Thanks for your quick reply,
It’s just about the format. When I use this prompt in your plugin, it will be like this.
Prompt 01:
Act as an experienced copywriter for {domain name}, a sports shoes ecommerce website. Write a 400-word, engaging, high-converting product description for {product name} for {target audience} in english includes two-part structure: Section 1 (Description): In the initial section, provide a brief introduction of {product name}.Section 2(Features): In this section, convert {key features} into customer’s benefits in bullet point format in 300 words.{product name} = %s.{domain name} = []{target audience} = [Fashion-forward millennials and Gen Z sneaker enthusiasts who appreciate style, affordability, and self-expression].{key features} = [my key features].
I tried to use “\n” for the new line and after saving “\” will remove.