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  • Thread Starter Andrea


    Yes, I confirm. I uninstalled the plugin, then I installed it again and the problem is no longer present. The file that I had to edit was restored as originally and everything works regularly. What’s happened?


    Thread Starter Andrea


    With 3.6.1 version the error is:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘[‘ in /web/htdocs/mydomain/home/wp-content/plugins/simple-download-monitor/includes/sdm-admin-menu-handler.php on line 25

    In order to access the administration pages I had to comment on the lines as I wrote above.

    Thread Starter Andrea


    If in the future I still have similar problems, after an upgrade, can I downgrade to the previous version (compatible with my PHP)?
    How could I do this?


    EDIT: After upgrading to 3.6.1 I get the same error again. I had to do the same previous procedure to regain control….

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Andrea. Reason: Still an error
    Thread Starter Andrea


    I know it’s very old, but they are not going to upgrade. Previously everything worked smoothly and now this error has appeared. Is it related to the PHP version, or is it for other reasons?


    Ok, I made this addition. We will see in the next days what happens.


    P.S.: A message appeared at the top of the UpDarftPlus menu:
    Warning: curl_setopt() [function.curl-setopt]: Invalid curl configuration option in /web/htdocs/mydomain/home/wp-content/plugins/updraftplus/includes/Google/IO/Curl.php on line 93

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Andrea.
    Thread Starter Andrea



    Thread Starter Andrea


    Ok. So since I have 4.0.8 I can feel comfortable that if there is an update of my theme there will not be this problem anymore.


    Thread Starter Andrea


    I prefer to leave the standard themes, if it is not essential.
    If you make this change you wrote (Block sdm_latest_download), even if the functions.php is overwritten by a theme update, will the indexing continue to run regularly or will I have the above problems again?


    Yesterday I redo the whole procedure for coupling with Google Drive, I started the backup manually and it was finished positive.
    Today there are again the same problems as yesterday (and the last few days)!


    I’ve been having the same problem for about 20 days. I have to constantly redo the authentication with Google Drive.
    My configuration is simpler: a single site, a single backup.
    The error appears in:
    – When I try to do the backup manually (it appears in the log): ERROR: Have not yet obtained an access token from Google (has the user authorised?) (cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:
    error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed) (http_request_failed)

    – In the settings page called “Current status”: the same as above
    On the settings page it says “(It seems you are already authenticated, if you have a problem you can still authenticate yourself again and update your access).“.
    The backup works for a couple of days and then starts giving problems again. I’ve been going crazy for about 20 days.


    Thread Starter Andrea


    Finally this way it works. Good!
    Now you have to insert this exclusion directly in Relevanssi otherwise at the next update of my theme, this modification to the functions.php file will be lost.
    Remember to make the change to view the LOWEST index analyzed during indexing: this would have been very useful for finding this problem.


    Thread Starter Andrea


    Not even this new filter has solved.

    But by accessing the DB Relevanssi and comparing the indices that could analyze with activated shortcode with the indexes that could analyze with shorcode disabled, I was able to understand what is the ID of the post that creates problems: EUREKA!
    In summary: the cause of all this is due to the shortcode of the SDM Simple Download Monitor plugin.
    There is a shortcode that allows you to list only the downloads that correspond to a certain category (or query) and shows the results (example: [sdm_latest_downloads number=”1″ category_slug=”MyCategory” fancy=”1″ button_text=”Download!” new_window=”1″]).
    In the case of this page (the ID that creates the first problem) this shortcode does not return a result because there is no download that is present in that category (with that language managed by PolyLang). Therefore on the web page you will see the writing: “There are no download items matching this shortcode criteria.“.
    For proof I deleted the shortcode on that page, I redid the Relevanssi index and it went further than usual: it indexed 10 documents instead of 6. This means that the defect was in that short code.
    Now the problem is: how can you solve it?
    If I disable Relevanssi and use standard wordpress search, everything works regularly, but I would like to use Relevanssi !! ??
    I can not even delete those shortcodes, because they have to list the downloads as they are added to the various categories.
    Maybe now you will have clearer ideas on how to deal with this problem?


    Thread Starter Andrea


    I added one function at a time to the “functions.php”, I enabled “Expansion shortcode”, I started creating the index.
    These are the results:
    1° Function (‘metaslider’): nothing, indexing freeze.
    2° Function (‘wcp-carousel’): nothing, indexing freeze.
    3° Function (‘sdm_download’): nothing, indexing freeze.
    So no function solves the problem.


    EDIT: I have noticed that the indexing always hangs at the same point: when I reload the page (after seeing that it does not update), the writing appears that has indexed only 6 documents (instead of 76). Now I ask myself: can I then understand what is the page that causes the freezing? In which order does the indexing take place? Before the pages or before the articles? Are they scanned by order of ID or by alphabetical order?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Andrea. Reason: News
    Thread Starter Andrea


    I have not marked “resolved” as it is not solved.
    I could not use passwords for simplicity, I do not want to oblige customers to register on the site to get access to downloads.
    I was wondering if it was possible to implement the use of reCaptcha.


    Thread Starter Andrea


    I wanted to avoid complicating life for ordinary people who need to download my files.

    Thanks for the advice.

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