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  • Thread Starter ali_777


    Many thanks dear keesiemeijer, moderator!
    Sure, of course. You are right. Thats my fault. Unfortunately i couldn’t find any link for sending private message. Thanks very much again. You really help me much by removing it.

    Thread Starter ali_777


    Thanks TC.K.
    Yes, I think so. so could you offer me form builder plugin that be compatible with your plugin that can be used for search based on its field?
    And about the second issue that you told, Yes, you are completely right again. But unfortunately I haven’t seen any place to send you private message. Also I found the edit button that i can use it after checking. But unfortunately now nor remove nether edit button are available to do it. it seems these buttons are available only for just 1 hour after sending post.
    I dont know how can i edit pre-liks and information really, but i think maybe it would not be possible by myself, maybe i need forum author help. Could you please help me for do it. or could i ask you to do it for me and just remove Private information please? I want to add #Modlook tag for admin, hope it will works. Thanks again for your hint.

    Thread Starter ali_777


    Dear TC.K. Did you visit above website? & did you find out any new result due to my last post? Feel free if other information needed.
    I thinks its an important problem and if it solve, its a new horizon.
    The current situation is is as the same as bellow:

    Fields—————————–Entered Data:
    ‘Name’: —————-testname1——–testname2——-testname3

    Example Wanted:
    Filter form (to show its message details) by select “Testname1” (Radio Button)
    Best Regard.

    Thread Starter ali_777


    Dear TCK. Hi and welcome back,
    Im awfully sorry because of late answer. I had too many works for doing.
    Ok, let’s continue the last discus.
    For making you a clear answer:
    1.Show Result base on category works true.
    I have created 2 category (‘simple’ and ‘other’). search result was show base on category query was OK.
    2. Search on meta field does not OK unfortunately.
    even after update all plugin and using latest version.
    I also have prepared back-end site view to check it by yourself, if it might. Im also using the latest WP version with Built-in theme (2016) and just 3 necessary plug-in, as the same as show bellow:
    WordPress: 3.5.1 (latest version)
    Plugins: 1. Contact-form-7 , CFDB, Ultimate WPQSF
    The Thing I need
    I have already created a form (Form2) and using CFDB all of the entered data can be shown in the back-end. however it doesn’t show any meta field of form2 fields that we can search per this. For Example, we have had 3 fields (name, email, message). we want to filter all of name=”testname1″ entered data. But it cannot possible to find the related meta field using its name among all other fields in the back-end of WPQSF.
    I think This is important problem. and also I think maybe you are the same about its functionality. So I would appreciate if you look at yourself using bellow information. all of the things is clear show here. Let me also now your commnet about the final result after checking. Thanks very much. INF: [information removed]
    Best Regards.

    Thread Starter ali_777


    Dear TC.K, Thanks for reply,
    You are completely right, the field need to use in post. But I already used it and the field name and data can appeare with different plugin. I also try with new form and field name, but no meta field was added.
    In fact, I cannot add meta field manually in advance query plugin. But its strange how it was possible for my last template with huge amount of plugin. In fact as soon as I create form and use it in post, after entering some data, the form field was shown in meta field of ultimate query plugin (without show result). It sounds mixedup issue. I was appreciated if there is any other advice. Php ver is also 5.3 for all 3 wp systems. Thanks again.

    Thread Starter ali_777


    Dear TC.K
    Many thanks for your reply.
    I tried to clean install in 2 new fresh wordpress system.
    The PHP and Apache version are the same as before.
    also no other plugins are enable by default. i tried in “2016 wp” built-in theme. Just i need to add conatct-form-7 plugin for test.
    so a new problem is in “meta field”. although created new form, but the field doesn’t show in meta field of Ultimate-wp-search filter.
    i also try with your other same plugin. even in new wp system doesn’t answer.
    I think it might be a serious issue. you can also test it by yourself wp doesn’t answer with 2016, and field doesn’t add automaticly in meta field.
    i think search job for taxonomy field works almost fine. however i need it for meta. I also checked form data input using CFDB plugin. the field name and it’s data was completely ok. however i don’t know why cant see these form field in meta. (just form_ field displayed that is not applicable). I was wondering if there is any advice other for me and use your help.
    Thanks. ALI

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    Thanks very much flegmatiq;
    I think testing was absolutely right, and it’s the thing that i was looking for about 2 days. Thanks again. ??

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