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  • Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Review my photoblog

    looks pretty good… too bad I dont speak spanish. ??
    I like the random pictures on the side…

    I also like your main blog again too bad I dont read spanish too well… well actually at all. ??

    Good work!

    About the columns… it wasnt that they werent spaced properly… it was that they werent even side by side… they were positioned vertically instead of horizontally. Of course by that I mean the categories & archives were positioned on the page and then below that there was the links… whereas in FF they were positioned side by side… I will change my alterations back and take a screenshot if you wish… I will post back with a link to the pics later (when I am not at University).

    About the validation… I seem to have everything working properly now… It appears the only thing that failed was the search form… (discussed above).

    Hope you had a good trip abroad! (wherever it was)

    Well… I seem to have a lot of fun talking to myself in here… I managed to fix the problem…

    <form method="get" id="search" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
    <input name="s" id="s" type="text" value="" />
    <input name="submit" value="Find it!" type="submit" class="button" id="searchbutton" />

    Should be:
    <form method="get" id="search" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
    <div><input name="s" id="s" type="text" value="" />
    <input name="submit" value="Find it!" type="submit" class="button" id="searchbutton" />

    Before anyone jumps on me saying “please post your form code you noob…”

    Here it is… sorry I forgot it ??

    <form method="get" id="search" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
    <input name="s" id="s" type="text" value="" />
    <input name="submit" value="Find it!" type="submit" class="button" id="searchbutton" />

    I am trying to validate your template… but for some reason the search form does not seem to want to validate. If I surround the <input> tags with <div> elements, it will validate, but then (of course) it messes up the layout…

    Is there something I am missing when trying to validate this layout.

    NB: I am obviously not trying to validate the tamplate, I am trying to ensure my page is valid code… and the template is causing a failed attempt.

    Here is a link to my page:

    Here is a link to my validator page:

    Just a suggestion… when you are updating your theme is it possible to put somewhere what version it is and maybe a revision history? The version history is maybe not as important… I dont know if you even want to do this but it might allow ppl to know they have the latest version (or not).

    Wicked layout… btw the sidebar “col” class doesnt work in IE like you have it layed out (i had to change it to be a left floated div and a right floated div and I also had to widen the sidebar to allow for the links and categoreis to be side by side) I dont know why IE didnt like what was going on there… but it works fine now as far as i can tell.

    The version doesnt have to be listed in the theme itself… maybe just on your site next to the link for the theme.

    Yeah… its funny, I was actually just loggin in to post that I figured it out… I never thought to go look in the CSS I just assumed you would have defined it a little less stringently… ??

    Thanks for the help though I appreciate it!

    LOVE the theme!

    Will have fun playing with it and seeing how badly I can break it ??

    Yeah I know the wp_list_cats doesnt utilise the current page item class thingey… thats why I had to do an if/else statement… It works on a theme I have been using lately, just not on yours for some reason…. maybe it is just too crappy of a hack to actually be supposed to be working in the first place… I just want to be able to have a link to an archive (when it is listed in the nav bar) highlited when I am lookin at whatever page it is…

    Thanks for the help!

    I am trying to add an item to the navigation bar in the header… (I asked this question in the other thread b4 it was closed)… I am inserting the following code into the appropriate area and it does not seem to work… any ideas??

    <?php if (is_category('7')) { ?>
    <span class="current_page_item">
    <?php wp_list_cats('child_of=4'); ?>
    <?php } else { ?>
    <?php wp_list_cats('child_of=4'); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    I know its ugly, but it works in my other template… just for some reason this theme does not like it… It will not assign “current_page_item” to the link.

    Any advice would be appreciated… Thanks!!

    The code above is placed directly after the call to wp_list_pages and before the </ul> in the header file…

    Theme looks good!! I just have a question regarding the conditional formatting of it (I left a comment on your site about it which you can delete if you want… sorry ’bout that). Do you have some type of support for it? I didnt know if I should post it here or not, so I am not… for now.


    I think the colors were just to distinguish the different areas of the theme… (i hope)

    Anyway, if you look through the theme depository in the codex area…

    You need to scroll down about 3/4 of the way untill you get to the three column section… there should be something that should satisfy your needs there. I know I have seen something like that.

    I am sorry I cannot help you… I have never used that plugin, I just figured it might work for you. I hope you figure out what you are trying to do.

    Why not just put the two ([D] and [CH]) into two different sub-categories? Then assign different icons to each sub-cat… wouldn’t that work for ya?

    I wonder if this plugin might help you…

    I dont use it but it appears to be what you are looking for?
    Hope it helps!

    if you want to remove them go into footer.php in your template directory and remove the link… as far as the ones after each post… I would think you would need to go into the function call and edit that…

    But are you sure you want to do this? What if you have a visitor that wants an rss feed for your page???

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