Forum Replies Created
Same issue, reverting WordPress to 6.3.2 (from 6.4.1) fixed.
- This reply was modified 1 year ago by Alicia.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Yoast Meta description box not showingThe meta description and title box is displaying normally in Gutenberg editor, but broken in classic editor – which a lot of people still use.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Stream] alert : impossible to add/edit alertsThis is happening to me as well.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YITH Live Chat] “You are offline” Message when trying to connectI am having the same issue. This was set up and functioning for me before.
I receive these console errors on this page – /admin.php?page=yith_live_chat am trying to evaluate the free version to decide on the pro upgrade.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Show the latest image attachments from specific pagesI adjusted your code above to get only attachments from the specified posts – you have to use post ID instead of slugs.
<?php // IDs of posts $pages = array( 189, 2, 12 ); // Get attachments that have parent from posts array, limit to 5. $args = array( 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'numberposts' => 5, 'post_parent' => $pages, 'order_by' => 'post_date' ); $images = get_posts($args); if ( !empty($images) ) { foreach ($images AS $image) { ?> <img src="<?php echo $image->guid; ?>" width="300"/><?php echo $image->post_date; ?><br/> <?php } } else { print('<li>' . __('There are no recent images.') . '</li>'); } ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Gallery] Conflict with WP HelpThis update fixed it, thanks so much!!! ??
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: dropdownI think you need to add your user to each of the blogs to get them to show up in that dropdown.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sort by Custom Post & DateAdd two functions to function.php:
function home_modify_query( $query ) { if ( is_home() ) { $query->set( 'meta_key', 'zip_code' ); $query->set( 'orderby', 'meta_value' ); $query->set( 'order', 'ASC' ); } return $query; } add_filter('pre_get_posts','home_modify_query'); function sort_posts_orderby( $orderby ) { if ( is_home() ) { $orderby = 'wp_postmeta.meta_value ASC, wp_posts.post_date DESC'; return $orderby; } } add_filter( 'posts_orderby', 'sort_posts_orderby' );
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to change what Facebook displays when I link my siteFacebook reads open graph meta tags, and there are a number of plugins that let you control what images + text are shared on Facebook. One of these will probably work for you: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Help with Combining categories -refine searchThis function makes WordPress accept multiple categories in the URL by separating them with a space or ‘+’:
function custom_category_search_logic( $query ) { if ( ! isset( $query->query_vars[ 'category_name' ] ) ) return $query; // split cat query on a space to get IDs separated by '+' in URL $cats = explode( ' ', $query->query_vars[ 'category_name' ] ); if ( count( $cats ) > 1 ) { unset( $query->query_vars[ 'category_name' ] ); $query->query_vars[ 'category__and' ] = $cats; } return $query; } add_action( 'parse_request', 'custom_category_search_logic', 11 );
Then the url to pull up ‘places’ in ‘Dublin’ would be
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: display the featured image only in first page.You just need to verify that it’s the first page before displaying the thumbnail. This should work in your page template:
<?php global $page; if ($page == 1) { the_post_thumbnail( 'single-post-thumbnail' ); } ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Credit] Credit Update in PostYes
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: user_register hookYou need to also pass the user ID along w/ the field you want to update – this should work.
function get_new_nicename($user_id){ wp_update_user( array ( 'ID' => $user_id, 'user_nicename' => $user_id) ) ; } add_action('user_register','get_new_nicename',10);
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FooTable] Stopping the plugin from loading on all pages.You may also need to remove the inline footable initialization script, I did, this is how:
add_action('wp', 'remove_footable_init'); function remove_footable_init() { if ( !is_page() ) { global $FooTable; remove_action( 'wp_head', array( $FooTable, 'inline_dynamic_js') ); } }
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: embed date into post which is X days from current datereturn date('F jS, Y', strtotime("+7 day"))