Alexandre - AcyMailing Newsletter Team
Forum Replies Created
Hi @amazingdev (love your username btw ??)
AcyMailing can definitely do it!
There are two solutions :
– Use AcyMailing without our sending service. The Enterprise version allows to use the SPAM test feature. It allows to check your mail content + server configuration and gives a score + some advice about how to improve it.
– Use AcyMailing + our own sending service.
This way emails would be sent using our own servers and you won’t have any SPAM issue!Let me know if you have some other questions.
I’m marking this thread as resolved since we’re handling in via email ??
Hello @wpjamg,
I’m so sorry for the late in replying to your email.
In my opinion the best solution is to use the subscription form. In fact the subscription form acts as unsubscribe form when users are logged into your website.
That means when they are connected then the form will show them the lists they are subscribed to and they will be able to use the “unsubscribe” button.
As regards the unsubscribe form I guess that’s related to an email you sent us recently right? If so I will reply to you to find what’s going wrong ??
We don’t have this sentence into AcyMailing.
I guess it comes from another plugin or a settings that blocks some features.If you want us to have a look at it then feel free to open a ticket on our website. We will try to find what plugin causes this ??
Pas de soucis !
Pourriez-vous nous contacter via notre formulaire de contact sur notre site ?
De fait cela permettra d’ouvrir un ticket de bug report et nous pourrons transférer cela à notre équipe technique qui s’occupera de jeter un coup d’oeil ??Cordialement,
I’m closing this thread as we didn’t get any reply ??
Bonjour Carole !
De ce que je comprends vous avez créé un article avec DIVI et vous l’ajoutez ensuite via le bloc “Article” dans notre éditeur ?
Et à ce moment là, vous vous retrouvez avec plein de code bizarre n’est-ce pas ?
Bonne journée !
Hi @briefsenden
Once again, sorry for the late :-/
Any news about this?
Please let me know how it’s going so we can help ??
AlexHi @briefsenden,
I feel so sorry for the late in replying to your message. Most of team is in holidays and we’ve had tons of things to handle.
I’ve seen your 1?? rating and I definitely want to apologize for this.
Regarding the issue with SMTP this error mainly come when you’ve an issue with the configuration (wrong port / wrong protocol / wrong password etc).What kind of address are you trying to connect to? What’s the domain name?
If you want us to have a look at it then you can send us a message using your contact form. The support team will help you to find what’s going on.
Let me know how it goes ??
AlexOh ok! I’m closing this thread then and I’ll update it once we’ve found the issue ??
Could you please tell me how did you add the image?
Did you add them using the “Featured image” input or did you add them into the Event body using the Editor available on the event creation/modification page?Hi,
So sorry for the late in replying to your post.
We’re not aware of those issues, thanks for reporting them!We will have a look at this on Monday and I’ll get back to you ??
Yes google changed its way to authenticate. You can find the documentation on this page ??
- This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Alexandre - AcyMailing Newsletter Team.
Such a great news! Thanks for letting us know ??
Yes we understand this. And we think it’s due to an incompatibility with another plugin or a Javascript issue.
We tried to reproduce the problem on our sites but we couldn’t make it.
So that’s why we would need you to contact us directly so we can have a look at your website and see what’s going on ??We really would like to help but I can’t find the problem from a screenshot. I need to access your website to find the issue.
So please open a ticket on our website so we can have a look ??