Forum Replies Created
attachment_xxx,comment_xxx, created_xxx, days,
edited_xxx, failed_username,front_term_xxx, menu_xxx,
new_attachment_xxx, new_xxx,num_xxx, old_xxx, option_xxx,
post_id, post_new_post_xxx, post_prev_post_xxx, post_title,
post_type, prev_attachment_xxx, referer, replace_type,
server_http_user_agent, user_email, user_id, user_login,
_message_key, _server_http_referer, _server_remote_address,
_user_email, _user_id, _user_login, wp_cron_running……… 0.9%
post_meta_changed…………………………………………………….. 4.7%
post_new_post_content……………………………………………… 45.5%
post_prev_post_content…………………………………………….. 48.9%There is another situation where your database can grow up to an absurdly big size: a web site which is still in the development stage.
As an example, I can cite my own experience with the plugin: after installing it in a multisite installation, and activate it in the network, I saw my database grew up from 80 MB to 260 MB (size of the backup file, in .sql format) in just two months!The simple_history_contexts table of that web site that was in development, alone, reached the incredible value of 160 MB (all other sites togheter were responsible for just 20 MB).
This fact brought me a lot of trouble, as the phpMyAdmin of my development server could not import the database anymore.In order to avoid situations like this, I think you should add some options to your plugin, as follows:
? an indication, in the admin area of the network, about the log size of all sites.
? an indication, in the admin area of the site, about the log size of that site only.
? the possibility to limit the log size to a percentage of the database size (checked by default).
? the ability to save the oldest logs as a “blob” in the database (the 160 MB log described above, when compressed, resulted in a 15 MB file, using fast zip algorithm)Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Debug Bar Slow Actions] Not showingHi navi21.
After installing and activating the plugin “Debug Bar”, did you notice the appearance of a new button called Debug, in the right side of admin bar?
If you click on this button, you will see a screen with all options that can be debugged, presented in a black colummn on the left side of admin area, as follow:-
? Turning debug on in wp-config.php will show the option Notices/Warnings
? Turning savequeries on in wp-config.php will show the options Queries
? Activating the plugin “Debug Bar Slow Actions” will show the option Slow ActionsIn fact, this plugin works even with WordPress debug turned off. In this case, you will see only the option Slow Actions in the black colummn on the left, after clicking in the Debug button in the admin bar.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Imsanity] [Suggestion] Make JPEG Image Quality Apply to Any SizeNo, it doesn’t. I tested the plugin and it only compresses the images which are bigger than the established pixels limits. So, if a user “not so lay” decide to do the right thing, uploading a previously reduced image, in terms of pixel, the result is worse than if he didn’t do anything: the plugin simply will not compress this semi-optimized image.
So, if you want to use this plugin, you must always upload very big image files to your site. Don’t dare to implement good practices of image upload: the result, as explained before, will be worse than if you decide to adopt bad practices all the time.
This is bizarre, but is the way the developer think the plugin should work (so far). I hope someday someone succeeds to persuade him to change his mind.
To fix this bug, you have to add a line to your code, as follow:
//User has chosen their own DB prefix value $new_db_prefix = wp_strip_all_tags( trim( $_POST['aiowps_new_manual_db_prefix'] ) ); $error = $wpdb->set_prefix( $new_db_prefix ); if(is_wp_error($error)) { wp_die( __('<strong>ERROR</strong>: The table prefix can only contain numbers, letters, and underscores.', 'all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall') ); } // +++++ start of added code +++++ $wpdb->set_prefix( $old_db_prefix ); // this line added // +++++ end of added code +++++ $perform_db_change = true;
This line undoes the prefix change made in line 121, as it should be only temporary, for testing purposes.
I found this in the PHP site:
It seems they created a new class with the same name of yours. Could it be the cause of the conflict?Allright. So, lets hope for the fixes of DataTables folks.
I already did that, but they did corrected the translated file yet.
And, frankly, I did not expect that they are going to fix it in a short period of time.
So, it would be a good idea if you keep a copy of the correct english file in your plugin pack, with instructions to translators, until the situation with all translated files in DataTables is resolved.
As I told you, probably most (if not all) translated files have this problem.There are errors in the Brazilian Portuguese jason file, as follows:
– the first line, with informations about the decimal character, is not present in the translated version
– the line with informations about the thousands character was changed: now there is a strange “info” string placed before the word “Thousands”I discovered the problem when I tried to order numbers in a Brazilian Portuguese table.
The good news is that I fixed the Brazilian Portuguese jason file and tested it (now it works perfectly). The corrected text is:{ "sDecimal": ",", "sEmptyTable": "Nenhum registro encontrado", "sInfo": "Mostrando de _START_ até _END_ de _TOTAL_ registros", "sInfoEmpty": "Mostrando 0 até 0 de 0 registros", "sInfoFiltered": "(Filtrados de _MAX_ registros)", "sInfoPostFix": "", "sThousands": ".", "sLengthMenu": "_MENU_ resultados por página", "sLoadingRecords": "Carregando...", "sProcessing": "Processando...", "sSearch": "Pesquisar", "sZeroRecords": "Nenhum registro encontrado", "oPaginate": { "sNext": "Próximo", "sPrevious": "Anterior", "sFirst": "Primeiro", "sLast": "último" }, "oAria": { "sSortAscending": ": Ordenar colunas de forma ascendente", "sSortDescending": ": Ordenar colunas de forma descendente" } }
By the way: it seems that exist errors in other translated files. I think you should check that. Probably nearly all translated files are wrong. And the reason is as follows.
The “complete” Datatables jason file, with decimal and thousands information, which I used to correct the Brazilian Portuguese file is the one placed here:
But it seems that people in Datatables are giving to the translators incomplete versions of this file to be translated, which will not work when ordering numbers. Example: are the decimal and thousands informations in the text above?
So, consider using the first link text as the one to be translated in your plugin. And do not use the translated texts provided by Datatables site.
AldemarNote: before you start your tests, you must disconnect your computer from the internet. Nowadays, the automatic minor core update is so fast that it starts as soon as you install your new WordPress installation.
Connect again only after you install (manually, off course) Easy Updates Manager, with the settings you suggested me and Background Update Tester.
Ronald, I am sorry to say that but, I used your suggested configuration as follows
and it did not work: my test installation did not updated automatically from 3.9.3 to 3.9.10.
I checked the installation with the plugin Background Update Tester and it returned me the following informations:, I turned Core Updates on, as follows.
Then, the Background Update Manager info screen changed to:
Only after this modification, the automatic updates took place.My last (and the most simple) suggestion: as the switch WordPress Core Updates does not turn off the minor updates, why don’t change its name to WordPress Major Core Updates?
It is impossible to be more clear!
Ok, so next Monday I will set this configuration in my installation.
It would be interesting if this possibility, achieved by an unexpected combination of switches (it confused even you!), could be more clear/obviuos to the users, perhaps in the form of a small addition to the information texts of the interface (most people do not even know about the existence of the help text).
Otherwise, people will think the plugin does not have this resource.I did that, but it seems to me that it disables only the automatic major update, but not the manual major update.
In other words: I am still seeing the button to run a manual update in Dashboard|Update.
With this button there, a major update can be done inadvertently, by an inexperienced user. And I want to avoid it.I discovered how to reproduce the problem. You must add to your wp-config.php, the following line:
define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );
This line was added to our wp-config.php for security purposes, according to:
I guess it is a common option in many security plugins.By the way: Simple History remains logging the media replacement events, but does not exhibit them on the screen until you comment the refered directive in wp-config.php.
I forgot to say: my install is multisite.