($data AS $val => $label) {
    			$field['config']['option'][$val] = array(
    				'value' => $val,
    				'label' => $label,
    		//set a default?
    		//$field['config']['default'] = 'pink';
    		//set a lot of defaults?
    		$field['config']['default'] = array('red', 'pink');
    	return $field;
    Thread Starter Andrew Tegenkamp


    Thanks, sorry I missed that!

    I had a problem with colors and javascript when I upgraded to 1.8.0 so I rolled mine back in Admin => Elemntor => Settings and then redid a couple things and saved and it worked again, so I think it’s a bug in 1.8.0

    We use Easy SMTP @ and it works great with this plugin and never had that problem.

    Thread Starter Andrew Tegenkamp


    Hi @maxal,

    You’re right. It’s now in template-parts\header\site-branding.php where we need to make a change. I uploaded a child theme that we are currently using ok. You can download it at

    Hope that helps!

    Thread Starter Andrew Tegenkamp


    Thanks for all the tips! We went ahead with the child theme and changed the line I mentioned in the original post, and then also added this filter to functions.php to make the custom logo go to #content. It looks like 2017 already has #content as a page anchor by default for the down arrow in the menu bar on the homepage so it works well for our needs ??

    //make custom logo go to #content on home page
    add_filter('get_custom_logo', 'at_custom_logo');
    function at_custom_logo($html, $blog_id) {
    	if ( is_front_page() ) {
    		$html = implode('#content', explode(home_url('/'), $html, 2)); // stolen from the comments at as function replace_first
    	return $html;

    Edit: You can see it for now at … still messing around with content and images but that’s always the case I guess!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Andrew Tegenkamp. Reason: Add example URL
    Thread Starter Andrew Tegenkamp


    I tried to replicate it myself and found another admin installed and apparently that is what is doing it.

    I’ll try to follow up with them on how to get it out of custom post types.

    Thread Starter Andrew Tegenkamp


    We’re going for the “scroll down to that part in a one-page website concept” option. I can do a child theme but just wasn’t sure if that was the best option.

    If you have access to the database via phpMyAdmin or something else, you can search the wp_options table (tables in Multisite) for the URL and change it there.

    But if it’s greyed out it seems like something else may be going on so a reinstall may not be the worst thing?

    Ok, a few things going on here so I’ll take them one at a time…

    1) Load denied by X-Frame-Options: I am not familiar with this. I would suggest a new support thread as the support thread here is about Non-existent changeset UUID, and so you are limiting the people who will see this Load denied error. I do not know what this is or how to fix it. I’m sorry. If this happens with just your theme and does not happen with default themes, I would suggest contacting the theme developer as well for support.

    2) Logging into each site: Yes, we have to log into each site seperately now. It is a little tedious, but I can confirm this is how we have to do it ourselves. It is worth it for us to have the Customizer working well for our theme.

    3) Entries in domain mapping: We only have one entry. There is no reason to have all the other entries. By adding your site in the Network Admin => Sites menu you create so that should not be in Domains at all. That is likely causing the system confusion so I would recommend deleting those 2 entries right away. Also adding www to a domain does not do anything here. That is controlled by your server hosting. Different servers do it different ways. For example, we use DreamHost ( and when we add a domain to our account in their control panel, it asks if we want www, no www, or either way. Then it works that way. There is a big article about it at but the point is you do not need both here, especially while you are trying to diagnose problems.

    4) Upgrade Network: This just keeps everything is sync and my understanding is it is not required when just changing values, only when upgrading WordPress. There is more at about it.

    5) It sounds like you want to admin from your main domain but have each site show the regular domain from the front end. I do not think the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin can do this right now without possible duplicate content issues. It says so on Settings => Domain Mapping, but you can certainly try it or use different combinations there to achieve what you want. We have these 4 checked: `1. Remote Login
    2. Permanent redirect (better for your blogger’s pagerank)
    3. User domain mapping page
    4. Redirect administration pages to site’s original domain (remote login disabled if this redirect is disabled)`
    We do not have “5. Disable primary domain check. Sites will not redirect to one domain name. May cause duplicate content issues.” checked because we want it to redirect to the primary domain. It uses a permanent redirect that does not harm search engine rankings or anything else so we have no good reason to not have it redirect to one primary domain for each site.

    Perhaps your best bet would be to try the new native feature described on because that is said to work with subdirectory sites like yours and is more current. You would need to disable the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin to do it though. Also, if that breaks the customizer with a standard Twenty-Seventeen theme, then you can report that issue to WordPress because it a native feature now built into WordPress instead of a plugin. If it is ok, and it breaks on just your theme you will need to contact your theme developer to fix it. I am hoping to move our site to that in the future because the WordPress MU Domain Mapping has not been updated in years, but I just have not had the time to try it yet.

    I hope that helps and makes sense!

    I understand. You don’t want to make changes that could harm your site.

    We use subdomains but otherwise sounds like we have similar setups. Our problem was that our subdomain could not use the customizer like the original poster and we got the error of the original poster. We made the changes recommended and and Appearance > Customize worked again for that subdomain.

    For us, when we changed this URL, it changed our wp-admin from to so our customizer works well again. I believe this is because now our wp-admin URL matches the domain in WordPress MU Domain Mapping.

    Nothing else changes because pictures or anything else pointing to the old subdomain version like×110.jpg still work and show up just fine. It just changes the URL for the /wp-admin/ so that your customizer and administration works better.


    It sounds like you are using Multisite and domain mapping for some of the other sites in your network. Is that correct?

    If so your proposed change from to sounds exactly like what fixed it for us. We did this on our non-main domain as our main domain was working fine already. We are also using subdomain install and it sounds like you may be using subfolders so I’m not sure what the difference is there.

    So you know, we are doing that but for domain mapping we are using the plugin though I have recently learned it should be built into WordPress 4.5+ according to

    I am certainly happy to help but am not a Multisite expert but I do know that before starting I just made the settings in wp-config.php matcheed what it show in Network Admin => Network Setup. That should make sure you can get to your main admin and Network Admin where you can put back other sites in the network if they get errors from settings changes. If you’re main site is not working correctly, let us know, but if it’s just a sub site then you should be ok changing settings for those and still being able to access Network Admin from the main site.

    If there is an error, you should be able to use phpMyAdmin or a similar tool to put back the urls in the wp_options tables if you are comfortable with that.

    @nikolam, thanks! It is working well for me and I appreciate it ??

    Thanks. It seems to be showing it twice for us now when it is a WP attachment, like this one that has the MP3 and Bulletin as attachments:

    Then it shows only once for external links (or non-attachments) like:

    I really like the dashicons view so I’ll probably just do the same thing to not show attachments but leave it for now for you to look at. I also think the link @techbizgurl gave is doing the same thing as it’s showing her notes twice I believe.

    I do appreciate the improvement since I would rather have it show twice than not at all, so thank you for getting on that so quickly ??

    //Enter Nerd Talk…

    My question looking at the code is if the $attachments code block is even needed. Is it possible to have an attachment that is not the MP3, Notes, or Bulletin? If not, then can that block just be removed? I know some people are probably using it differently than us, so if that is not an option, I totally understand!

    If so, one thought would be to store the attachment URL and name into an array and then if the URL matches the audio, notes, or bulletin URL, use the actual name instead of just “MP3/Notes/Bulletin” with the icon. Finally, just show any attachments that don’t get matched below with a standard icon. That would eliminate duplication, show everything with an icon, and put MP3/Notes/Bulletin first no matter what. An added bonus would be us as end users being able to control the name shown if it is an attachment. If that sounds good, I’m happy to code it up and submit it back to you guys for review and inclusion if you like it.

    //End Nerd Talk ??

    Did you ever get this solved? We were having the issue where our notes were never showing up but just our MP3. I dug into the code and found that it does not work for us now because our notes are just links to Evernote so they are not “attachments” in WordPress.

    You can see them on for an example now of how they show both by making the edit below…

    I was able to fix it but have to edit a file so it gets lost on update, meaning you have to do it each time. Here’s what I did that can hopefully help you or someone else until the change in ownership is done and I can file a proper bug report and/or patch with the new guys…

    Open the file /includes/template-tags.php. You can do this in WordPress Admin by clicking “Edit” next to “Sermon Manager” in the Plugins list and then on the right sidebar find “sermon-manager-for-wordpress/includes/template-tags.php” and click it!

    Find this line (I use Control+F in Chrome on Windows to find on page):
    $attachments = get_posts($args);

    Change it to this:
    $attachments = 0;

    Save it and go view a sermon and see what happens!

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