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  • Got this one on one of two of my ver 2.3.3 blogs the wp-settings.php file was infected with an iframe injection to some stat.php page. I deleted the code on both sites and upgraded one to 2.5. Now this weekend i find the other blog infected again with the code below.

    #iframe src=’; width=’6′ height=’6′ style=’visibility: hidden;’></iframe#
    ( i have replaced the brackets with #)

    Googling this site suggests it launches drive by malware type trojans.
    This time though it was in every wp file in the root of the blog. I downloaded everything including plugins and themes and scanned with a search/replace program to search only for the offending code and only found it in the root files. I have now deleted all wordpress files and upgraded to ver 2.5 on that one. I have other blogs on ver 2.3.3 on same server that seem ok but i will gradually change them over to 2.5 as well.

    I notified my host who are looking into it but cant be sure if it was just wordpress as i have basic plugins and no much else that i have used for years, the only change was first 2.3.3 over Xmas on all blogs.

    I notified it by checking my feed links on the blog, the injection breaks the feed so and displays the iframe code on the screen (if you use Firefox to view) so i would advise everyone to click around there blog and especially the feed to see if anything looks wrong, also just download your entire website and scan the files with a search/replace program set to search only for iframe code, i used Handytools searchreplace as its nice and simple and easy to just point it at a folder and let it run searching subfolders as well.



    Just for information i just upgraded to WordPress 2.5 on and the sitemap seems to be working fine, i have all search engines pinged with Yahoo key in use as well. Would still like to run this to a schedule using cron if anyone has done this, at the moment i go in manually and run it every few days.

    Absolutely hate the look of the admin colours in 2.5 far to glarey and also all the plugin layouts have changed have to scroll right down now to find the run link for the sitemap plugin.

    Would advise anyone running an earlier version to check there feed link is displaying ok as i found out my version 2.3.3 had been compromised by an iframe injection which broke the feed, another blog running the same version had the same problem site went off to some chinese stats php page.



    To anyone getting the sitemap.xsl error i had this one on one install even though i used the same extracted contents on each install and it puzzled me until i realised that the file is xsl but the filename had somehow changed to sitemap.xslt (t on the end) . Try renaming the file to sitemap.xsl if its just called sitemap.xslt and as long as the path is correct it should work. To check what filename is being looked for find your plain sitemap.xml file it should display ok in firefox might just say not stylesheet associated with it.

    i.e. Go to and type in address bar , right click and view source to see the code and check at the top the path and filename being looked for the stylesheet it should say sitemap.xsl only. Now using your ftp program look on the files uploaded to the plugin folder for the sitemap and see if the stylesheet is called sitemap.xslt if it is just rename it to sitemap.xsl you should find works it ok then when they match.





    Thanks Arnee, it all seems to be working fine manually and if i click on the little question mark to update via GET command and copy the url given into a browser address bar i get a blank page returned which is ok as when i check to see if its updated the sitemap it has. Its only when i try to run the same url via a cron job in cpanel i cant seem to get the command string correct.

    The cron job runs but i get emailed the code to the home page on the blog, when i log in to check if its updated the sitemap it has not. I have tried GET and then the URl, wpget, curl with and without silent command, directed reurned output to null etc but just cant seem to get it right, i used to run a similar process via cron before using curl and that worked ok, my host doesnt really have any restrictions that have prevented other jobs running in the past.

    I have no cron jobs running now that may clash on any blog i use sitemaps plugin on so it cant be that.

    I have this weekend upgraded all blogs to 2.3.3 and all plugins to the latest (all 5) all works fine with no clashes i can see. I would have thought someone else has this running via cron in the past as i would like to schedule it for evry couple of days just to make sure its rebuilt and the search engines are notified, i added a yahoo API key to every blog (all 6) this weekend so yahoo gets notified as well, i have no problems with timeouts etc as i have resticted building to just 500 urls and set a memory limit and background process options etc to avoid problems.

    If anyone has used cron for this plugin it would be nice to see samples of the command string to try. Cant understand why it work if loaded in a browser address bar but not via any cron job ive tried, didnt even get any errors reported from cron to give a clue like i would normally get while trying to figure out something like this.

    The only think i havent tried is running with a login ID and password in the command string as the instructions say it shouldnt need one.

    By combining this plugin with the Dagon Design php sitemap im getting spidered loads.

    Link in the footer




    With WP2.3.2 and the latest XML-Sitemap plugin i have it running ok and can manually build and also if i load the url given for using a GET command (as indicated by clicking on the ? as per instructions) in a browser address the sitemap updates, my problem is i would like to use this with a cron job in cPanel but i havent been albe to get it work.

    See this post for more info.

    domain is
    sitemap is

    tried using curl –silent <url given by plugin> >dev/null 2>&1 also but still no update. Get no errors as such just the code of my home page emailed to me showing the cron activated.

    Any one ever used this with a crom job, if so what command string did you use?



    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Syndicate Links?

    Hi found this while i was looking for something else related to a syndicating a feedburner feed with feedwordpress, but i digress.

    If you check out this blog do you mean add RSS feed to each catagory like the links here.

    If you check out the catagory links they all have there own RSS feed.

    This has been done by changing the wordpress php command used for the catagory.

    Lok for it in your sidebar or wherever you have it and change from the default.

    <?php wp_list_cats(‘sort_column=name&optioncount=1&hierarchical=0’); ?>


    <?php wp_list_cats(‘sort_column=name&optioncount=1&hierarchical=0&feed=RSS’) ; ?>

    You can then use these RSS catagory feeds as you want.

    Ive also done the same thing here.



    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Cron job feedwordpress



    I got this error as well after upgrading to wordpress 2.1 and feedwordpress 0.981, my other site is running on wordpress 2.07 and feedwordpress 0.98 and the cpanel cron job runs fine. But my site just wouldnt work. Radgeek has now posted the reason on his website, see the comments on the latest version.

    I changed the cron job to read as below.

    curl –silent –user username:password -d update=quiet

    curl –silent -d update=quiet -d log=username -d pwd=password

    just replace domain/blog/ with your path to update feeds and username to the username you want to use and password to the password for the username. It seems to work fine now.

    I used the standard link in cpanel cron so chose the time settings from the menus, if you use the advanced method you will have to enter the string as

    /usr/bin/curl -d update=quiet -d log=peter -d pwd=abc

    where would be your path and log=peter would be your username and pwd=abc would be your password.

    There may be another update soon to 0.99 according to radgeek.



    Hi I get this as well now after upgrading.
    Initially i spotted it after my host moved me to a new server which had php as cgi and i had to change the htaccess file to add ExecCGI to get php to run. Then i upgraded the Feedwordpress pugin and everything was ok then the server crashed and after a restore it was ok then it crashed again. found out it was due to the Server APi being CGi was Apache. When apache averything worked, but when CGI not everything did including Feedwordpress. found a fix for Feedwordpress giving the 200 ok problem. Posted it on my blog. soemthing to do with returning the correct header status.

    However i noticed that while checking other links that the trackback link at the bottom of posts also gave same error and have tried to see if i could hack a wordpress file same as for Feedwordpress but cant really find what bit to change so in the end i just edited the template to remove the links at the bottom of posts. If anyone has an idea post a reply and i’ll try it.

    Might have more time this weekend to play around. I have a test blog on the same server under another domain name which i can mess around with.




    I was wondering if this has been solved yet as ive had this problem since installing wordpress ages ago, i now run and today when trying to validate my feed in technorati it fails as its finding the url without the trailing slash.

    Started edit files and trying to add the slash in options but as others have found the slash doesnt save. Tried putting the url with index.php on the end and ended up trashing my blog, had to go into the database with phpadmin and edit the text that was save to remove the index page text as i couldnt login afterwards.

    I had edited the template files in places originally to add the slash as i noticed that various links were not working without it, when clicked i would be redirected to my site homepage as the blog page couldnt be found, noticed today while trying to solve the technorati problem that the feed xml text in the link field was also missing the trailing slash so in the end i edited the rdf and rss and rss2 files to add the slash after the blogurl variable and the feed now shows the correct link. Problem is i think when trying to cliam my feed with Technorati it is only reading the blogurl as in the database as saved under options os it goes to the wrong place and never finishes claiming it. I have logged a support ticket with them explaining what is happening so hopefully they will add my feed correctly.

    My website is the blog is located at

    If you leave the slash of as in you will see what happens.

    As i say i have added the slash at the end in the php files wherever bloginfo_rss(‘url’) appears so that it shows correctly but there are still places like on the admin screen for the visit blog link fetches just the url as in the database that i havent changed yet.

    The problem would disappear if wordpress allowed the trailing slash to be saved.

    For the rss feeds i edited the rdf, rss and rss 2 files in the blog root and changed the link tags to have a / after the blog url is called and now when i click on the feed link it shows up in the xml generated file.

    Dont have access to the appache config files so cant change them. Could do it with htaccess but i feel this should really be done within wordpress by allowing the correct path to be saved. As obviously any programs or readers looking for the url will find the wrong one if only picking it up from the info saved in options.

    Was hoping this had been fixed after upgrading to but it hasnt. Wont upgrade again until i know it going to work.



    Just to post the actual error i get when using the feedwordpress plugin
    update-feeds: instruct FeedWordPress to look for new syndicated content

    Sending ping to <>&#8230;

    The XML-RPC ping failed (local): parse error. not well formed

    ? Return to WordPress Dashboard

    The feeds update but i get that error message.



    I get a similar thing, installed WordPress for the first time at the weekend and installed the feedwordpress plugin, added a couple of feeds and the feeds are fetched and posted but get an error similar to above xml-rpc ping failed (local) on

    Tried different feeds and checked validity of each one but still get same error.



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