A thought; that the sitemap is just reflecting your infection.
I am by no means an expert, but I follow the security company Sucuri and I’ve heard about these types of infections often…SEO Spam sounds like what you are suffering from (usually not detectable to ordinary visitors).
You should check that you are running the latest WordPress version for starters.
Sucuri offer a helpful free site checker: https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/
Do you have a known good backup you could use to go back to? (being able to check that the backup shows no signs of the infection you are seeing) – and then you would need to patch the initial vulnerability.
Sucuri have some helpful information on their blog/site about infections and they can also help you get to the bottom of the issue (for a fee) if you don’t have a known good backup that you can use yourself or be able to clean up the problem.
Here are some links to some helpful guides: