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  • Plugin Author Amazon Associates Link Builder


    Dear @nicolaottomano,

    This issue is thrown by cron job which updates the cache. This issue can occur if any of the tracking id configured for a marketplace in past has been deleted later from the setting page of the plugin, but the tracking id is still present in some of your post.

    Please configure your tracking ids correctly on your setting page of plugin.

    Plugin Author Amazon Associates Link Builder


    Since we didn’t get any response from you, we hope that your problem is resolved. Please feel free to reopen the thread with details asked in the last comment in case of the issue still persists.

    Plugin Author Amazon Associates Link Builder


    Since we didn’t get any response from you, we hope that your problem is resolved. Please feel free to reopen the thread in case of the issue still persists.

    Plugin Author Amazon Associates Link Builder


    Dear @ianmanderson,

    Please go through screenshots of amazon-associates-link-builder page (last 8 screenshots) to know how to use the plugin in Gutenberg editor.

    Please not that some of the plugin’s editor script may get blocked by Ad blocker while creating/editing a post.
    You can verify by checking your browser logs.
    Steps to get the console logs:
    Open the Console window in Chrome using Ctrl + Shift + J (or Cmd + Opt + J on Mac).
    To use Amazon Associates link Builder, please disable ad blocker while creating/editing post.

    Please follow this instruction given in this link to disable ad blocker –

    Plugin Author Amazon Associates Link Builder


    Dear @salesprodomains,

    We are doing analysis to see if it is possible to assign those incorrect tag attribution(with ‘amp;’) with correct ones.

    Regarding the release on January 29, it was rolled back within 6 hours and was informed on release post to rollback to 1.8.0 v1-9-0-of-plugin-released (Replies got removed by one moderator after 5 days).

    Plugin Author Amazon Associates Link Builder


    Dear all,

    We have fixed this issue and released v1.9.2. Very sincere apologies for this inconvenience.

    Plugin Author Amazon Associates Link Builder


    Dear all,

    Sincere apologies for this, We are working on to fix this issue.
    You can use wp-rollback to rollback to v1.8.0 till we fix this.

    Plugin Author Amazon Associates Link Builder


    Dear @rayalvim,

    Some of the plugin’s editor script may get blocked by Ad blocker while creating/editing a post.
    You can verify by checking your browser logs.
    Steps to get the console logs:
    Open the Console window in Chrome using Ctrl + Shift + J (or Cmd + Opt + J on Mac).
    To use Amazon Associates link Builder, please disable ad blocker while creating/editing post.

    Please follow this instruction given in this link to disable ad blocker –

    Plugin Author Amazon Associates Link Builder


    Dear @chiccodimaria,

    Please share following details to help us debug the issue :

    1. Browser version on which you are facing the issue.
    2. Does the issue occur on all browsers or only a specific browser?
    3. PHP version (You can use plugins like display PHP version that display your PHP version on the WordPress dashboard)
    4. WordPress version
    5. PHP error logs (if any)
    6. List of plugins installed on your system
    7. Operating system

    Plugin Author Amazon Associates Link Builder


    Dear @taisa1984,

    Sincere apologies for the delayed response.

    Please make sure that you have entered your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key correctly and without any additional spaces.

    In case you are calling the Product Advertising-API (PA-API) for a marketplace different from the one you have registered for PA-API, do the following:

    Check that you are registered as an associate / affiliate in the locale for which you are making the request. On this page you can see a list of the different locales of the Amazon Associates Program. You have to be signed up to each one you want to access through PA-API, and your application has to be approved. If it has not been approved yet, you can ask for a PA-API exception following the indications on the local Associates Central page.
    Also make sure you have signed up for PA-API usage with every account by logging into the local Associates Central page and visiting its dedicated PA-API page. If the Join button appears greyed out, please check if you are signed in as the account’s primary user and if the application for your associate account has already been approved.
    If you have created accounts with separate email addresses, add the email address used for creating the PA-API account as a primary email to your existing Amazon Associates account from which you are trying to call PA-API. i.e. if you have generated PA-API credentials from a US Affiliate account with the primary email address as [email protected], and you want to access PA-API from DE account, add [email protected] as the primary email address for DE affiliate account. For more help on changing the primary owners, please refer to this link.
    If on the on the PA-API page of the relevant marketplace’s Associates Central there is a “Migrate” button showing, we recommend to use it to migrate your PA-API access from AWS to Associates Central. This will generate a new pair of credential that you should then use for your PA-API access. In case the “Migrate” button appears greyed out, please check if you are signed in as the account’s primary user and if the application for your associate account has already been approved.

    In the case the above doesn’t help or you are using PA-API from the same primary email address, do the following:

    Using your access key & secret key credentials, please check if you can get results from ItemSearchAPI on Product Advertising API scratch pad. (Don’t forget to set the marketplace at the top to the one you are registered as an associate.).
    If the above gives an error message, follow the troubleshooting procedure link in the error message shown on PAAPI scratch-pad and share the results with us.
    If the above doesn’t solve your issue, please create a new thread with the title starting with [PA-API Credentials Issue].

    I am registered for multiple affiliate programmes in the UK, US, IT, DE etc. However, the plugin only allows a single key to be used. So in this situation how do I get the link builder to link to multiple affiliate accounts where they use different access keys?

    You can use the same PA-API keys across US, CA, MX, BR, ES, FR, IT, DE, IN & UK, if you have signed up to these locales and your application has been approved. In case one of your Amazon Associates accounts is under a different email address from the one which you have registered for PA-API, do the following:

    “If you already have an active Amazon Associates account, please add the email address used for creating the PA API account as a primary email to your existing Amazon Associates account. Once the email address is added successfully, you will be able to continue accessing the PA API. For more help on changing the primary owners, please refer to this link for detailed instructions.”

    Plugin Author Amazon Associates Link Builder


    Regarding the jQuery script,

    That is for the case if you have created custom templates from Carousel template.

    If you are using only the default templates or not using any custom template then it won’t affect.

    Plugin Author Amazon Associates Link Builder


    Dear @chiccodimaria,

    Some of the editor script might be getting blocked by adblockers, Please try to search by disabling adblockers on the edit page.

    Please share browser console log if this issue still not get solve by disabling adblocker on gutenberg editor page.

    Steps to get the console logs:

    Open the Console window in Chrome using Ctrl + Shift + J (or Cmd + Opt + J on Mac) Follow this for reference.
    Hit the Save button and check the console log errors
    Send us the screenshot of console log as it is by sharing them using any 3rd party image sharing tool.

    Plugin Author Amazon Associates Link Builder


    Dear @delizard,

    The most probable reason for this is the javascript file getting blocked by AdBlockers, please try to fill settings details and add shortcode after disabling adblocker.

    If issue still does not get solved, Please share the following details to help us to debug the issue:

    1. Browser version on which you are facing the issue.
    2. Does the issue occur on all browsers or only a specific browser?
    3. PHP version (You can use plugins like display PHP version that display your PHP version on the WordPress dashboard)
    4. WordPress version
    5. PHP error logs
    6. List of plugins installed on your system
    7. Operating System version(OS version).
    8 Browser console log error generated at the time of the error. Steps to get the console logs:

    Open the Console window in Chrome using Ctrl + Shift + J (or Cmd + Opt + J on Mac) Follow this for reference.
    Hit the Save button and check the console log errors
    Send us the screenshot of console log as it is by sharing them using any 3rd party image sharing tool.

    Plugin Author Amazon Associates Link Builder


    Dear @chiccodimaria,

    We released v1.9.0 of the plugin today and would appreciate your feedback on this change. The release includes:

    • Added Product Advertising API (PA-API) response caching feature. This feature will prevent PA-API throttle by caching PA-API response and updating the cache asynchronously.
    • Added support for Gutenberg editor. We have been working hard to restore the AALB plugin functionality since the launch of Gutenberg editor by WordPress.

    Important Notes :

    If you use any of the default templates provided by the plugin in the Gutenberg editor, they will continue to work just fine. Further, all custom templates (with the sole exception of custom templates extended from the ProductCarousel template) will also continue to work fine. Due to a technical challenge introduced by the Gutenberg editor, any custom template you created by extending the ProductCarousel template will not work unless you make the following change.

    Here’s what you need to do to ensure any custom templates extended from the ProductCarousel continue to work in the Gutenberg editor.

    1. Update the plugin to version 1.9.0
    2. Look within the code for the custom ProductCarousel template to find the jQuery script which is located at the bottom of the template code and replace it with the following code snippet.

     * jCarouselLite - v1.1 - 2014-09-28
     * Copyright (c) 2014 Ganeshji Marwaha
     * Licensed MIT (
    !function(a){a.jCarouselLite={version:"1.1"},a.fn.jCarouselLite=function(b){return b=a.extend({},a.fn.jCarouselLite.options,b||{}),this.each(function(){function c(a){return n||(clearTimeout(A),z=a,b.beforeStart&&,i()),b.circular?j(a):k(a),m({start:function(){n=!0},done:function(){b.afterEnd&&,i()),,n=!1}}),b.circular||l()),!1}function d(){if(n=!1,o=b.vertical?"top":"left",p=b.vertical?"height":"width",q=B.find(">ul"),r=q.find(">li"),x=r.size(),w=lt(x,b.visible)?x:b.visible,b.circular){var c=r.slice(x-w).clone(),d=r.slice(0,w).clone();q.prepend(c).append(d),b.start+=w}s=a("li",q),y=s.size(),z=b.start}function e(){B.css("visibility","visible"),s.css({overflow:"hidden","float":b.vertical?"none":"left"}),q.css({margin:"0",padding:"0",position:"relative","list-style":"none","z-index":"1"}),B.css({overflow:"hidden",position:"relative","z-index":"2",left:"0px"}),!b.circular&&b.btnPrev&&0==b.start&&a(b.btnPrev).addClass("disabled")}function f(){t=b.vertical?s.outerHeight(!0):s.outerWidth(!0),u=t*y,v=t*w,s.css({width:s.width(),height:s.height()}),q.css(p,u+"px").css(o,-(z*t)),B.css(p,v+"px")}function g(){b.btnPrev&&a(b.btnPrev).click(function(){return c(z-b.scroll)}),b.btnNext&&a(b.btnNext).click(function(){return c(z+b.scroll)}),b.btnGo&&a.each(b.btnGo,function(d,e){a(e).click(function(){return c(b.circular?w+d:d)})}),b.mouseWheel&&B.mousewheel&&B.mousewheel(function(a,d){return c(d>0?z-b.scroll:z+b.scroll)}),}function h(){A=setTimeout(function(){c(z+b.scroll)},} function lt(a,b){return a<b;} function gt(a, b) { return a>b;} function i(){return s.slice(z).slice(0,w)}function j(a){var c;a<=b.start-w-1?(c=a+x+b.scroll,q.css(o,-(c*t)+"px"),z=c-b.scroll):a>=y-w+1&&(c=a-x-b.scroll,q.css(o,-(c*t)+"px"),z=c+b.scroll)}function k(a){0>a?z=0:a>y-w&&(z=y-w)}function l(){a(b.btnPrev+","+b.btnNext).removeClass("disabled"),a(z-lt(b.scroll,0)&&b.btnPrev||z+gt(b.scroll, y)-w&&b.btnNext||[]).addClass("disabled")}function m(c){n=!0,q.animate("left"==o?{left:-(z*t)}:{top:-(z*t)},a.extend({duration:b.speed,easing:b.easing},c))}var n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,A,B=a(this);d(),e(),f(),g()})},a.fn.jCarouselLite.options={btnPrev:null,btnNext:null,btnGo:null,mouseWheel:!1,auto:null,speed:200,easing:null,vertical:!1,circular:!0,visible:3,start:0,scroll:1,beforeStart:null,afterEnd:null}}(jQuery);

    If you face any issues with this upgrade of the plugin please do post on the forum and share your experience, we hope you find these updates useful.

    Plugin Author Amazon Associates Link Builder


    Currently work in progress to support Gutenberg. Resolving it for now as we’re aware of the requests.
    We will include in official plugin notes when Gutenberg support is released.

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