17 years, 10 months ago
Thank you very much… i feel a bit dumb but im sure this could help somebody else in the future.
muchas gracias…
I solved it using:
<? global $theauthorID; $theauthorID = get_the_author_ID(); ?>
And then calling $theauthorID inside the function
Im messing with the standard widgets, and i inserted pages in the presentation menu..,
I’ve searched for other place in the file wher wp_pages_list appears but ther aren’t any. I editing the only one in the file.
Where else can i look? please help.
17 years, 11 months ago
off course i am.
I did another test, i deleted one “;” from the end of a line to create a syntax error, and the error did came up…
But the changes in pages listing are being ignored.
im looking for the same answer
now i deleted the entire function widget_pages
and it still displays all pages (including childs)
What the hell?
Ive also modified de
‘echo “\n” . $after_widget;’ to ‘echo “some text\n” . $after_widget;’to check, but “some text wasn’t written
I’ve tried adding de depth=1 argument but it still shows child pages…
is there anything else i have to check?
18 years ago
i asked them for more info on how this could be fixed and here what they said:
Just that there were about 8 instances of execute-pings running concurrently.
Why could that happen, i haven’t post to my blog in days.
18 years, 5 months ago
i guess it isn’t
yes, you need the RunPHP plugin.
please mark this thread as solved ??
i love to help ??
please post the error
yes, when you’re on your home page you will see everything but your blog posts…
and when your viewng the blog category, you will only see the posts under blog category.
there’s a really easy way…
just add inside the loop som php code, here it’s how to do that.
im surprised how many times i have answered this same question TODAY! please search the forums before asking