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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: iG:Syntax Hiliter Plugin
    Thread Starter Amit Gupta



    Is there a way to make the text smaller? Please provide guide ??

    can you read? just above your post I’ve told about the file which should be edited for all styling etc.!! c’mon man, look around!! ?? ??

    looks like a bugger, I still haven’t gotten time to look into it. holidays coming around at the end of this month, maybe I’ll get a day to look at my list & sneak in an update. ??


    Same Problem here, I’m not using the WYSIWYG-Editor and the Buttons are not visible in 2.0.4

    seriously now, have you bothered to look at the Manual? please look into the Quicktags section of it where you’ll find nice & easy to read & easy to follow instructions to make the buttons appear on your editor screen. ??


    having a problem with the line numbers:

    as you can see its just putting >> in there!!!

    yeah well, your theme’s the culprit here having applied that image on all Ordered Lists, so ofcourse the hiliter’s code box list will also be effected. just modify the hiliter’s css file(look for the path in my last post above) & add in a rule for OL’s in the hiliter box to not have images but numbers.


    I’ve downloaded the plugin, uploaded it to my server and every time i try to “Activate” the plugin it just gives me a blank white page. and every other wp-admin page is just white. I have to delete the plugin from the plugins folder to get my wp-admin back.
    Has anyone else had that problem? I’m running WP 2.0.3

    I haven’t got this problem & don’t remember anyone reporting it. why not unzip the package & start over again, this time following the instructions word-to-word? if it still doesn’t works, then maybe you’d like to list out which plugins you are using & I’ll have a look. this still seems a bit doubtful scenario as I don’t think my plugin is affected by any other plugin’s existence.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: iG:Syntax Hiliter Plugin
    Thread Starter Amit Gupta



    However, I just can’t see anything to use for code when I go to write a post – nothing (except the usual visual editor menu etc). What should I be seeing that will allow me to write code in my post?

    read the manual please. the code tags that you can use is mentioned there & so is the way to put up quicktags for the code tags.


    i have this all integrated, is there a way to make it set a width limit on the code highlight, or set the font size?


    Is there a way to reduce the line height of the code ?
    Right now I have HUGE line spacing in my codebox

    the “css/syntax_hilite_css.css” file is the one you should be editing


    I’m using word press 2.04 and trying to get the buttons to show up in the editor, but having no luck with the instructions provided in the manual.

    did you also see in the manual that its written that it won’t work with the WYSIWYG editor? if you are not using that & still you are unable to get the quicktags going after following the instructions in the manual to the point, then maybe you’d like to elaborate a bit more what you did. ??


    When I put ampersands in my code in the comments, it changes them to escaped ampersands. It doesn’t seem to do that in the main post.

    hmm, not sure but I think that’s WP’s doing. I’ll check it. ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: iG:Syntax Hiliter Plugin
    Thread Starter Amit Gupta



    every time I activate a plugin (iG:Syntax Hiliter or another one) I lose all my iG:Syntax Hiliter settings. I think it’s a bug in the igSynHilite_Install function.

    I don’t think so!! I’ve got it installed as well on WP2.0.2 & I haven’t experienced it. Maybe something else is responsible for your settings overwrite, because by default, the install function does not set the default values if it finds values in the DB & the override parameter is not set to TRUE which is done only on the “Restore Settings” button’s click.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: iG:Syntax Hiliter Plugin
    Thread Starter Amit Gupta


    If I have [mysql] as a text, which is NOT a tag, how should I do? Is there any escape character? Or can I disable it in a post?

    No, there’s no escape character & you can’t disable it in the post as well. But you needn’t worry since if you don’t have [/mysql] as well in the post, iG:Syntax Hiliter won’t come into action. There has to be both an opening & a closing tag for the plugin to parse anything!! ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: iG:Syntax Hiliter Plugin
    Thread Starter Amit Gupta



    I have inserted a temporary hack into syntax_hilite.php for fixing my problem (i.e. do some string replacements). It’s dirty, but it works.

    pretty cool!! ??

    BTW, your plugin is the only code hiliter I have found that actually works as it should. Well done!

    thanks!! ?? the thing is that I made this plugin for my own use, not with the intention of releasing it publicly. so one generally makes things good & useable if its for oneself, hence everyone else reap the benefits as well!! ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: iG:Syntax Hiliter Plugin
    Thread Starter Amit Gupta


    thanks for reporting, its already been reported though!! ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: hosting wordpress??

    Or if you want to host the blogs yourself, you should look into WordPressMU.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: iG:Syntax Hiliter Plugin
    Thread Starter Amit Gupta


    umm, sorry for not being around to answer questions, I’ve been in a sort of semi-hibernation for sometime now(been quite busy with other stuff), not much online activity like working on this plugin. quite possible the situation may remain so for sometime more.


    Is there a way of using HTML entities in code and have it translated before presentation?
    I cannot use the real < and > characters since WordPress will mistake them for XHTML tags and modify case, insert closing tags, etc…

    well, that shouldn’t be a problem if you turn off the option that allows WP to fix invalid xHTML!! ?? that would ofcourse mean that you should either stop caring too much or write valid xHTML. but this is not the ideal way for many a users.

    so far, I’ve avoided having the post/comment being altered before its saved in the database. so the plugin has been just parsing the stuff that comes from the database. I’ll look into it & see if there’s some ideal solution.


    Is there a way to adjust the maximum height of the code box ?

    if you meant the min-height & max-height then yes you can use them but remember that they are not supported by all browsers. however as you updated, you were only after a fixed height, so there, no problem.

    The rest was handled pretty nicely by emilast & Rok, thanks guys!! ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: iG:Syntax Hiliter Plugin
    Thread Starter Amit Gupta


    How can change the default width of the box the code lands in?

    there’s “syntax_hilite_css.css” file for that in the CSS folder. open that & edit away. be sure not to mess around since you are on your own in that case!! ??

    as for your other problem, I’ll look into it to see if there’s a fix available!! ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: iG:Syntax Hiliter Plugin
    Thread Starter Amit Gupta


    Robert, that’s not a bug as per my knowledge. Its a problem with CSS & which only you can fix since its dependent on the theme being used on a blog!! ??

    what do you mean horizontal scrollbar is not appearing? it appears by default, unless you change the plugin CSS.

    you do mean a horizontal scrollbar like the one in the codeboxes here, right?

    try out iG:Syntax Hiliter, supports many languages along with XML, and yeah, its my plugin!! ??

    yeah, a bit more info on the version of WordPress you are installing, the PHP version, type of server etc. is always helpful to those who try to give/suggest solutions.

    and did you try the suggestion that I gave you above?

    Is WordPress giving you a error back?

    there might be a PHP error which might not be displayed if the error reporting is turned off!!

    barbfree, no point in fretting. you started your support thread barely 2 days back. the people who provide support here are volunteers who donate their time & skills to a software and community they like and support. they are not being paid for their efforts, so behaving as if the people here are responsible to solve your problems, well, that’s not a good thing to do. if you want accountability etc. then either hire a developer who knows WordPress inside out or look for a paid solution like MovableType!!

    so stop behaving childishly, every software has its problems and shortcomings, none is free of them since we don’t live in a perfect world. ??

    also, it helps others to know what version of WordPress you are using, along with the PHP version & if you can, the host you are hosting with. this kind of information increases the probability of getting a quick response, instead of just posting that you are having an X problem!!

    and I’ve replied to your support thread, see if it leads to anything further!! ??

    check your default email account to see whether the emails the wordpress sent bounced or not.

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