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  • Thread Starter alphamobility


    You are correct, the plugin “YITH Purchased Column for WooCommerce” is blocking it.
    Once deactivated there is no problem anymore.

    Thread Starter alphamobility


    On the 3 sites that I updated the option disappeared from the “Screen Options”


    On the site I did not updated it is still here.

    Very strange.


    Got it working… I just needed to think a little bit. ??

    Thanks for your excellent plugin.

    Working now…

    add_action( 'wpo_wcpdf_before_order_details', 'tracking_display_in_invoice', 0, 4 );
     * Display shipment info in PDF Invoices & Packing slips.
     * @version 1.6.8
     * @param WC_Order $order         Order object.
     * Plugin -
    function tracking_display_in_invoice($template_type, $order){
    /** Remove this comment if you don't want to display tracking information in invoice PDF
    		if($template_type == 'invoice' )return;
    	/** Remove this comment if you don't want to display tracking information in packing slip PDF
    		if($template_type == 'packing-slip' )return;
    	if($template_type == 'proforma' )return;
    	if($template_type == 'credit-note')return;
    	$order_id = is_callable( array( $order, 'get_id' ) ) ? $order->get_id() : $order->id;
    	$wast = WC_Advanced_Shipment_Tracking_Actions::get_instance();
    	$tracking_items = $wast->get_tracking_items( $order_id, true );
    		$tracking_info_settings = get_option('tracking_info_settings');
    		$provider_header_text = $wast->get_option_value_from_array('tracking_info_settings','provider_header_text', '' );
    		$tracking_number_header_text = $wast->get_option_value_from_array('tracking_info_settings','tracking_number_header_text',  '' );
    		$shipped_date_header_text = $wast->get_option_value_from_array('tracking_info_settings','shipped_date_header_text',  '' );
    		$show_track_label = $tracking_info_settings['show_track_label'];
    		$remove_date_from_tracking_info = $tracking_info_settings['remove_date_from_tracking'];
    		$track_header_text = $wast->get_option_value_from_array('tracking_info_settings','track_header_text', '' );
    		$display_thumbnail = $tracking_info_settings['display_shipment_provider_image'];
    		if($tracking_info_settings['header_text_change']){ $shipment_tracking_header = $tracking_info_settings['header_text_change']; } else{ $shipment_tracking_header = "Tracking Information"; }
    		<h2 class="header_text"><?php echo apply_filters( 'woocommerce_shipment_tracking_my_orders_title', __( $shipment_tracking_header, 'woo-advanced-shipment-tracking' ) ); ?></h2><br/>
    		<table class="order-details">
    					<th class=""><?php _e( $provider_header_text, 'woo-advanced-shipment-tracking' ); ?></th>
    					<th class=""><?php _e( $tracking_number_header_text, 'woo-advanced-shipment-tracking' ); ?></th>
    					<?php if($remove_date_from_tracking_info != 1){ ?>
    					<th class="" style=""><span class="nobr"><?php _e( $shipped_date_header_text, 'woo-advanced-shipment-tracking' ); ?></span></th>
    						<?php }
    					<th class=""><?php if($show_track_label == 1){ _e( $track_header_text, 'woo-advanced-shipment-tracking' ); } ?></th>
    			foreach ( $tracking_items as $tracking_item ) {
    				$date_shipped = date("Y-m-d");
    					$date_shipped = $tracking_item['date_shipped'];
    				?><tr class="tracking">
    					<td class="">
    						global $wpdb;
    						$woo_shippment_table_name = wc_advanced_shipment_tracking()->table;
    						$shippment_provider = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM $woo_shippment_table_name WHERE provider_name='".$tracking_item['formatted_tracking_provider']."'" );
    						$custom_thumb_id = $shippment_provider['0']->custom_thumb_id;
    						if($custom_thumb_id == 0){
    							$src = wc_advanced_shipment_tracking()->plugin_dir_url()."assets/shipment-provider-img/".sanitize_title($tracking_item['formatted_tracking_provider']).".png";
    						} else{
    							$image_attributes = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $custom_thumb_id , array('60','60') );
    								$src = $image_attributes[0];
    							} else{
    								$src = wc_advanced_shipment_tracking()->plugin_dir_url()."assets/shipment-provider-img/icon-default.png";
    					if($display_thumbnail == 1){ ?>
    						<?php }
    						echo esc_html( $tracking_item['formatted_tracking_provider'] ); ?>
    					<td class="">
    						<?php echo esc_html( $tracking_item['tracking_number'] ); ?>
    					if($remove_date_from_tracking_info != 1){ ?>
    						<td class="">
    							<time datetime="<?php echo date( 'Y-m-d', $date_shipped ); ?>" title="<?php echo date( 'Y-m-d', $date_shipped ); ?>"><?php echo date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ), $date_shipped ); ?></time>
    					<?php } ?>
    					<td class="">
    							<?php $url = str_replace('%number%',$tracking_item['tracking_number'],$tracking_item['formatted_tracking_link']); ?>
    							<a href="<?php echo esc_url( $url ); ?>" target="_blank"><?php _e( 'Track', 'woo-advanced-shipment-tracking' ); ?></a>
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by alphamobility.

    Apparently my previous post didn’y work:

    We have similar issue on 2 updated sites.
    2 other non-updated sites are working fine.
    As soon as the tracking is entered the pdf generation will trigger an error.


    Fatal error: Class ‘wcast_initialise_customizer_settings’ not found
    /var/www/html/ : eval()’d code (37)
    #0 /var/www/html/ tracking_display_in_invoice()
    #1 /var/www/html/ WP_Hook->apply_filters()
    #2 /var/www/html/ WP_Hook->do_action()
    #3 /var/www/html/ do_action()
    #4 /var/www/html/ include(‘/var/www/html/a…’)
    #5 /var/www/html/ WPO\WC\PDF_Invoices\Documents\Order_Document->render_template()
    #6 /var/www/html/ WPO\WC\PDF_Invoices\Documents\Order_Document->get_html()
    #7 /var/www/html/ WPO\WC\PDF_Invoices\Documents\Order_Document->get_pdf()
    #8 /var/www/html/ WPO\WC\PDF_Invoices\Documents\Order_Document->output_pdf()
    #9 /var/www/html/ WPO\WC\PDF_Invoices\Main->generate_pdf_ajax()
    #10 /var/www/html/ WP_Hook->apply_filters()
    #11 /var/www/html/ WP_Hook->do_action()
    #12 /var/www/html/ do_action()
    #13 {main}`

    Thanks @zorem ,

    But this snippet crashes the site.

    I have to use the safe mode to deactivate the snippet


    Most likely CACHING ISSUE

    On Chrome, use “CLASSIC CACHE KILLER” extension it should work for you so you can login.

    Things that help with this issue
    – problem with your SALT keys in wp-config.php
    => try deleting them, see if it fixes problem
    => then update them
    – server cache needing purge
    – on Cloudflare / caching: reduce Browser Cache TTL to 5H and clear cache

    Thread Starter alphamobility


    OK thanks

    Thread Starter alphamobility


    Thanks Zorem,
    It works perfectly!

    Thread Starter alphamobility


    Thanks Zorem

    Thread Starter alphamobility


    Hi Zorem,

    This is very strange as even with the incognito window and on another browser, there is something wrong.

    To trigger the 2 fields entry I have to select another method then come back to NZ Courrier.

    Here is the video of it:

    Thank you very much

    Thread Starter alphamobility


    Thanks Zorem,

    I found it and updated but there is only 1 field for the tracking.
    I can’t find the second field for the product code.
    Do I need to activate the second field?

    Link generated by the plugin (does not work):

    Link needed with the product code to work (E20, E30…):

    Thanks Zorem

    Thread Starter alphamobility


    Thanks Zorem,
    I updated but can’t find NZCouriers.
    I can only see the one I created:


    What am I missing?


    Thread Starter alphamobility


    WOW, you’re efficient!

    Thanks a lot Zorem

    Hi cartpauj,

    Sorry if this is a bit off-topic but I cannot create a new topic for some reason?

    Thanks for your plugin “Login or Logout Menu Item”, I really like it.

    I just thought I would report a little issue that I had with “Login or Logout Menu Item” plugin.

    When used with the “Change wp-admin login” plugin it does automatically take into account the new login page established by “Change wp-admin login” in the settings, which is great.

    However when the frontend is reloaded the “login” link still points to “/wp-login” instead of the changed login link.

    Is there any way to fix this, please?

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