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  • Thread Starter Alex.R


    Thank You.. all the submenu options were combined, I thought of that too, since there is so many options. I only made the main links optional in the option page. I’m also looking for a way to give the user the option of ether allowing the admin bar menu options on the front-end or back end, sort of speak..

    Thread Starter Alex.R


    Okay so I figured it out..

    function add_jobroller_jobs_bar_menu() { $jrjm = get_option( 'add_jobroller_jobs_bar_menu' ); global $wp_admin_bar;
    if ( !is_super_admin() || !is_admin_bar_showing() ) return; 
    $number_pages = wp_count_posts('job_listing'); $number_jobs = $number_pages->publish; echo $number_jobs;
    $jraba_count_job_listings = ' ' . $number_jobs . ' Jobs';

    and then..

    if ( $jrjm[jraba_jobroller_job_count] == 1 ) {
    $wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
    'parent' => 'jobroller_job_links',
    'id' => 'jobroller_job_count',
    'title' => $jraba_count_job_listings,
    'href' => get_home_url( $blog->userblog_id, '/?s=&radius=1&location=' ),
    'meta' => array( 'title' => __( 'Jobs Total', 'jraba' ),'class' => 'jraba_count_job_listings','tabindex' => -1, ) ) ); }

    but one problem remains, for some reason the number of jobs/posts is not only showing up in the

    • container of the menu item but also on the wp-admin header, between <div id="wpcontent"> 22 <div id="wpadminbar" class="" role="navigation"> it shows up as 22, but there’s only 2 jobs, so it’s showing it twice.. does any one here have an idea why it does that?..
    • When I remove $number_pages = wp_count_posts('job_listing'); $number_jobs = $number_pages->publish; echo $number_jobs; it goes away, so what can be done to fix this?.. any response would be great full.

    Thread Starter Alex.R


    can anyone help me on this? really need help on this..

    Thread Starter Alex.R


    I found an article here that shows you can add search forms..

    $form  = '<form action="' . esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ) . '" method="get" id="adminbarsearch">';
    $form .= '<input class="adminbar-input" name="s" id="adminbar-search" tabindex="10" type="text" value="" maxlength="150" />';
    $form .= '<input type="submit" class="adminbar-button" value="' . __('Search') . '"/>';
    $form .= '</form>';

    I’ve tested this method, and it works.. but if I add php to the form, it gives the error.. how can I make php work.. any help on this will be greatly appreciated..

    Thank you so much “wellhall12” I’ve been looking for a solution to hide post images on category post previews. Your code worked perfectly.

    function wpi_image_content_filter($content){
        if (is_home() || is_front_page() || is_category()){
          $content = preg_replace("/<img[^>]+\>/i", "", $content);
        return $content;
    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Universal Login for 13 Blogs
    Thread Starter Alex.R


    @meloniq it wont work, when I set user defailt to JobSeeker only, it keeps chaning my capabilities from Administrator to JobSeeker. I’ve added all 13 prefix’s to the plugin configurations, and had it installed on the Ontario JobRoller. When changing provinces from to or any other subdomain it will not follow.. ??

    Are you willing to talk with me over Skype, and maybe we can figure out a way to make this work. I’m willing to pay for your time. I just want to get this to work. I’ve tried everything possible, and still cant get this to work.

    Since JobRoller uses 3 custom roles, it’s hard to have one user roll for all of them. If there’s a way to make it so each user roll can adopt a user roll.

    So, basically the way you have your plugin setup x3 — 1st. would be Job_Seekers with all the prefix / 2nd. Job_Listers all prefix / 3rd. Recruiters and all prefix.

    Like that, whenever the user selects their roll, they will be able to go wherever they want throughout my job network.

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Universal Login for 13 Blogs
    Thread Starter Alex.R


    Okay so far it work great, still need to play with it some more. I just made a small mistake, I chose to make default user capabilitis as job seeker, and so when all the prefixes have been entered, it changed the administraor capabilities to job seeker, and ended up locking me out of the admin panel.

    I would suggest adding an extra line of code to the plugin where it leaves the Admin user roll as default or something. Not sure if it’s possible to do that, just a heads up, some people might lock themselves out.

    The ways I got back in is trough the phpMyAdmin

    had to change the user capabilities to: a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;s:1:”1″;} from a:1:{s:13:”job_seeker”;s:1:”1″;} in my case.

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Universal Login for 13 Blogs
    Thread Starter Alex.R


    @meloniq testing it right now.. I have all the prefixes set for all the wp installations.. but here’s my question for you, I have a custom _usermeta, _users sql structure that all of them use.

    Example: network_usermeta, network_users

    Couldn’t I just point to this prefix as the main one ( network_ )

    I’ll test it both ways.. thought I would ask you before moving forward.

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Universal Login for 13 Blogs
    Thread Starter Alex.R


    @meloniq I’ll test your new plugin on the job roller network. Right now, all users can login anywhere troughout the provinces, but when they visit the other province, they need to login again in order to access dashboard.

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Universal Login for 13 Blogs
    Thread Starter Alex.R


    RE: Alex.R
    In Your case that You need more then one user role, You should to skip step with WP-Orphanage, and make a “hardcoding” inside of file “wp-includes/capabilities.php”, means edit prefix for “capabilities” meta and perhaps for “user_level”
    Piece of informations:

    Thanks meloniq, I’ll give it a read and try that method tonight, I just got back home from work, need to unwind first.. lol I’ll let you know what the result is. =)

    P.S. How’s the weather in Poland?.. I’m in Canada, and it’s getting bloody cold out..

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Universal Login for 13 Blogs
    Thread Starter Alex.R


    No worries meloniq, I’ve been working a lot myself, so I didn’t miss much. I have a problem with WP-Orphanage, it collects all the orphans throughout my wp network and gives them all one user role, unfortunately I can’t have that.

    When members register on a particular province sub-domain they are automatically assigned a user role based on their selection on the registration page as a Job Seeker, or Employer.


    I’ve followed the instructions to the tea, cleaned cookies on all browsers, and tested still no luck. Would there be a more custom way to do this? Perhaps something that would work for 2 user roles?


    lindaloustarr you should not display your secret key on the forums.. what meloniq meant was when you have 2 different blogs, each wp-config should have same secret key.. Go to: – what ever key is generated, copy and replace your current secret key in blog 1, and add the very same key to blog 2..



    define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘;44&x^=0sb)^iB^aX3QHi|B)vlU&{H!1E)+ox]gU-95.ot:JI-Dz&8o{_]#M`U}I’);
    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘YiCcwv;>[+u5tZjJ,1 ;3v.Ee/QA1jvKtxUS0A+`F+a)2[|._TC5S)wjc$O *@T*’);
    define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘9$RGp_cEA-.#QHFg_QkuM 2*1JTFG$$*OB#/r}my]#%erLLb?5s]LEbN`.N,(nC6’);
    define(‘NONCE_KEY’, ‘D`ORTu?46S{l-+x&/p@A7(@y <EO>]K~E,2<y0Vz5WOWXMMcFCpgz(g5_y6Gg&n}’);
    define(‘AUTH_SALT’, ‘_Rt1Z|Yow20Qjo/s!apsmaxxA%W~z6-`YQg*K-DHU:T$-eKm/b(|@N6SXlpe+gqc’);
    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ‘&$m-xjmMfljajrt>(KzKqvq$GoqMedh>dp{#.Mq^e-d&b$:OQ+FOH_@_aBphjk[G’);
    define(‘LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘]x*1s7cDUW+Bz#7Ag{1VK#ld#[email protected]&}IY r’);
    define(‘NONCE_SALT’, ‘mH%<mcG-awU4!.VO|B/0x5fK}Br4Xl~nA^f-[aZsGSh(}IAse,TU8r4hB|NA) +W’);


    You should never share your secret key with anyone online. Extreme Security Risk!

    As for different prefix, when you install your WordPress Blog, you will see something like wp_ and the option to change this. It’s good practice to change them, making it harder for hackers to figure them out ?? for example instead of wp_ change it to a number prefix 911_ or 12345_ etc. My prefixes contain numbers and letters, I suggest you do the same. For a website like mine, I have 13 blogs running, and I made a note as to which province each prefix belongs to.. Taking notes in everything is key. If you have Word or Excel, both are great to keep track of everything you do on your website. Notes are key..

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Universal Login for 13 Blogs
    Thread Starter Alex.R


    No problem brother, thanks in advance.

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Universal Login for 13 Blogs
    Thread Starter Alex.R


    Meloniq do you have an alternative in regards to my issue with cookies? Thanks.

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Universal Login for 13 Blogs
    Thread Starter Alex.R


    Okay, I’ve generated new keya, and added same salt keys to all wp-config files, and also added define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’);

    I decided to test on two sub-domains, activated the stock themes wordpress comes with: &

    Cleared my cookies, via ccleaner for all my browsers. Logged in to Ontario, but when I visit Alberta, I still need to log in. Any suggestions?

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Universal Login for 13 Blogs
    Thread Starter Alex.R


    Okay I’ll get on it right now.. one thing though, all wp installations are in subdomains, there is no wp installation on the root, would `define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’);
    ` still work on all sub-domains?

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