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  • Thanks Paul, I will do that. my site is currently run locally on my computer so that’s likely the issue, once I go to my production environment and see the same issue I’ll contact you. I”m running it on MAMP at the moment on my macbook pro which is fast, but probably not fast enough for a site of the size i’m building.

    thanks again


    having the same issue. tried updating my wp-config file, htaccess and php.ini file to increase memory limits. Got that to work, but I’m still getting a blank screen. Set my memory limits to 600, 1200, and 6000 and none of them worked. I can’t even get an export to happen for

    offset: 1 limit: 2
    or anything of minimal size

    I’m trying to just export posts at the moment too. I have 11,501 rows if I export everything which I’m not trying to do at this time. Any other tips?

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