Forum Replies Created
O.K. found original files from backup and used them, now it worked with your settings.
Thanks again.
checked everything and even switched off super cache and checked wordfence alerting modified data ect…. does not help.
media-editor file does not match to your sample – there is nothing in line 80 but 147 for the first replacementand
Cannot find this code
File – Durus/framework/page-builder/js_composer/assets/js/backend/media-editor.js
Line – 180
Code – $thumbnails_string += _.template($(‘#vc-settings-image-block’).html(), image);
Replacement Code;var tmpl = _.template($(‘#vc-settings-image-block’).html());
$thumbnails_string += tmpl(image);See my modified file
/* =========================================================
* media-editor.js v1.0.0
* =========================================================
* Copyright 2013 Wpbakery
* WP 3.5 Media manager integration into Visual Composer.
* ========================================================= */
(function ( $ ) {
var media =,
origFeaturedImageSet = media.featuredImage.set,
origEditorSendAttachment = media.editor.send.attachment,
l10n = i18nLocale,
workflows = {},
attachmentCompatRenderattachmentCompatRender = _.extend( media.view.AttachmentCompat.prototype.render );
media.view.AttachmentCompat.prototype.render = function () {
var attachmentId, that = this;
attachmentId = this.model.get( ‘id’ ); this );
_.defer( function () {
var $container, html, $filter, label, $input;$container = that.controller.$el.find( ‘.attachment-info’ );
$input = that.controller.$el.find( ‘[data-vc-preview-image-filter]’ );if ( $container.length && $input.length ) {
label = $input.parent().find( ‘.vc-filter-label’ ).text();
html = ‘<label class=”setting vc-image-filter-setting”>’;
html += ‘<span class=”name”>’ + label + ‘</span>’;
html += $input[ 0 ].outerHTML;
html += ‘</label>’;$container.before( html );
$input.parents( ‘tr’ ).remove();
}if ( ‘undefined’ !== typeof(window.vc_selectedFilters) && ‘undefined’ !== typeof(window.vc_selectedFilters[ attachmentId ]) ) {
$filter = $( ‘.media-frame:visible [data-vc-preview-image-filter=’ + attachmentId + ‘]’ );if ( $filter.length ) {
$filter.val( window.vc_selectedFilters[ attachmentId ] ).change();
}previewFilter( attachmentId );
} );
return this;
* Intercept default gallery setting function and replace with our filtering functionality
media.editor.send.attachment = function ( props, attachment ) {
processImages( [ ], finishImageProcessing );function finishImageProcessing( newAttachment ) {
var attachment = newAttachment.pop().attributes;origEditorSendAttachment( props, attachment )
.done( function ( html ) {
media.editor.insert( html );
} );
* Intercept default featured image ‘set’ function and replace with our filtering functionality
media.featuredImage.set = function ( id ) {
var ids = [ id ];if ( – 1 !== id ) {
$.ajax( {
type: ‘POST’,
url: window.ajaxurl,
data: {
action: ‘vc_media_editor_add_image’,
filters: window.vc_selectedFilters,
ids: ids,
_vcnonce: window.vcAdminNonce
} ).done( function ( response ) {
var newId;
if ( true === response.success && ) {
newId =;
origFeaturedImageSet( newId );
} else {
origFeaturedImageSet( id );}
} ).fail( function () {
origFeaturedImageSet( id );
} );
} else {
origFeaturedImageSet( id );
};media.controller.VcSingleImage = media.controller.FeaturedImage.extend( {
defaults: _.defaults( {
id: ‘vc_single-image’,
filterable: ‘uploaded’,
multiple: false,
toolbar: ‘vc_single-image’,
title: l10n.set_image,
priority: 60,
syncSelection: false
}, media.controller.Library.prototype.defaults ),
updateSelection: function () {
var selection = this.get( ‘selection’ ),
ids = media.vc_editor.getData(),
library = this.get( ‘library’ );if ( ‘undefined’ !== typeof(ids) && ” !== ids && – 1 !== ids ) {
attachments = ids.toString().split( /,/ ), function ( id ) {
var attachment = media.model.Attachment.get( id );
return attachment;
} );
}selection.reset( attachments );
} );media.controller.VcGallery = media.controller.VcSingleImage.extend( {
defaults: _.defaults( {
id: ‘vc_gallery’,
title: l10n.add_images,
toolbar: ‘main-insert’,
filterable: ‘uploaded’,
library: media.query( { type: ‘image’ } ),
multiple: ‘add’,
editable: true,
priority: 60,
syncSelection: false
}, media.controller.Library.prototype.defaults )
} );media.VcSingleImage = {
getData: function () {
return this.$hidden_ids.val();
set: function ( selection ) {
var tmpl = _.template($(‘#vc-settings-image-block’).html());
this.$hidden_ids.val( ).trigger( ‘change’ );
return false;
frame: function ( element ) {
window.vc_selectedFilters = {};this.element = element;
this.$button = $( this.element );
this.$block = this.$button.closest( ‘.edit_form_line’ );
this.$hidden_ids = this.$block.find( ‘.gallery_widget_attached_images_ids’ );
this.$img_ul = this.$block.find( ‘.gallery_widget_attached_images_list’ );
this.$clear_button = this.$;// TODO: Refactor this all params as template
if ( this._frame ) {
return this._frame;
this._frame = media( {
state: ‘vc_single-image’,
states: [ new media.controller.VcSingleImage() ]
} );
this._frame.on( ‘toolbar:create:vc_single-image’, function ( toolbar ) {
this.createSelectToolbar( toolbar, {
text: l10n.set_image,
close: false
} );
}, this._frame );this._frame.state( ‘vc_single-image’ ).on( ‘select’, );
return this._frame;
select: function () {
var selection = this.get( ‘selection’ ); ‘click:media_editor:add_image’, selection, ‘single’ );
};media.view.MediaFrame.VcGallery = media.view.MediaFrame.Post.extend( {
// Define insert-vc state.
createStates: function () {
// Add the default states.
this.states.add( [
// Main states.
new media.controller.VcGallery()
] );
// Removing left menu from manager
bindHandlers: function () {
media.view.MediaFrame.Select.prototype.bindHandlers.apply( this, arguments );
this.on( ‘toolbar:create:main-insert’, this.createToolbar, this );var handlers = {
content: {
’embed’: ’embedContent’,
‘edit-selection’: ‘editSelectionContent’
toolbar: {
‘main-insert’: ‘mainInsertToolbar’
};_.each( handlers, function ( regionHandlers, region ) {
_.each( regionHandlers, function ( callback, handler ) {
this.on( region + ‘:render:’ + handler, this[ callback ], this );
}, this );
}, this );
// Changing main button title
mainInsertToolbar: function ( view ) {
var controller = this;this.selectionStatusToolbar( view );
view.set( ‘insert’, {
style: ‘primary’,
priority: 80,
text: l10n.add_images,
requires: { selection: true },click: function () {
var state = controller.state(),
selection = state.get( ‘selection’ ); ‘click:media_editor:add_image’, selection, ‘gallery’ );
state.trigger( ‘insert’, selection ).reset();
} );
} );
media.vc_editor = _.clone( media.editor );
_.extend( media.vc_editor, {
$vc_editor_element: null,
getData: function () {
var $button = media.vc_editor.$vc_editor_element,
$block = $button.closest( ‘.edit_form_line’ ),
$hidden_ids = $block.find( ‘.gallery_widget_attached_images_ids’ );
return $hidden_ids.val();
insert: function ( images ) {
var $button = media.vc_editor.$vc_editor_element,
$block = $button.closest( ‘.edit_form_line’ ),
$hidden_ids = $block.find( ‘.gallery_widget_attached_images_ids’ ),
$img_ul = $block.find( ‘.gallery_widget_attached_images_list’ ),
$thumbnails_string = ”;_.each( images, function ( image ) {
var tmpl = _.template($(‘#vc-settings-image-block’).html());
$thumbnails_string += tmpl(image);
} );$hidden_ids.val( images, function ( image ) {
} ).join( ‘,’ ) ).trigger( ‘change’ );
$img_ul.html( $thumbnails_string );
open: function ( id ) {
var workflow;id = id );
workflow = this.get( id );
// Initialize the editor’s workflow if we haven’t yet.
if ( ! workflow ) {
workflow = this.add( id );
}window.vc_selectedFilters = {};
add: function ( id, options ) {
var workflow = this.get( id );if ( workflow ) {
return workflow;
}if ( workflows[ id ] ) {
return workflows[ id ];
}workflow = workflows[ id ] = new media.view.MediaFrame.VcGallery( _.defaults( options || {}, {
state: ‘vc_gallery’,
title: l10n.add_images,
library: { type: ‘image’ },
multiple: true
} ) );return workflow;
init: function () {
$( ‘body’ ).unbind( ‘click.vcGalleryWidget’ ).on( ‘click.vcGalleryWidget’,
function ( event ) {
var $this = $( this ),
editor = ‘visual-composer’;
media.vc_editor.$vc_editor_element = $( this );
if ( ‘true’ === $this.attr( ‘use-single’ ) ) {
media.VcSingleImage.frame( this ).open( ‘vc_editor’ );
$this.blur(); editor );
} );
} );
_.bindAll( media.vc_editor, ‘open’ );$( document ).ready( function () {
} );/**
* Process specified images and call callback
* @param ids array of int ids
* @param callback Processed attachments are passed as first and only argument
* @return void
function processImages( ids, callback ) {$.ajax( {
dataType: “json”,
type: ‘POST’,
url: window.ajaxurl,
data: {
action: ‘vc_media_editor_add_image’,
filters: window.vc_selectedFilters,
ids: ids,
vc_inline: true,
_vcnonce: window.vcAdminNonce
} ).done( function ( response ) {
var attachments, attachment, promises, i;if ( ‘function’ !== typeof(callback) ) {
}attachments = [];
promises = [];for ( i = 0;
i <;
i ++ ) {attachment = media.model.Attachment.get([ i ] );
promises.push( attachment.fetch() );
attachments.push( attachment );
}$.when.apply( $, promises ).done( function () {
callback( attachments );
} );
} ).fail( function ( response ) {
$( ‘.media-modal-close’ ).click(); && && window.i18nLocale && window.i18nLocale.error_while_saving_image_filtered && vc.active_panel.showMessage( window.i18nLocale.error_while_saving_image_filtered,
‘error’ );
window.console && window.console.error && window.console.error( response );
} ).always( function () {
$( ‘.media-modal’ ).removeClass( ‘processing-media’ );
} );
} ‘click:media_editor:add_image’, function ( selection, type ) {
var ids;ids = [];
$( ‘.media-modal’ ).addClass( ‘processing-media’ );
selection.each( function ( model ) {
ids.push( model.get( ‘id’ ) );
} );processImages( ids, finishImageProcessing );
function finishImageProcessing( newAttachments ) {
var attachments,
objects;attachments = newAttachments, function ( newAttachment ) {
return newAttachment.attributes;
} );selection.reset( attachments );
objects = selection.models, function ( model ) {
return model.attributes;
} );if ( ‘undefined’ === typeof(type) ) {
type = ”;
}switch ( type ) {
case ‘gallery’:
media.vc_editor.insert( objects );
break;case ‘single’:
media.VcSingleImage.set( objects[ 0 ] );
}$( ‘.media-modal’ ).removeClass( ‘processing-media’ );
$( ‘.media-modal-close’ ).click();
} );/**
* Trigger preview when filter dropdown is changed
$( ‘body’ ).on( ‘change’, ‘[data-vc-preview-image-filter]’, function () {
var id;
id = $( this ).data( ‘vcPreviewImageFilter’ );
if ( ‘undefined’ === typeof(window.vc_selectedFilters) ) {
window.vc_selectedFilters = {};
window.vc_selectedFilters[ id ] = $( this ).val();
previewFilter( id );
} );/**
* Fetch and display filter preview
* Original image src is backuped so preview can be removed
* @param attachmentId
function previewFilter( attachmentId ) {
var $previewContainer, $preview, $filter;$filter = $( ‘.media-frame:visible [data-vc-preview-image-filter=’ + attachmentId + ‘]’ );
if ( ! $filter.length ) {
}$previewContainer = $( ‘.media-frame:visible .attachment-info .thumbnail-image’ ).eq( – 1 );
$preview = $previewContainer.find( ‘img’ );$previewContainer.addClass( ‘loading’ );
if ( ! $ ‘original-src’ ) ) {
$ ‘original-src’, $preview.attr( ‘src’ ) );
}if ( ! $filter.val().length ) {
$preview.attr( ‘src’, $ ‘original-src’ ) );
$previewContainer.removeClass( ‘loading’ );
}$.ajax( {
type: ‘POST’,
dataType: ‘json’,
url: window.ajaxurl,
data: {
action: ‘vc_media_editor_preview_image’,
filter: $filter.val(),
attachment_id: attachmentId,
preferred_size: window.getUserSetting( ‘imgsize’, ‘medium’ ),
_vcnonce: window.vcAdminNonce
} ).done( function ( response ) {
if ( ! response.success || ! ) {
}$preview.attr( ‘src’, );
} ).fail( function ( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
window.console && window.console.error && window.console.error( ‘Filter preview failed:’,
errorThrown );
} ).always( function () {
$previewContainer.removeClass( ‘loading’ );
} );
( jQuery ));Thanks,
Yes I did all changes before. Java console and Debugger shows a lot of errors.
Last error within editing image in builder mode shows
ReferenceError: id is not defined@ /load-scripts.php?c=1&load%5B%5D=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-position,wp-pointer,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,jq&load%5B%5D=uery-ui-draggable,jquery-ui-slider,jquery-touch-punch,iris,wp-color-picker,thickbox,heartbeat,autosave,jquery-color,wp-lists,qui&load%5B%5D=cktags,jquery-query,admin-comments,suggest,postbox,tags-box,underscore,word-count,wp-a11y,post,editor-expand,shortcode,backbone,&load%5B%5D=wp-util,wp-backbone,media-models,wp-plupload,mediaelement,wp-mediaelement,media-views,media-editor,media-audiovideo,mce-view,img&load%5B%5D=areaselect,image-edit,svg-painter,wp-auth-check,jquery-ui-resizable,jquery-ui-button,jquery-ui-dialog,jquery-ui-tabs,jquery-ui-d&load%5B%5D=roppable,jquery-ui-accordion,jquery-ui-menu,jquery-ui-autocomplete,editor,wplink,wp-fullscreen-stub,media-upload,wp-embed&ver=942df08512d202e1d96ec4b65688c69a:468
Does not seem to work – changing existing or new images not possible.
Wow, thanks for the fast reply. Glad to get some help for this.
Regards,Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Theme: Durus] What do you do when a theme is deprecated?After update to wordpress 4.61 it is no more possible to save images within brad page builder. Anyone else?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Ultimate Recipe] Where do recipes appear? Archiv page emptyThank you so far… Customer Website not public right now….
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Ultimate Recipe] Where do recipes appear? Archiv page emptyThere is no archiv page created, did install again – demo recipe is there and i get only a new blog item. I cannot follow how to setup an overview page with all recipes and just with headlines.
The blog item single view shows headline of recipe 3 times
first as links status
second big headline
third again as headline within recipe single main content
So whatever I change at setting up page of the plugin, do not find how to get a page for all recipes and / or how to style that all can be used straight and logic.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Ultimate Recipe] Where do recipes appear? Archiv page emptyDoes not work out… getting too complicated. Most of the settings of the plugin do not show any effect…
and the docs are not that much usefull as it is not a good idea to put developer on making a tutorial.
They do not think like normal user, so i cannot followThank you,
Yes, your Plugin works fine, as ever. There is a problem on server side….
Regards,Who will not be confused?
– No alert does show up, if there is a failure
– No alert on missconfiguration – as concept does need to read an abstract, which collides with missfunction for other reasons, but who will get clear understanding then…
– No idea why only one page on condition does work out, not combination with other condition is working
– No idea why some changes on any theme have effect, others not at all…during install – seems to be a common mistake with wordfence… did all again aftere deinstalling wordfence, but no chance…
Packaging going well – but after all I give up after 7th install
Confusing stuff
Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
No this does not help – The Tool is for coders only and totaly confusing for normal users. No problems for coders but I can not recommend this as a smooth solution, even coders are happy with this playing around setting tricky triggers. Sorry – you have a focused target user group. I wasted to much time to get it working…. Only Usability will bring new customers, and for this i am willing to pay even…
This is coding and no plugin for users