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  • Thread Starter andrewbecks


    As is pretty much always how it goes, I figure it out moments after I ask for help. Anyway, in case anyone is interested, here’s my solution:

    Start with an additional function inside function.php

    function has_custom_shortcode($shortcode = '') {
        $post_to_check = get_post(get_the_ID());
        $found = false;
        if (!$shortcode) { return $found; }
        if ( stripos($post_to_check->post_content, '[' . $shortcode) !== false ) { $found = true; }
        return $found;

    (Adapted from something I saw here.)

    Then, I was able to simply leverage the function in my OR condition:

    if (has_custom_shortcode('test') === true)

    That’s all it takes.

    Thread Starter andrewbecks


    Excellent. Thanks for your help.

    I needed it to be a little more dynamic, to capture the various Google Analytics tracking params, but what you provided was perfect.

    I’m pasting my completed code here, in case it can help anyone else out.

    Thanks again!

    // Preserve query string params in redirect (for use with subdomains plugin)
    add_filter( 'post_link', 'to_post_link' , 10, 2 );
    function to_post_link( $post_link , $post ) {
    	$qsSeperator = '?';
    	$qsAppend = '';
    	// Preserve utm_source variable in querystring on redirect
    	if ($_GET['utm_source'] <> '') {
    		$qsAppend .= $qsSeperator.'utm_source='.$_GET['utm_source'];
    		$qsSeperator = '&';
    	// Preserve utm_medium variable in querystring on redirect
    	if ($_GET['utm_medium'] <> '') {
    		$qsAppend .= $qsSeperator.'utm_medium='.$_GET['utm_medium'];
    		$qsSeperator = '&';
    	// Preserve utm_campaign variable in querystring on redirect
    	if ($_GET['utm_campaign'] <> '') {
    		$qsAppend .= $qsSeperator.'utm_campaign='.$_GET['utm_campaign'];
    		$qsSeperator = '&';
    	// Preserve utm_term variable in querystring on redirect
    	if ($_GET['utm_term'] <> '') {
    		$qsAppend .= $qsSeperator.'utm_term='.$_GET['utm_term'];
    		$qsSeperator = '&';
    	// Preserve utm_content variable in querystring on redirect
    	if ($_GET['utm_content'] <> '') {
    		$qsAppend .= $qsSeperator.'utm_content='.$_GET['utm_content'];
    		$qsSeperator = '&';
        // Return URL with complete query string
        return $post_link . $qsAppend;
    Thread Starter andrewbecks


    That seems to work perfectly, Gagan Deep Singh. I wasn’t familiar with the post_results filter, so I really appreciate the assistance.

    Thread Starter andrewbecks


    You are a genius! Thanks, Dipak. I was missing the step where you save the Permalinks to regenerate and flush the rewrite rules from the database.

    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter andrewbecks


    If I navigate directly to index.php/?cat=9&video=517339714, I’m successfully redirected to
    article/category/videos/?video=517339714, so I know that the category ID is correct.

    Thread Starter andrewbecks


    Thanks, Dipak. That didn’t seem to work, either. (Still returns a 404 error.) I’m putting this in my functions/user/functions.php file (within the theme directory).

    The XXXX ID will only be numbers.

    Thread Starter andrewbecks


    Thanks for the suggestion, satishpandit. I’m currently using permalinks for posts, but what I’m trying to do applies to the category page, so I’m afraid that the link you provided didn’t give me quite what I needed.

    Thread Starter andrewbecks


    Tara – That worked. You are a lifesaver! I literally cannot thank you enough. I have previously tried re-uploading the wp-admin directory from scratch, but no luck. Reuploading wp-includes totally fixed the issue. Thank you again! (If you’re in the US, have a Happy Thanksgiving.)

    Thread Starter andrewbecks


    In /wp-admin/includes/menu.php, I swapped the following code:

    if ( !user_can_access_admin_page() ) {
    	 * Fires when access to an admin page is denied.
    	 * @since 2.5.0
    	do_action( 'admin_page_access_denied' );
    	wp_die( __('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.') );
    $menu = add_menu_classes($menu);


    if ( !user_can_access_admin_page() ) {
       $a = array(
           'Pages No Access' => $_wp_menu_nopriv,
           'User Info' => $current_user,
           'Roles' => $wp_roles->get_names(),
       $s = sprintf("\n<br /><pre>%s</pre>", print_r($a, true));
       wp_die( __('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'.$s) );
    $menu = add_menu_classes($menu);
    Thread Starter andrewbecks


    Hi Tara – No luck on that. Reverting to the default TwentyFourteen theme showed the site, but I still get the same error when logging in to WP admin. I should mention that there is another admin user getting the exact same results on login (same error).

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