Порсев Андрей
Forum Replies Created
If I’m not mistaken, posts_per_page indicates the number of output posts per page. And the number of pages in the module is limited to 100. And it turns out that I have, for example, 6000 posts. I output 20 posts per page and get pagination of 100 pages, which is only 2000 posts. And in fact I need to get pagination on 300 pages, so that the visitor had access to all 6000 posts. How do I get 300 pages in the pagination? I hope I have explained it clearly.
Thank you.
I tried that, but it didn’t work for me. Or I was adjusting the wrong parameter.
function filter_post_query( $query_args, $attributes) { $query_args['limit'] = 200; return $query_args; } add_filter( 'uagb_post_query_args_grid', 'filter_post_query', 10, 2 );
- This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Порсев Андрей.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Пропала панель “Статус WooCommerce”Уточнение! Она пропала после прохождения 7-ми этапов настройки магазина. Если я удаляю плагин рекомендуемый для установки, то панель с настройкой снова появляется и в нем указано 7 из 7 этапов. Нажимаю кнопку Начать и мне снова рекомендуют установить рекомендуемый плагин, пропустить его я не могу. Устанавливаю. Панель с этапами исчезает, а панель “Статус WooCommerce” так и не появляется.
Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Saphali Woocommerce Lite] Ошибка на странице “Мой аккаунт”Столкнулся с такой же проблемой. Можно узнать как Вы ее решили?
Хотел бы узнать способ отличный от отключения режима отладки в WordPress.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Порсев Андрей.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Blocking document.addEventListener (“scroll”, myFunction);Wow. Didn’t expect that the problem lies in the styles and not in the js.
I removed height:100% in my styles and everything worked.
Thank you so much for such prompt help.
I am planning to buy Pro and your efficiency even in the free version convinces me more and more that I am on the right track.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Blocking document.addEventListener (“scroll”, myFunction);Google does not skip the archive with the site, so here is the download link – https://www.dropbox.com/s/rm588a45kdzytc6/slider.zip?dl=0
I made two versions of the page – with and without a slider.
I tried to run both options myself, errors appear in the console, but they are not related to the operation of the site and they are not present when launched from the server, but this does not change the essence.I made the output of the script to the console (text “Ok”). Colortheme.min.js file. On a page with a slider, the script does not work, it works fine without it.
But what’s interesting. I found a site developed earlier where your slider is used, but not in full width mode, but similar to your slider in the screenshot. Run the script there and it works.
There was an idea that it might be related to the slider display mode.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Blocking document.addEventListener (“scroll”, myFunction);At this stage, I’m working on a local server, so I can’t provide a link.
I have already turned off the setting that you suggested and did not give any result. Cash also cleaned.
On all pages where there is no slider, the script works without problems. But where there is a slider when scrolling the page, the script does not work.
Also tried manually posting it before loading the slider js and tried after all the js but the result is the same.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Smart Slider 3] Blocking document.addEventListener (“scroll”, myFunction);Small addition. The plugin has been updated to the latest version and does not display any errors in the console.
Спасибо. Все вернулось в норму.
Такая же проблема с плагином после последнего обновления. Админка накрылась, но фронт работает.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WebP Express] Notice: exif_imagetype(): Read error!Hello.
After installing your plugin, this notification appeared in the administrative panel
Notice: exif_imagetype (): Read error! in D: \ … \ wp-includes \ functions.php on line 2982Debug mode is activated in WordPress 5.4.2 define (‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
How can I remove this notice?
Спасибо за ответ. Запакуйте Mega уже иду в магазин ??
По второму вопросу. После того как пользователь залогинется его впустит уже в личный кабинет? И при регистрации и восстановлении пароля логика работы останется как у WC только с подстановкой формы вашего плагина? Верно?