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  • Thread Starter alienalias


    WPyogi- THANKS! Could I reiterate I am a fool and a bit clueless as it comes to code and such? Where might I find that to make the change and give it a go? I did a search in cPanel for #wpadminbar and found nothing. ??


    Any resolution to this?

    Thread Starter alienalias


    YAY, YAY, YAY! This has been resolved from the guys managing my server, and they believe it had to do with the WP update I did last week. I am posting their discovery and resolution in case it helps anybody else here whom has posted similar problems and issues with non-saving and disappearing custom menus upon save. I replaced my folder names etc with ___________’s in the message below. As follows:

    “Hello Kristina,

    Thank you for your continued patience. I was able to figure out exactly what was happening, and have resolved the issue at this time.

    Whenever changes were made to the menu, wordpress was attempting to write to a table in the database named ‘______________’. The problem was that this table did not exist, and as a result wordpress would freak out and nullify the menu. For example, here is an excerpt from the logs when I initially attempted to modify the menu:

    [02-Feb-2013 00:39:06] WordPress database error Table ‘___________.______________’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT cat_ID FROM _________categories WHERE category_nicename = ‘main’ made by wp_update_nav_menu_object, wp_update_term, apply_filters(‘term_id_filter’), call_user_func_array, global_terms
    [02-Feb-2013 00:39:06] WordPress database error Table ‘___________.______________’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT cat_ID FROM __________categories WHERE cat_ID = 5 made by wp_update_nav_menu_object, wp_update_term, apply_filters(‘term_id_filter’), call_user_func_array, global_terms
    [02-Feb-2013 00:39:06] WordPress database error Table ‘___________.______________’ doesn’t exist for query INSERT INTO ______________ (cat_ID,cat_name,category_nicename) VALUES (‘5′,’Main’,’main’) made by wp_update_nav_menu_object, wp_upd

    I checked through some of the backups of your database in hopes of finding this table, but it did not exist in any of the backups either. What I ended up doing was a manual creation of the table ‘______________’ with the three columns (cat_ID,cat_name,category_nicename) mentioned by the error message. After doing so I was then able to save changes to your menu without it being deleted.

    As for why this suddenly became an issue when the table never existed prior to this, I’m not entirely sure, it’s possible that a wordpress update changed the way that the menu categories were stored.

    Please let us know if you notice any lingering issues on your end.”
    So, this appears to be RESOLVED! THANK YOU to all who offered their help and insight, in this thread and the previous one!

    Thread Starter alienalias


    kmessinger… THANK YOU for trying to help me out!!

    First, to forewarn you, I frequently refer to myself as a technical nitwit, so please forgive me if I don’t quite answer the question in the right way, I’m trying my best. ??

    No, the custom menu is not a plugin. I do have a custom theme though. It is the standard Appearance—->Menu page. I had to create a custom menu because I didn’t want all pages automatically added to my menu. The custom menu has worked perfectly for months, and it wasn’t until last night I had this problem. I updated to the newest WP version last week and attempted to tweak my menu last night, and every time I do that it messes up the menu/deletes it, and we have to restore to backup.

    Thread Starter alienalias


    @WPyogi- THANKS! I am approaching this via the Trifecta… I am here, at the forum you linked to at mysitemyway, and working on it server side with the guys who manage my servers. That is a great suggestion though and I will bring that up in the thread I have working over there.

    Still taking suggestions and willing to pay someone to resolve if we can’t get it figured it out though. ??

    Thread Starter alienalias


    PS- I did add this to the jobs board and will pay someone a reasonable fee (via Paypal) to resolve this for me, as I imagine it to be a quick and easy fix for someone much more competent than me. In the meantime, suggestions still welcome. I’m trying to figure out how to do the previously troubleshooting advised, but I’m a dummy with this stuff.

    Thread Starter alienalias


    I’m just wondering if a visual of the problem will help. This is probably easier than the screen grab, but I didn’t want to link to my site b/c it’s not live yet and won’t be until Feb 15th. Anyway, my site is . If you take a quick look, you’ll see that my menu has been migrated to the right hand side of the screen, it has erased all menu items, and added about 40 bulletpoints going down the right hand side of the page.

    Didn’t know if that might help people visualize this better and propagate some different ideas. Worth a try…

    Thread Starter alienalias


    Is there a way to add screenshots here?

    Thread Starter alienalias


    By the way, I DO appreciate everybody’s help and effort even if I’m a little bit of a smart alec at times! ??


    Thread Starter alienalias


    Andrew- Thanks. Yes. The error messages are resolved. This was suggested:
    “…which leads me to believe that when you are connecting to the wp-admin it is attempting to load a session file from the /tmp folder that is no longer valid.

    I’ve cleared out the /tmp folder now, so what I’ll need to you to do on your end is log out of the admin section and then clear your browser cache. Once that is done please log back in and navigate to the same area, the error should be removed at that point.”

    I did that and error messages are resolved and gone. But issue persists with being unable to save custom menu. I have custom menu with about 6 main menu items and guessing 40 child and submenus. If I try to add a new menu item or make a slight change and then save, it simply deletes my menu and creates about 40 bullet points deep down the right side of my page.

    Thread Starter alienalias


    WPyogi… I guess you didn’t get the memo. You are not allowed to type words in caps as according to the moderator, above. ?? Maybe this is preference, instead of TOS? I don’t get it.

    Anyway, the error messages are now resolved, but the issue persists, so they are apparently not interconnected.

    Exactly as is occurring with the other post I referenced, every time I try to save my custom menu the entire menu is deleted, ceases to exist, and I have to restore to a backup. So, ANY other suggestions? Anybody else had this problem or been able to fix it? I’ve found at least 3 other threads here involving issues with the custom menu disappearing when the user tries to save it. Please HELP!

    EDIT note- Maybe the above is why some use caps… I highlighted one word and clicked to bold and italicize, and it italicized 2+ sentences. It’s silly to demand people can’t use caps to accentuate a point when people are habitually on blogs where caps are the standard used to accentuate. Just silly… ??

    Thread Starter alienalias



    Whether the error messages are server related or not, you are probably right, as that is not my cup of tea. I’m a technical idiot. But it is inarguable that others are having my issue. This thread:

    Shows this guy describing the exact same issue I’m having to a “T”. He wrote, “I’m trying to add a new menu item (in this case, Dyson Spares). I can create the menu item, but when I drop a category into the menu and save it, it says it’s saved but the category disappears leaving the menu blank.

    I’ve also noticed that if I make any changes to existing menus, not only do they not save, they disappear.”

    This is EXACTLY what is happening to me. Anything better you might be able to offer, or advice as to what I should suggest to my server side guys? Sorry if you didn’t like my approach. The silence was deadening so out of desperation I decided to go the squeaky wheel route, in hopes of getting some grease! ??

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Custom Menu Issues

    Hi altnet… I have the EXACT same problem you’re having, but I have one Mod telling me that no one else is having the issue, and regardless he says it is a server issue and not a WP issue. Via a quick forum search, I found 2 other individuals having this same exact problem even though I’m being told no one else has that issue. My link on the issue is here

    Are you getting an of the error or warning messages like I am? Even *if* my error message is server related, it’s pretty clear that others are having my issue and that maybe the Error messages are not related to the Custom Menu issue we are both having.

    Just like you, when I click “save” to custom menu, it completely deletes my custom menu and inserts a bunch of bullet points down the right hand side of my screen, and then I have to restore to a backup.

    If you find any solutions to this, will you please PM me or post on my thread? Many thanks!

    Thread Starter alienalias


    Hey, it solicited a response! Better than the silence, as I said before. If my rant is misplaced, where should I place it? What about your rant on my rant? kidding! ??

    I tried begging in my thread title, figured I’d try a little somethin-somethin’ else. I seriously need help on this and it looks like many people are having the same exact prob since this update.

    [Moderator note: If you want to emphasise words, use italics or bold. Don’t uppercase the word.]

    Thread Starter alienalias


    THANKS for all the answers everybody! Sheesh, NOT.

    This looks like a COMMON problem and NO ONE is helping ANY of us!!! Here is another one.. at least people have tried in this thread:

    Gee, here’s another one with zero answers:

    There are threads throughout this forum about this problem but NO ONE IS HELPING US. Can I vent and say this forum sucks because people cherry pick what they will answer and what they will not? I am currently buried 6 pages deep in “Troubleshooting” with nigh an answer to this point. Booooooooooooooo!

    I have tried:
    Disable all plugins
    Try a different browser &
    Try a different theme
    To NO AVAIL.

    ANY worthy helpers out there? PLEASE???? I have my managed-server support people on this, have actually contacted a third party WP “expert” for paid support, and this place… and this place I can’t even get someone to answer and the others waiting for response. I’d appreciate a “Shove it up your butt” better than the absolute silence!

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