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  • Thread Starter alibee71


    Do you plane an update of the plugin ?

    There is a new version of WordPress (5.7) and of Woocommerce (5.1.0) but the last version of your plugin (2.1.1) is marked as compatible with WordPress up to version 5.5.3 and there is no information about the compatibility with the latest version of Woocommerce.

    I need to know before updating my system.

    Thread Starter alibee71


    Thanks but no, shipping infos are not correct.

    It misses shipping fees and this is not the address of the local pickup but the address of the client (well, I masked it so it’s not obvious for you).

    Your plugin worked fine one month ago without any updates of the systems and plugins.

    I hope it will work after the complete update of my system…

    Thread Starter alibee71


    Thanks for your answer. Before doing the system updates, I prefer to try to find another solution cause I’m not sure all the plugins and the theme will be compatible again.

    I have activated the debug log. Shipping info are not send either.

    02-24-2021 @ 09:32:38 - WC_Gateway_PPEC_Client::_request: remote request to with params: Array
        [METHOD] => GetPalDetails
        [VERSION] => 120.0
        [USER] => *************_api1.******.com
        [PWD] => ********************
        [SIGNATURE] => ********************************************
    02-24-2021 @ 09:32:39 - WC_Gateway_PPEC_Client::_process_response: acknowleged response body: Array
        [PAL] => **********************
        [LOCALE] => fr_FR
        [TIMESTAMP] => 2021-02-24T09:32:39Z
        [CORRELATIONID] => **************
        [ACK] => Success
        [VERSION] => 120.0
        [BUILD] => 55101542
    02-24-2021 @ 10:01:15 - WC_Gateway_PPEC_Client::_request: remote request to with params: Array
        [LOGOIMG] => 
        [HDRIMG] => 
        [PAGESTYLE] => 
        [BRANDNAME] => Esprit M?mes
        [RETURNURL] =>
        [CANCELURL] =>
        [LANDINGPAGE] => Billing
        [SOLUTIONTYPE] => Sole
        [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT] => 5.5
        [NOSHIPPING] => 1
        [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTONAME] => ********************
        [PAYMENTREQUEST_0_SHIPTOSTREET] => ********************
        [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0] => Bermuda Name it 8 ans
        [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC0] => 
        [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0] => 1
        [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0] => 5.5
        [METHOD] => SetExpressCheckout
        [VERSION] => 120.0
        [USER] => *************_api1.******.com
        [PWD] => ********************
        [SIGNATURE] => ********************************************
    02-24-2021 @ 10:01:16 - WC_Gateway_PPEC_Client::_process_response: acknowleged response body: Array
        [TOKEN] => *****************
        [TIMESTAMP] => 2021-02-24T10:01:16Z
        [CORRELATIONID] => ******************
        [ACK] => Success
        [VERSION] => 120.0
        [BUILD] => 55360868
Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)