Any chance you could elaborate on how you got it to work, for the rest of us? It sounds like I am seeing the same thing you saw.
I believe I am looking at the same document that others here say to follow, and sure enough the code doesn’t match. Specifically between the “custom_attribute_overview” section and the “$show_children” section. Instead of what’s shown in the documentation, I see the following, which I don’t know what to do with:
if( is_array($wpp_query[ ‘attributes’ ]) ){
foreach ($wpp_query[ ‘attributes’ ] as $attribute){
$attribute_data = WPP_F::get_attribute_data($attribute);
$data = $property[$attribute];
$data = implode( ‘, ‘, $data);
echo “<li class=’property_attributes property_$attribute’><span class=’title’>{$attribute_data[‘title’]}:</span> {$property[$attribute]}“;