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  • Thread Starter Andrew Arthur Dawson


    George, does that mean in your new version that on the metadata settings page that there’s going to be a place to either place or not place the article:tag and article:section ? I don’t believe I’m currently putting that in anywhere on my page other than I do have a category for each blog article? But I don’t believe I’m purposely populating those?

    Thread Starter Andrew Arthur Dawson



    So here’s what I did. I tested first by scheduling out and then not editing that box. The results were:

    1. Twitter – shows title of blog, long URL link and “view summary”
    2. Googleplus – shows no leading message from that publicize box and DOES include the excerpt along with the picture of my site and the link with the title
    3. Facebook – shows no leading message from that publicize box and DOES include the excerpt along with the picture of my site and the link with the title.

    I next tested by scheduling out and then editing that box but not touching anything in it. In other words, I just looked at what was there and saw the title was appended into it by default. So I left it alone and then clicked schedule and got these results:

    1. Twitter – shows the title of blog (the default from that edit box), the long URL link, BUT the VIew Summary link went away!!!
    2. Googleplus – shows leading message (the default title), the excerpt still shows up, and the picture of my site and the link with the title – so all this still works fine
    3. Facebook – shows the title from the publicize box and a URL link to my article, along with the picture of my site and the link with the title – BUT NOT EXCERPT

    I did a done more MAJOR test and saw what happened if I did NOT schedule but still clicked the edit details box and just publish live. AND, I still get the same results as if I scheduled it.

    So the problem is in the edit details box. Once clicked, it removes the possibility of any excerpt being shown, INCLUDING REMOVING THE VIEW SUMMARY IN TWITTER.

    So all of these issues are related to the edit details.

    As a temporary workaround I’m going to have to either manually edit each time my blogs posts because I’ve put data in each of those edit details, or I’m going to have to delete and remove and then put back in without edit details being touched. But the only problem is that the title of my blog will be the only message in Twitter which kind of stinks because then I’ll have to delete that and re-add a more appropriate one.

    So, (a) my apologies to George for bothering him with the Add Meta Data plugin because this is not his issue at all and never was. Sorry George. ?? and (b) the problem is in Jetpack’s Edit Details box, as soon as a person hits the edit details link, whether they actually edit it or not, and whether the post is actually scheduled or published live, it removes ANY possibility of View Summary in Twitter Publicize AND it removes the Excerpt in Facebook from ever printing in the post there.

    Jeremy does all this makes sense?

    Thread Starter Andrew Arthur Dawson


    Jeremy, just one more quick update. I posted again tonight, removing the global keywords field because George had said I was using it wrong. It didn’t really do anything different to help the excerpt issue, but truly I knew they were unrelated anyway. But, I did want to tell you the problem is still there and I continue to have to manually add an excerpt, even though all the meta data is showing up correctly in the debugger. I only wish you would let me know that you guys are working on this issue as that would help me feel a little better about this problem. ??

    Thread Starter Andrew Arthur Dawson


    George, thank you for writing in here. I’m hoping Jeremy will respond here soon. I did as you asked and removed the Global Keywords data I had as you said I was using it wrong. So for right now, that field is blank. Regardless, I don’t believe the issue as I continue to mention with the excerpt (og:description) is an add meta tags issue.

    Jeremy said they were working on the publicize features in the past few weeks and truly I have changed nothing in any plugins, any settings, added nothing, done nothing, other than add my blogs and schedule them. So, I’m assuming that somehow in the automated process of jetpack, that the excerpt is getting lost?

    I don’t have an understanding though of why this twitter cards thing would work sometimes and not others. And it is definitely out of my understanding on how to program it. I just don’t have that capacity for some reason. So I guess I’m going to have to accept the limitation for now.

    So Jeremy, this still comes back to the Jetpack team wit the same main issue which is about the excerpt. Is there a different set of programming logic in the publicize for scheduled blogs versus just creating one on the fly and posting it right away? Also, please don’t forget that I did try to blank out the publicize 140 character box in every way possible, but it won’t let me. The default always goes back to the title itself.

    Please let me know if Jetpack plans on fixing the issues that seem to have been created lately with the publicize and George, I’m truly sorry for the time you’ve spent on this. I wish I understood this better and I”m hoping Jeremy will help get this back to normal like it was before May 23rd’s posting.


    Thread Starter Andrew Arthur Dawson


    Jeremy, all of my posts are always scheduled. I’m usually a few days to a week or so ahead. I post once a day in my blog, always at 6:00pm (or 18:00 as WP requires in the military format).

    Well as i said in the beginning of this stream, the excerpt issue began on that May 23rd date so I’m not sure if your publicize changes began around then. My guess is that they did. I’m only surprised that no one else has been able to see this problem?

    Anyway, so there are 3 issues i’m tracking in publicize currently…

    1. Excerpt not showing up for any of my scheduled posts.
    2. Twitter postings is truncated from the 140 characters depending on how long the URL is.
    3. The publicize box cannot be ever completely blank during any of my scheduled posts. No matter how many times I try to blank it out, hit update, and go back in, it still has data in it.

    Is there anything else I can do to help in this fix process for you? I’m not the best in regards to understanding how jetpack, wp, fb, or twitter works, but I’ll do what I can. I only want this to get fixed as soon as possible because the manual edit thing is really frustrating… ??


    Thread Starter Andrew Arthur Dawson


    Jeremy, you may not believe this, but I tried to go into the first blog posting of my scheduled posts and alter the 140 character box in the publicize area of the posting page. I removed the text, hit update, and then went back in to the box and the data I had put in there only came back.

    I did this several times and it kept coming back no matter what I did.

    I then removed the text and hit the spacebar leaving one single character in the box, and the title and short link were appended in there, which then I removed them, and it then kept coming back.

    I tried this in a ton of combinations and was not able to get the full box empty ever. The best I could do was leave it down to one character, a single “x”.

    So it seems like you have another issue going on with Jetpack on top of the fact the excerpt is not showing up and the Twitter Url cutting out the 140 character message.

    I don’t know what else to do but I wanted to repeat your test and given the limitations of this box, it seems I cannot????

    Were you aware of this problem as well???

    I also can’t figure out how come I’m the only one who has seen this issue with the excerpt not appearing given so many people use Jetpack? Or either of these other two issues with this box and how it’s handled and the Twitter issue you already are aware of? Has anyone else reported any issues in the past few weeks? I’m just curious, why did you change the way it was working, since it was all working fine and all my postings were always getting to Twitter, Googleplus, and FB just fine?

    Thread Starter Andrew Arthur Dawson


    Jeremy, my latest posting just posted. I have no edited it on Twitter or Facebook.

    With Twitter,

    It cut off the 140 character message… It looks like this on my page (which is @andrewadawson)

    Are you a vain person? How important are your looks? Today’s entry is about one of my own struggles I’ve had…

    It should have looked like this:

    Are you a vain person? How important are your looks? Today’s entry is about one of my own struggles I’ve had recently with vanity…

    That is 132 characters, but since you are putting the full URL out there, it’s truncating off my message and only putting in what it can with the full URl.

    AS FOR Facebook:

    this is what showed up today:

    Are you a vain person? How important are your looks? Today’s entry is about one of my own struggles I’ve had recently with vanity……/…/01/the-red-spot-and-my-vanity/

    Below the URL link is of course the picture and the title. But the excerpt is still missing.

    So I’m seeing two problems in your Publicize updates:

    1. The full URL should not be used along with the 140 character message. Prior to your change,you always had the short link in the box so I accounted for that in my 140 character message. Now I don’t know how many characters I can use…

    2. The og:description EXCERPT has been missing consistently since your updates and the only way I can get it in there is to manually do it after each automatic post.

    FYI, Googleplus still works great, so at least that’s working fine.

    Please let me know if you are going to fix these things, as I honestly liked how it worked prior to your publicize changes. I had no issues at all and now I have two that I can’t work around other than deleting each Twitter automatic posting and replacing it and manually editing my FB posting each time.

    I hope I’ve given enough information to help you understand what’s going on? Is it possible for you guys to revert to your old publicize and do greater testing before moving forward and then also letting people know of the changes as I had no idea you made any changes since there wasn’t a new version release?


    PS – Oh and one more weird thing, on Twitter, there has been an occasional “View Summary” link which has shown up with the automatic posting. I’m not sure why it shows up sometimes and other times it does not. Today’s posting did not, but yesterday’s did.

    Thread Starter Andrew Arthur Dawson


    Jeremy, the only missing element from what I can see in the FB publicize is the excerpt. It just doesn’t show up anymore. At least now I know that it’s coming from the changes you guys made. As I said, the first posting that showed the missing excerpt was on the 23rd of May. Normally the excerpt shows up along with a numbered amount of words remaining in brackets for the reader on FB to know how much more of the article is left to read.

    So the answer to your question is no, there is not any excerpt anymore that shows up in the automatic posting on FB. Googleplus still shows it correctly from what I can tell.

    As for the Twitter’s automatic posting, what’s strange is that the long url is showing up over there now and at times it’s truncating the 140 character message if I use all 140 characters in that box.

    As for the steps I take to publish a new post… it’s pretty simple for me…

    1. I click “Add New”
    2. I write my blog, always just a text-based article. No pictures or anything like that.
    3. I select my category
    4. I write in my title.
    5. I select my scheduled date in the near future.
    6. I click the edit link on the Publicize box.
    7. I write in usually a full 140 character message (I always use almost every character)
    8. I think click the “Schedule” button.

    That’s it.

    I have noticed the short link no longer appears in the publicize edit box so I’m guessing you are now appending it automatically in Twitter behind the scenes, but it’s translating into a full URL as I said before which is removing some of the characters in of my 140 character message. I’m guessing that’s because you can only have 140 characters total and I used to have a 140 character message that included the short link in it to make that 140 character total.

    Hopefully all this makes sense.

    The bottom link is that my FB is the most important issue here in that the excerpt has not appeared at all since my posting on the 23rd. I have had to manually place in text each time from the 23rd forward. I’m hoping this is an easy fix on your end.


    Thread Starter Andrew Arthur Dawson


    Jeremy, my Facebook page is this:

    I only have a single posting per day from WordPress. If you look back at May 22nd’s posting, the excerpt came through correctly as this:

    Q: Why did the lifeguard rescue the hippie?
    A: Because he was too far out man!!!
    “CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL RILEY, WHERE HAVE THE TWO OF YOU BEEN!!!” said Chris’s mother sounding quite angry.
    I thought for a second it might be the perfect moment to pause time and discuss this with Chris, but I didn’t get the chance. [ 1644 more words. ]

    In that May 22nd posting as well as all previous ones, I always get the 140 character message from the publicize box in WP, then the excerpt, then my picture/title which is the link itself to my WP article.

    The link to May 22nd’s article is:

    BUT, beginning with May 23rd’s posting, I had to start manually cutting and pasting an excerpt into each of my postings since and what I get now is the 140 character publicize message, an actual written out URL link to my article and my site’s default picture/title of course which is still a link too.

    The link to May 23rd’s article is:

    I ran the Facebook debugger and every field is still be populated correctly. I HAVE NOT MADE ANY CHANGES TO JETPACK OR ANY OTHER PLUGIN NOR ADDED ANY PLUGIN IN MONTHS AND MONTHS. Sorry for the bold, but I just want to emphasize that I’ve changed nothing and everything was working fine until May 23rd’s posting.

    And since Jetpack is the driver of the posting over to the sites I use which is Twitter and Googleplus and Facebook, I’ve been trying to figure out if Facebook changed something as I know there hasn’t been a Jetpack update since then.

    I did find this on Facebook and am not sure if this affected it or not:

    In there there’s a big note that says: “Graph API v1.0 is deprecated as of April 30, 2015. We’ve begun upgrading all Facebook-integrated apps to call API v2.0.”

    I’m not sure if API v.2.0 is handling things differently with automatic postings from WP. But I find it very odd that an overnight change happened in my automatic posting when I changed nothing myself in any of my functionality in my blog?

    Also, as a very interesting related note, Twitter changed around the same time as well and now when it gets my 140 character message, it is putting out a full URL link versus the short link and at times when I use the full 140 character message, it appends that in favor of the full URL.

    So to rehash all this and to beat a dead horse, LOL, up until May 22nd, everything was running great on my WP with automatic postings. I had made no changes to any of my functionality in WP and was only writing my blogs. No new plugins were added, no existing plugins were changed. No new updates came through during that time frame either. Suddenly the excerpt which is the og:description stopped showing up and then I was getting in FB only the 140 character message and a URL link to my blog as well as the picture/title combo.

    And just a heads up, I do use meta data and have been for some time and it was working just fine in combination with Jetpack’s automatic posting just fine for the past many months. I have already spoken with the developer of that meta data plugin and he’s not handling anything in his plugin that would have affected Jetpack’s automatic posting nor has he made any changes to the plugins that would have affected this. And as I mentioned, the FB debugger is showing everything is populating correctly. I even compared URL’s from my site from a month ago or more to the ones in the past few weeks and there is not changes showing anything on my part.

    SO, the only conclusion I can come up with is that FB (and Twitter) have made a few changes that have caused Jetpack’s automatic posting to be affected. Any help you can come up with on this would be great…

    Sorry for the long description but I wanted to make sure I covered all my bases… ??


    Thread Starter Andrew Arthur Dawson


    WEll when you get a chance, could you try a few tests directly on your FB page and let me know exactly how it looks. I honestly believe the error is not in that, as much as it is in how it gets put automatically. Like I said before, if I put the URL in myself, it looks fine on how it appears. I just don’t know if FB is interpreting jetpack now differently and made a policy change on automatic postings or not. But interestingly enough, the “global keywords” field from your plugin show up in the meta box on FB instead of the og:description which shows up if I manually post the URL. I wonder what would happen if I didn’t use the “global keywords” at all field in your plugin? What’s the default then?

    Thread Starter Andrew Arthur Dawson


    George, here’s the strange thing. If I take one of my links to a blog article and post it on FB, it shows up just fine with the picture of my blog and in the box it shows the og:description. Is that how yours shows up?

    In other words, if you go put a link out there on your status bar to an already posted article on your WP, how exactly does it show up?

    As for the automatic posting, I guess I’m not sure who actually takes the og:description field and populates it into the FB page. Is that FB doing it, or is it Jetpack that would be doing it? Jetpack hasn’t changed their functionality in over 4 weeks, so it still seems to come down to something FB is doing?

    And I agree, I do think your plugin is working fine, and now that I know you aren’t using automatic posting, it makes sense what you wouldn’t have seen this error.

    Anyway, let me know what happens when you actually put a link to your WP in your status bar, what exactly shows up?

    And also, let me know if FB is the one who actually interprets data from a WP share or does WP actually get privileges to post as it sees fit into FB?

    Thread Starter Andrew Arthur Dawson


    George, I added it as you suggested also over here…

    I do have a question for you. When you post your WP on FB, can you show me the exact format of what is showing up. Meaning, what exactly does FB show on your status page after it’s automatically posted. Can you provide every detail?

    Thanks! ??

    Thread Starter Andrew Arthur Dawson


    George, I was hoping having it here might spur someone else whos having the problem see the issue? But, I understand, especially if you were as to post your wordpress entry on FB and get the excerpt to go through as well…

    Unfortunately I’m not technical at all to know how to do the change and my theme is part of GoDaddy’s and they don’t seem to ever update it. Any idea on how to do a quick fix by a beginner like me? And what is the risk if I don’t change it at all?

    I’m hoping you may have answer for this google authorship question. I saw that authorship was ended last year and only today did I realize this. I guess they moved away from having the pictures next to the search results. Regardless, I saw they still are keeping the google authorship test tool up there and when I went and tested it today just to see, I noticed an error for my site, It said:

    entry-title: Thought For The Day
    entry-content: “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” (C.S. Lewis) Peace, love, light, and joy, Andrew Arthur Dawson Share This Entry:PrintEmailFacebookTwitterGoogleMoreTumblrPin…
    fn: Andrew Arthur Dawson
    name: Permalink to Thought For The Day
    rel: bookmark
    name: Thought For The Day
    rel: tag

    Error: Missing required field “updated”.

    I’m trying to figure out what the missing required field is all about? Do you know?

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