Forum Replies Created
Yes, after 3 tries it worked ??
Thanks for your time!Ok, this worked in one of the websites. Translations needed an update.
In the other website I tried this but I can’t do it because of server timeout. For security reasons, the max execution time in my hosting is 150s.
Is is possible to divide the process in two parts? This site have 2 additional languages, maybe it could be split?
Thanks for the help!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Sermepa payment gateway] Error al marcar pedido como pagadoPerdona, se me ha enviado por duplicado pero no veo que pueda borrarse. Lo pongo como resuelto. Disculpa las molestias.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Sermepa payment gateway] Not working in my website@jesusangel.delpozo era esto! he visto que el endpoint “order-pay” no tenia traducción y esto causaba problemas en la detección de la URL. Lo único raro de todo esto es que la versión anterior de tu plugin funcionaba y también funcionaba el pago con PayPal.
Tengo otro WooCommerce con WPML que estaba funcionando bien con todos los idiomas. Por esto también me extra?aba que este no funcionase.
Gracias por tu ayuda!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Sermepa payment gateway] Error image URL with WPMLOk, gracias!
De todas formas, para a?adir soporte al plugin para WPML quizá se podría hacer algo como:
if ( function_exists('icl_get_home_url') ) { $home_url = icl_get_home_url(); } else { $home_url = home_url(); }
?No crees que sería mejor?
Un saludo!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Sermepa payment gateway] Not working in my websiteCon el modo debug no sale ningún error. Al intentar pagar no ocurre nada, vuelve a aparecer la pantalla de checkout y se me vacían los datos personales.
He descubierto que el problema viene cuando intento pagar con un idioma que no es el inglés que tengo por defecto. Es decir, cuando estoy en /es/checkout en vez de /checkout.
La web es En otra web que tengo por defecto en castellano, si intento pagar en /en me funciona bien. Es extra?o…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Sermepa payment gateway] Not working in my websiteHola de nuevo,
Después de horas de investigación he descubierto que el plugin no funciona con la última versión de WPML. He probado storefront con la última versión de WPML y después con una anterior. Con la última no funciona pero con las anteriores sí.
Un saludo
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Integration: Yoast SEO & qTranslate-X] Not working with qTranslate-X you, works like a charm!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce Ajax add to cart for variable products] Work on simple products?@adrian1979 this is for shop archives not single product, we asked for this feature in single product, in shop archives the feature is native with woocommerce
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce Ajax add to cart for variable products] Work on simple products?Ok, thanks! It’s strange that I found a plugin that works only with variable products and can’t find one work with simple ones. Anyway, thanks for great plugin, I’m using it in one site already ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce Ajax add to cart for variable products] Work on simple products?Hi again,
Any news about this? I need to add a simple product to cart via AJAX from single product page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce Ajax add to cart for variable products] Work on simple products?Hi @rcreators,
In the default WordPress settings I can see an option to enable AJAX in product archives but not in single product. Am I missing something? I also need to enable AJAX in simple products.
Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EWWW Image Optimizer] PNG to JPG errorHi,
I’m using only optipng with level 2. I have pngout disabled. In conversion settings I have “enable PNG to JPG conversion” checked with default settings.
I’m really interested in PNG to JPG as we have like 500 fullscreen PNGs with 3MB size that we need to compress to JPG. If I can’t make it work with the server, will the cloud service work fine with this?
Thanks for the fast answer!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] wpseo_opengraph_image not workingAny ideas about this? Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Sharing Toolkit] Linksalpha button…really?This is a personal note of the author, Marijn Rongen, that you can find in the 2.1.4 version settings page footer:
Version 2.1.4 is the last version I have personally updated and supported. From now on, further development and support will be provided by LinksAlpha.
The last years I have been amazed at how well received this plugin has been. Sadly, I find myself unable to effectively combine further development and, more importantly, support with my other obligations. This is why I agreed to transfer further development and support to LinksAlpha. I fully expect that the current quality of the plugin will be maintained and improved under the care of LinksAlpha.
So thank you LinksAlpha to [quack] up this excelent plugin. I’m sorry for the author…