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  • Hello @inventivewebdesign, hope all is well.

    I am currently translating a big site with multiple departments as subsites, from English to Spanish, and my approach was to first do a subsite with the theme and blocks I need, style it according to, and setup everything for it to work it should. Whence I am pleased with the site, it becomes a “blueprint”, meaning that using NS Cloner, for instance, I just clone that site to a new subsite and have the header, menus, footer already setup, just missing to adjust the colours as each subsite has its own colour palette to stand out from one another, this saves me a lot of time.

    In your case, you already have the site’s setup, and if their wish is to turn simple pages into full-fledged sites, then the ideal would be to keep it as a multisite, having sites running and installed on their own language without the need for a translation plugin, however, you should ask them if they will manage such sites using a team per language, as I believe this may be also one of their aims.

    On my multisite, I have the sites installed and running in their own language, with the proper members assigned instead of having all the staff access to it, just the staff that handles the Spanish version, and the Support Department, for instance, have access to the site that is Spanish, and have a helpdesk plugin installed.

    You can clone posts and pages, and export/import them to other sites and translate them from there, or create new posts/pages and add the translation directly, keeping it cleaner.

    On my case I use Broadcaste to move and display posts/pages throughout different subsites.

    Regarding themes and settings, if using the same “blueprint” on all sites, you can consider using Customizer Export/Import to clone everything from one to another, that is, if your theme does not offers the option to export/import already.

    If the sites are static, you can opt for staging and do one site at a time. If the site is dynamic (WooCommerce, for instance, selling daily) the best option would be to export/import from one to another, or if possible, add a maintenance page to the subsite you may be working on while developing this.

    14 sites, simple, should be something quick to develop. Personally, I did 16 subsites in a matter of two months, all of which are dynamic sites, using the methodology above.

    I hope this helps.

    Hello @anurup

    By sub-admins, I would assume you somehow set the multisite to allow unlimited admins on your network; if that is so, that would not be a good idea for many reasons.

    Either way, if you refer to uploading to the Media Library and sharing with subsites and admins, you will need something that allows you to share media through a network. There are a few plugins that can accomplish this. Unfortunately, I cannot suggest any, but a quick search should return you enough results to research the one that better fits your needs.


    Hello @ficklefriends604

    I believe you will need to detail more about the issue as it is unclear if you are using WooCommerce or any other plugin that takes orders and what you mean by locations if those are four subsites or two with four different shipping locations.

    At this point, I cannot understand what the issue is so that we can help you.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Hello @thegooddealshop,

    Could you be kind to share all code you have added to your wp-config.php file to turn the site into a multisite as well as the steps you took so that we can have a better notion of why this happens and be able to assist you?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Hello @thegooddealshop,

    I may be wrong, however it does not cost much to give it a try.

    Add the following first, and see if it works:

    define( 'MULTISITE', true );

    I hope that helps.

    Hello @mgsnell,

    You are most than welcome.

    Best of luck.

    Hello @lumos, I hope all is well with you.

    Changing sites ID is rather complicated as it will require you to edit the IDs using MySQL and have some skills, however the easiest way to reset the IDs would be to recreate the sites and re-import the content.

    Perhaps this article on Can I change the exporting Blog ID to another site importing blog ID? would be of help for you to get it done quickly.

    I hope that helps.

    Hello @mgsnell, I hope all is well with you.

    All indicates that the plan you currently have with Siteground only allows you to create a sub-domain, as a limitation.

    Currently, setting up a multisite can be done using sub-domains for subsites, or directories. Personally, I prefer directories other than sub-domains for numerous reasons such as analytics, and SEO, as an example, however, the needs differ from one another.

    Sub-domains, at least the way I see it, are ideal when handling client sites, or mapping domains to a subsite setup as a sub-domain, while directories work best when you have a big site and wish to have a different approach per division/department, such as different colours, header and footer, access levels, and so forth, works best when you run a media site and wish to have categories set as subsites so that people can access and have a different feel.

    I hope this helps.

    Plugin Contributor Alex de Borba


    Hello @wonderbird.

    Thank you for the feedback regarding the UI colour change. We will consider having it removed in a future update.

    Regarding recycling, since we are the same team that was part of the theme you mention, which includes its creator, it is customary to associate it. However, besides the fact that the plugin is relatively more stable and works without dependencies on any specific theme, it will count with enhancements and unique widgets in future releases, distancing us from the initial release.

    Perhaps in the future, you can reconsider your rating and support team behind the plugin, which is working hard to bring something unique to the community, in this turn, entirely free.

    We wish you a great day.`

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [OceanWP] Amazing!

    Hello @pablopiano

    Glad you are enjoying our theme.


    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [OceanWP] Avali??o

    Boas, @nlservdigital

    Obrigado pela avalia??o positiva e esperamos que encontres o nosso tema adequado às suas necessidades por muitos anos.


    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [OceanWP] FANTASTIC

    Hello @fazed

    Indeed you can, and with OceanWP, even better.

    Thank you for the comment and the positive rating.


    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [OceanWP] All time Best :)

    Hello @wpdelower

    Thank you for the positive feedback, and rating. We truly hope you keep enjoying our theme for many years to come.


    Hello @dmdh2020,

    This could be easily accomplished using OceanWP, however, you mention the Kava theme which is proprietary of another support team. I strongly suggest you reach them as we are unable to provide third-party theme support.

    Kind regards.

    Hello @ecoportatiles,

    First of all, and to make it clear, this support forum is for our theme which is free and does not have a PRO version, what we offer is PRO addons which are not covered here.

    Secondly, it is untrue that we “NEVER” provided you answers, in fact, I was the one that replied to your support tickets regarding an issue which we do not cover, server optimisation, such as CDN and so on.

    Even thus we do not cover optimisation, there are a few replies from your tickets that are quite lengthy, trying to guide you, this on March this year, which you replied saying “support is bad”, leading me to close your ticket since you did not ask any additional support after.

    If you consider changing your review for something that indeed, reflects in truth the fact we replied to your support tickets, we would appreciate.

    Best regards,

    Alex de Borba
    OceanWP DevOps

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