Forum Replies Created
I was having the same trouble as missveronica. The steps above resolved the problems for me.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Edit Flow] Publish button missing@crystalmcc. When you have a theme or plugin acting strangely, it is very frequently a conflict between your theme or plugin and another. One of the very first steps is to deactivate other plugins, including the one you are having trouble with. There are two approaches to doing this that I have found helpful.
1) Deactivate all of them and then activate one at a time.
2) Think back to any recent updates prior to the problem. Deactivate those first and then retest.Over many years of using WordPress, I have identified countless problems this way.
The next thing is to make sure all of your plugins are being actively developed. Often we use free plugins and then the developer discontinues developing. I have no problem using free plugins when they are available, but just know that it is important to keep current plugins. Often, it is old code that conflicts with newer code.
That’s my two cents.
Do you want to change the text “Leave a Reply”? or remove the text? or remove the comments altogether?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Installation Running Extremely SlowHello dhobeika. Yes, your initial load is slow.
First, I would check an plugins. Any plugin that refers to another site or is coded to login to another site may be causing your problem. Try to remove highly probably plugins first.
Another thing I try is to reinstall my database. Once in a while, I will create a new database. Do a backup and then restore to the new db. Change my wp-config. php file. Then I throw away the old database (once I’ve checked things out.) I also know there is a plugin to clean up the database. I don’t remember what it is, but your database accumulates junk, just like your physical computer drive does.
Here is another link that might give you more information.
https://bit.ly/js5rgW. That’s not my website, but it is one that gives me good tips.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Wordbooker getting error; can't resolveOk, ok. When I re-installed, I had failed to click: Publish Posts by non Wordbooker users.
I selected that option. It looks like the errors are gone now. Sheesh! 3 hours for that little thing.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: your blog -> facebook fan pageThat may be a problem with the version. In other words the plugin may be out of date with the current WordPress.
Facebook made some design changes fairly recently as well, so that may be causing some of the problems.
However, there is another plugin called WordBooker (I think) that works as well. You may see which one works better for you. Then disable and delete the other.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: your blog -> facebook fan pageYes. You can do that.
You will need “WordBook” plugin and the Networked Blog app in Facebook, and, of course, a Facebook fan page set up.
Here is a great article that will walk you through it:
https://www.cravingtech.com/auto-post-wordpress-to-facebook-fan-page.htmlHere is one of my facebook fan page that includes it.
https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Living-Garden/162647940413315?v=app_9953271133&ref=sgmForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't get my video link to work!If you have a programmer, he may have a specific program (php file) that looks at the title and then pulls the correct video.
You probably need to ask him why the videos links are not working.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages and linksThat seems to apply to the step 4.
I’m guessing that there is a setting in the theme or a widget is not placed in the “sidebar”
I could probably take a look, but you would need to contact me through by contact page on my zendesk website. (Click on my profile.) You don’t want to put contact information in your blog posts.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't get my video link to work!Is this a link to a specific video or to a specific video page (or post)?
If it is going to a specific video, the extension should be something with a .mp4 or .flv or some other video extension.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Create Digital downloads from Flash filesThis is not a plugin, but I love to use e-junkie to do all of my digital downloads. They have the ability to limit number of downloads and the length of time. The e-junkie product code can be put directly in the html of any blog.
That’s my recommendation.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pasting Content Causes System to Freeze UpI can’t tell from your comment whether you are using the visual tab or the HTML tab (to the top-right of the post edit area). I suggest using the HTML tab. Then copy that text straight from the html to notepad, and then from notepad to the new html window.
I use notepad (or some other text editor) not WORD, because Word seems to add it’s own html code. A text editor will not.
After pasting into the new html window, you can then click the visual tab to see it in the WYSIWYG editor.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Fatal Errorthlushko,
I worked on an issue almost identical to this last night. Look at the last three posts on this issue. See if that will resolve the problem. Try esmi’s method first. If that doesn’t work, try my longer method, but one or the other should work.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Domain Mapping – UpgradesAgreed. That’s why we need to see the URL, to be sure we are understanding.
It sounds like you are trying to move FROM being hosted on WordPress.com TO a hosting environment.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages and linksEasy to do.
In the Dashboard, click on Appearance->Menus
There are three (maybe four) things you need to worry about.
1) Theme Locations
2) Menus
3) Menu Items
4) The menu widget in one of your sidebars.From what I see, you may not have any menu widget created, so menu may be picking up the default categories. We’ll address that in the last step.
1) First, create a Menu (top right of the menus page). If you don’t have a menu already, click the + symbol. Enter a menu name (this is for your reference, but the name will not show to users). Click the save button. (Click the save button after any changes.)
2) Now, add menu items to the menu. Do that by selecting the category or pages and the click add to menu. Add as many as you want. Then you can organize the menu items by clicking each item and sliding it up or down. So, you will want to create a menu item using the “Collections” category. If the category is not named collections, that’s ok. You can click the little down-arrow. Then you can edit the name of the menu item. (Remember to save the menu.)
Now add whatever other menu items you want under that menu item. BUT, you can pull the menu item to the right just a little bit. That will tell the menus that you want it to be a drop-down under Collections. Those items can be categories, pages, or even custom links to wherever you want on your site or on the internet. Once you have moved (to the right) any items you want listed as a drop-down menu, click the save menu button.
3) Different themes allow different menu locations. It appears that your theme supports at least two positions. The menu at the top-right and the main menu. Under the Theme Location menu, there will be a menu probably called “Primary Navigation” and “Secondary Navigation” or something like that. Each will have a drop-down. You need to select the new menu in the drop-down of either the primary or secondary navigation.
4) The final step is to make sure that the menu widget is put in the correct sidebar. This may be automatic depending on your theme. Also, your theme may have special settings whether you are using the primary or secondary navigation. Again, those would be specific to the theme. Probably the company that produces the theme will have a forum to help you, if this doesn’t make the menus show up correctly.