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  • Hi, I am trying to achieve the same thing however I think you misunderstood the question. We are trying to change the text content of the out of stock button from “Read More” to a custom message like “Coming Soon” or “Available In X Days” or “Pre-Order”

    Thank you.

    Sorry to post here but I have a similar situation. I found the user in my admin panel as well as my database. “Ptouploader” with admin prevliges and apparently under my own IP.

    I recently ran into this a couple months ago and came across this post. I changed all my passwords, increased security measures and reconfigured my server firewall to only accept my IP as whitelist. I later recreated the cPanel account and uploaded the previous content manually to make sure I don’t upload any corrupt files. Unfortunately 2 months later, a couple days ago,I noticed the same user has an account. What can I do to determine how they gained access and also why my networks didnt find it sooner? Thank you for any help or direction!

    Thread Starter aljahmina


    If I create a custom dashboard widget would I be able to echo the orders? What hooks would I use?

    Thank you

    Thread Starter aljahmina


    Hi, does PHP version matter in terms of functionality? I had installed PHP 7.2 and was wondering if that may have been the issue. I downgraded to 7.0 a few minutes ago and will test tomorrow. Your insight?


    Thread Starter aljahmina


    The time out happens after users click on the purchase button so they’re gettingon the page fine. I don’t think it’s my server nor the plugin but an issue with their internet connection. First issue I’ve had like this. I appreciate the fast response and you looking into this. We’ll progress and see what happens. If the issue persists I’ll get back in contact with more info regarding the issue. Thank you so much.

    Thread Starter aljahmina

    It’s a fundraiser event and so far what I’ve been told is that the connection times out or shows a blank page after clicking the purchase now button. After a few retries it works but as the day of the event draws near it’s going to start to receive more traction and don’t want this issue happening to often. Thanks again for the help.

    Thread Starter aljahmina


    Sorry. I’m also trying to implement this piece of code, Horizontal scrolling, for UX, easier navigation through the section as it has a few anchor points. Thanks.



    I am going through the same issue. The shortcode doesn’t work either. Please help, thank you.

    Thread Starter aljahmina


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