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  • allyn


    i was faced with a similar problem when i moved my home-grown blog into wordpress (~200 entries). i wrote a perl script that read in my blog entries (which were stored in a flat text file) and output the whole thing in xml such that it could be imported into wordpress using the wp-admin/import-rss.php procedure.

    if you have any familiarity with a text processing language (like perl) and your blog is well-formatted this might be a way to go.

    here’s the gist of the xml you’ll need at the start:
    <rss version=”2.0″ xmlns:dc=””&gt;

    then each post looks like this:
    <pubdate>$day $mon $year $hour:$min:00 +0000</pubdate>

    and then this goes at the end:

    how did you get keitaimail to work with 1.5? i was just trying it for a friend and ran into the following problems:
    class-xmlrpc.php was missing so i copied that from a 1.2 installation, but then i was getting an error with mimedecode that said something like “use of $this here is illegal” or something like that. so i gave up.

    any hints?

    Thread Starter allyn


    yes, i found this code in the page navigation:

    if ($pos = strpos(strtoupper($request), "LIMIT")) {
    $nxt_request = substr($request, 0, $pos);

    here’s a fix:

    if ($pos = strpos(strtoupper($request), " LIMIT ")) {
    $nxt_request = substr($request, 0, $pos+1);

    Thread Starter allyn


    i think it is my page navigation plugin, “page navigation 1.2” by GaMerZ.

    i use the wpblacklist plugin which is working pretty well for comments but i just got a bunch of trackback spam, which apparently doesn’t go through wpblacklist.

    is there a way to get wpblacklist to scan trackbacks?

    sounds like google only supports secure pop (port 995), and wordpress only supports regular pop (port 110).

    that makes gmail incompatible, at least until someone fixes wordpress.

    wordpress policy seems to be that a level N user can only edit/delete the comments from level N-1 user posts. this is probably why normally users are restricted to level 9 (so the admin user at level 10 can do anything).

    this doesn’t really make sense because a level N user can edit the contents of another level N user’s posts.

    anyway, the fix is to go through edit.php and edit-comments.php and change code that looks like this:
    ($user_level > $authordata->user_level)
    and add an = sign to make it look like this:
    ($user_level >= $authordata->user_level)

    if you have the wpblacklist plugin, you’ll also want to edit the wpblsearch.php and wpblmoderate.php files.

    ok, i figured this out.

    wordpress policy seems to be that a level N user can only edit/delete the comments from level N-1 user posts. this is probably why normally users are restricted to level 9 (so the admin user at level 10 can do anything).

    this doesn’t really make sense because a level N user can edit the contents of another level N user’s posts.

    anyway, the fix is to go through edit.php and edit-comments.php and change code that looks like this:
    ($user_level > $authordata->user_level)
    and add an = sign to make it look like this:
    ($user_level >= $authordata->user_level)

    if you have the wpblacklist plugin, you’ll also want to edit the wpblsearch.php and wpblmoderate.php files.

    with 1.2, the plugin gave me an apache internal server error from mobile browsers until i replaced this code:
    global $siteurl;
    $URL = $siteurl.'/wp-mobile.php?';


    $URL = get_settings('siteurl').'/wp-mobile.php?';

    i find that only user that created the post can delete comments in the control panel. even if all users are level 10.

    does anyone have a fix for this so any level 10 user can delete any comments?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Moblogging

    i’m using keitai mail. it is easily customizable.

    it was difficult to get working because of bugs in wordpress’ xmlrpc.php file. but i can’t blame that on keitai mail.

    the two bugs in xmlrpc.php are as follows:
    1. around line 1309, the print_r call is missing a “,1” second parameter. this causes the output to appear where the xmlrpc should be, causing keitai mail to believe the post has failed when it hasn’t.

    2. xmlrpc.php has trouble figuring out the time zone and correct UTC time offset. this causes posts to not appear for hours because they are timestamped in the future. so i commented out the timestamp voodoo that starts around line 1299 and replaced it with these two lines:
    $post_date = current_time("mysql");
    $post_date_gmt = current_time("mysql", 1);

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