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  • Thread Starter anapest


    Thank you!!!

    Thread Starter anapest


    I bought a premium theme but had to make a dreadful lot of adjustments. So now my theme is a hybrid from the free Esplanade theme (which I used before) and the new premium one.

    I don’t want to use any plugins. Most probably get_categories and category_description are the functions I ought to look to. Thank you!



    Yes, I have the same problem with this plugin. It says all the images I had checked previously are successfully deleted but I still have them on the server (File Manager sees them and Filezilla sees them all).

    Only in my case when I ask the plugin to make a new scan of my media library there are no those “deleted” images in the resulting list: the plugin doesn’t see them among the uploads.

    Thread Starter anapest


    My “good” database was about 26 MB. Now my “hacked” database is about 60 MB. The site is under construction. Only 3 plugins. Yes, I have post revisions but they are not so numerous and I am going to delete them a little later.

    I liked my host very much — until now. Yes, it is a free host but I can’t call it a stingy miser. Of course I planned to move my site when I am good and ready but it seems I should do it a bit earlier than I wanted to.

    Since I am still unable to understand this unexpected and dramatic inflation of my database I have decided to restore my database from backup. I am afraid that some unknown hacker could hide his malicious code in all these numerous database records which seemingly are innocent info about WordPress.

    Thread Starter anapest


    Thank you for your kind interest, Laura! But it seems that I have found the plugin! At last! It is Display Widgets. It is fully compatible with this theme. I am so-o happy. My new site is not online yet but it is going to be quite large with many different widgets and this plugin makes my task much easier.

    Hello, LucasVieites. Inititally my installation and backend were in English and frontend in Russian. Later I tried all-Russian installation but the result was the same in both cases: all messages from the WordPress itself were in that language which I expected them to be (English only at the backend and only when I wanted it to be there) but my Esplanade”s child theme talked to me exclusively in English.

    Fortunately I have found a way out at last. I used the Codestyling Localization plugin for translating all the Esplanada’s messages. I had to translate the theme only once and now plan to get rid of the plugin in my WordPress installation. So I highly recommend this plugin to everybody who has problems with Esplanade’s localization.

    Thread Starter anapest


    Thank you for this explanation, Timothy. Surely you have a point. By the way, do you think it would be better to avoid any jquery things on websites because some users may have javascript disabled?

    Thread Starter anapest


    Hooray! RawHtml plugin did the trick!

    Thread Starter anapest


    Hello, Timothy! I am trying to implement mobile friendly tooltips (css+jquery). Just look here and you’ll see that HTML does allow style title attributes (italics used in the text of a tooltip as you can see on the demo page). The solution by Osvaldas Valutis works for me nicely on a usual html site but I can’t use it in WP because of TinyMCE’s pranks.

    I need some rather lengthy tooltips on a few of my pages (additional information for specialists) and I would like them to be styled like this: Volume: blabla… Recommended for: blabla etc.

    I have the same problem with translating esplanade.pot file via Poedit and then using the resulting po and mo files. I named them esplanade.po and and placed them into the directory where I have found the original esplanade.pot file. Alas! Nothing happen! The theme is still in English.

    Thread Starter anapest


    The problem resoved… but I don’t know how I did the trick. I turned off my notebook for two hours, then I turned it on again and there was the login page with some horrid warnings about “Headers already sent”. Now it was much better than simpy “can’t find the server”. So I deleted wp-config.php and wrote once more all nesessary info into wp-config-sample and renamed it wp-config.php BUT this time I did it in Notepad not in Notepad++

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