Ali Akbar Reyad
Forum Replies Created
Updated the library, now you can check it.Thank you
Are you talking about multi selection option? When enable multi selection for category then will not work parent child dependency in selection panel.Thank you
Yes, available in that file but social profile added using hook. Add following code in child theme functions.php file to remove social profile from account details –remove_action( 'rtcl_edit_account_form', [ \Rtcl\Controllers\Hooks\TemplateHooks::class, 'edit_account_form_social_profile_field' ], 70 );
Thank you
Understand, will add close option there but ‘Apply Now’ text inconvenient there. Because, selected category fill the input field immediately.Thank you
Hi @mohammad212dasd
Yes, we have both option in settings to disable. Gallery zoom option is for disable mouseover zoom effect and gallery lightbox option is disable popup zoom after click on search box.Try these settings and let us know if anyone not work for you. For pro features related issues, please create support ticket from our site.
Thank you
You can do it by overriding myaccount/my-listings.php template using child theme.- Copy the file from plugin plugins/classified-listing/templates/myaccount/my-listings.php
- Paste the file in child theme directory themes/child-theme/classified-listing/myaccount/my-listings.php
- Remove the header portion from file and save it
Thank you
Thanks for sharing the code.
Hi @mohammad212dasd,
For hover zoom effect disable the option, use different ticket for non-related topics.
Thank you
We discussed about it. We will not change main created/publish date for renew listing. It’s needed for future use to get actual statistics of this listing when it’s created and when expired then it’s renew or not and so on.We have hook to change it which discussed before. If you need any help further to manage it for you, you can create support ticket from our site.
Thank you
Don’t need to add script. You have to enter API and Secret key. Please, create support ticket in corresponding plugin repository. It’s not related to Classified Listing plugin.Thank you
How you want to use it?You have to add it also in promotion list for regular pricing to select it by user during checkout promotion and need to workable in different place as like as ‘Featured’ promotion. It’s not a simple thing to guide here.
Thank you
There have more dependency based on functionalities exactly which promotion system do you need?For details you can check regular pricing system for checkout with available promotion options.
Here available pricing model plugins/classified-listing/app/Models/Pricing.php
Thank you
Could be any conflict issue, will check it soon.Thank you