Forum Replies Created
Hello, the problem is marked as RESOLVED but it will be great if you post the solution. The plugin on mobile shows the “button to accept” on the right of the text, so the view it’s really bad on mobile device (especially on smartphones): you have two columns: on the left you have the text (you need to scroll upo and down to read it, because you can read one or two words per line) and on the right you have the link to the More Information and the button to accept. It will be great to have the possibility to EDIT the GDPR Consent Bar, to place the button BELOW the text.
If there isn’t any tool to do that into the CMS, can you please provide to US the info to modify the CSS or a PHP page to move the button DOWN?
To be completely clear, you have to move down two things: the MORE INFORMATION link and the ACCEPT button.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Display Categories Widget] No indentation for subcategories shownI have a similar problem into the backend. Here you are the complete description. NOBODY HAD SOME IDEA ABOUT HOW TO SOLVE THIS ISSUE?
Hello, I am experiencing a problem with CATEGORIES INDENTATION.
I created a precise list of categories and subcategories under POSTS > CATEGORIES because I need to classify with precision two types of posts (and a related list of categories that hve the same name).
So under the POST TYPE ONE (categorized by a category called ARTICOLI) I have a lis of subcategories of second and third level that have the same name BUT NOT THE SAME SLUG. The same inside the category that categorizes the POST TYPE TWO (PERLE).
In the category list under the menu POST > CATEGORIES, everything works fine and I can see my categories correctly nested as you can see into IMAGE 01.
But the problem comes up when I enter into a post (or I write a new one) and INSIDE THE POST I want to choose the correct categories.
A part of the categories is shown correctly nested, but another part (that is nested in POSTS > CATEGORIES) are shown WITHOUT INDENTATION. So it’s very difficult to understand wich one is under wich another one.
I am using a child theme created from Divi but I did not touched anything in the back end.
Can you help me?
In particular I have two ramificatoins of categories.
I have two main categories (first level) called PERLE and ARTICOLI. And under PERLE I have a ramification of 5 sub categories (second level) and under every second level I have a variable number of sub-sub categories (third level).The first time that this problem occurred to me, I deleted all the categories and re-created from scratch. The problem was about the first level category ARTICOLI. After that I opened the POSTS and selected the correct category. Now the problem occurs with the other first level category (PERLE).
Sub categories have in the big part THE SAME NAME (but the slug is different).Can you help me understand why I have this problem and HOW TO FIX IT?
All the best,
MarcoOK, not compatible with WPML. But what about POLYLANG plugin?
OMG!!! Such a shame!!!
I found the solution form myself! It was under my eyes!Into the WordPress admin, under the Shortcodes item in the left menu, under SETTINGS, you have 3 tabs. The third one is CUSTOM CSS.
Here you are where do you have to put your customized CSS for the plugin.
I wrote my personalized CSS here and everything works!!!
Hope my topic could be useful for someone. Instead you can delete it.
All the best,
MarcoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Feed | All social media in one place] Widget Out of the sidebar[OK, I told that it was the last, but…]
There is some way to show interaction tools into the boxes? Buttons to LIKE, SHARE, REPLY twitter posts or LIKE, SHARE facebook posts?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Feed | All social media in one place] Widget Out of the sidebarHello, here I am with the last important question about your plugin. There is a way to select the language? Native Facebook APIs allow to set the language (in my case: it_IT). There is some place in your plugin where to select the language?
All the best!
MarcoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Feed | All social media in one place] Widget Out of the sidebarHello,
thanks for the answer, but if ALSO the premium version does not fix the height issue, I will have to change manually the height in relation to the number of lines of every post. It is impossible to set a fixed height hoping that could be good for every occasion.
I will try the plugin on another theme to see if the same overlapping problem affects all the themes or just this one.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Feed | All social media in one place] Widget Out of the sidebarHello, news for my issue? Anybody had the same problems?
I am interested mostly in the responsive issue: if the width can be inserted in pixels, how can I manage responsive layout that is usually configured with % values?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Feed | All social media in one place] Widget Out of the sidebarLast annotation. I selected that I want to show the three last posts, but the plugin shows only the last one.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Feed | All social media in one place] Widget Out of the sidebarDear smuz, if you can see the test page (link follows) the problem it’s not only related to width. Also the height of the container doesen’t work properly. I can see two problems:
1. The box of your plugin does not stay INSIDE the sidebar (not only in width but also in height: starts inside the sidebar but goes out of it.
2. In some OS the facebook content OVERLAPS the following box (in this case: the footer).
I can’t see any ovrlapping problem in iOS: the widht needs to be adjusted but the box doesen’t overlaps the following one. But still goes out from the external box of the sidebar.
Here you are the url:
I still note that if you can only manage width as PX value, it will be difficult to adjust the widht automatically on mobile (for responsive needs). Seeing right now the plugin in action in Android tablet, portrait mode, the facebook feed does not feed all the widht of the sidebar but only a portion of the screen space.
So… Are you sure that the premium version could fix all those issues?
If the plugin doesent work properly, can you send me an URL to a refund policy?
All the best,
MarcoForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Gridiculous] Third level menu items don't appear on mobileIn the meanwhile, hoping that could be useful, I updated the wordpress installation to 4.5.3 version.
Nothing changed.
MForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Create Video Playlist – Autoplay?Hello, PLAYLIST shortcodes are ONLY for videos uploaded on WordPress? Isn’t possible to use PLAYLIST for youtube videos?
What I need is to play a youtube playlist into my WordPress, with the AUTOPLAY function.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Resizing Native WordPress Video PlaylistHello James, just to be completely sure about what I read above, you told that “WordPress doesn’t have built-in video playlists” so you can’t mange it. In my experience, WordPress does not have a MANAGEMENT TOOL of youtube playlists, but has a video player that embeds them like normal videos. I tried to insert a playlit in a site (so: without special plugns) and the playlist is published without any problem. Here you are the example:
What I can’t do is modify the aspect or the cofiguration of the playlist because there aren’t specific shortcodes to do that, like the [video] shortcodes.
So… I can insert playlist from youtube, but I can’t change any setting (width, height, autoplay, poster and so on).
Is that correct?
All the best,
Marco MorelloFANGORN-2, how did you resolved the problem of the TITLES? The VIDEO GALLERY PLUGIN publishes only ONE LINE of the title. If it is too long it’s truncated with “…” aso you can see here: see that you are publishing COMPLETE TITLES on two lines.
MarcoForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Velvet Blues Update URLs] Compabitbility WordPress 4.0Hello, the following post suggests to use your plugin to correct URLs when you are moving wordpress from a domain to another one:
I am using WordPress 4.0 and my question is: “Is Velvet Blues Update URLs fully compatible with WP 4.0?”
Hope you can answer. I see that the previous answer is waiting from a month.
All the best,