16 years, 3 months ago
Thanks for the help.
Any ideas where I can start? I have developed/modified a few Joomla themes, so I’m guessing it’s not too difficult… or is it?
Would it be better to get a 3 column theme and totally adjust it myself?
Thank you, well if you go to – I am using the Choc theme (as a basis) and will be totally customising this.
16 years, 4 months ago
So how would I go about creating this? (i.e: the width of the sidebar) where do I set that?
Any idea how I would go about implementing something like this?
Well, if you go to you will see the “featured post” is longer (in width) then the “recent posts”.
On my blog, the featured post will be the most recent one, whilst “recent posts” I want to be archived ones.