Please let me know how do I add images to the product. Here how I am doing. May be there is a problem.
Here is my environment:
WordPress – Version 3.5.1
WP e-Commerce – Version
WP e-Commerce Dynamic Gallery LITE – Version
Steps – Add Images to Product
1. From the product page, click Add Media.
2. A3 Dynamic Image Gallery activated options checked and an image displayed to add the image.
3. Click that image and pop up window appears.
4. From the option From Computer – add images from computer.
5. Come to Product Image Gallery and the same images will be displayed.
6. Put the orders in the text boxes under Actions column.
7. Click on Save all changes button.
8. Close the popup.
9. Back in the product page no images appear.
10. Click on Update button.
11. Uncheck and check the option A3 Dynamic Image Gallery activated. Now the images displayed.
12. Again click on the Update button. Images disappears.
13. Click on Preview Changes. Images are displayed in the product page. But gallery is not working.
Please let me know what is wrong. I will be waiting for the reply.
Thanks & Regards.