Hello @dromero20
Thank you for your reply.
As I mentioned this is the default behaviour of the Confirmation page, I’ve read this page https://kb.mailpoet.com/article/178-customize-your-confirmation-page and yes doing this allows you to customise the text on this page but you lose this feature (surely this has come up before and should’ve been thought about).
I’ve looked in the files of your plugin and I couldn’t see how the plugin is fetching this information (I’ve also looked at my database and I can’t see how this information is being stored).
I remember seeing information passed as parameters in the URL of the confirmation page including I believe a data parameter that looks like a UUID that is possibly being used to dynamically fetch these lists.
As I’ve mentioned this is the default behaviour of the confirmation page, surely you have a shortcode/function or at least offer me some guidance on how to display this information?
Thanks but I’m a developer and I’m not going to hire one for this issue (which another developer would also struggle with because Mailpoet hasn’t made any of this remotely clear).