Forum Replies Created
I have the same problem and reverted to v1.0.2
I don’t think I use other custom divi modules.
Sorry, I don’t have more informations to help you identify the cause.
CheersForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] Module tab not showing and Apache module not workingIt works !
Thanks a lot
Anne-LaureForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] Module tab not showing and Apache module not workingTHanks John for your reply.
So the only setting for the Apache module is the .htaccess location.
Here is what’s not working.
First I have a working redirection set like this :
screen shot : a redirection setting
This Redirection is in the “Redirections WP” group, which uses the WordPress module, as shown here : Screenshot : redirection groupsWhen this redirection is set like this, is redirected to (non-existant) .
If I now move this redirection to the “Redirections Apache” group, which uses the Apache module :
The .htaccess file is modified as shown in this screen shot of the end of the .htaccess file.
But the redirection is not executed (screenshot of my browser).
I hope you will be able to find why this doesn’t work properly.
Anne-LaureMerci d’avoir tenu compte de ma réaction.
C’est vrai qu’il y a une phase d’adaptation pour comprendre comment fonctionne l’extension, même si c’est très simple ensuite.
C’est vrai aussi que la signification des étoiles est à double sens. Mais heureusement qu’il est possible de corriger.
Anne-LaureEn tant que francophone et utilisatrice enthousiaste de l’extension “strong testimonials”, je ne peux pas m’empêcher de répondre à cette évaluation injuste.
@flam696 j’utilise cette extension depuis plusieurs semaines maintenant. Je l’ai sélectionnée après en avoir essayé plusieurs. Lorsque le thème est correctement con?u, elle fonctionne parfaitement, sans aucun bugs. Ca, c’est normal. Je suis aussi satisfaite car cette extension est très bien con?ue pour l’utilisateur, avec un éventail impressionnant de possibilités et ce, sans nuire à la simplicité d’usage. Et je suis enthousiaste car l’auteur de l’extension est très présent et répond vite à toutes les demandes de support, inévitables vu la variété des thèmes et extensions avec lesquelles ils faut cohabiter.
La moindre des choses serait soit de ne pas faire d’évaluation négative, soit de la justifier de manière détaillée pour que les autres puissent savoir dans quel cas l’extension ne fonctionnera pas.@cdillon27 just trying to say in french that this evaluation is unfair and if there really is a bug, it should be described precisely along with the bad evaluation.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Strong Testimonials] add another taxonomy and use it in viewsThanks a lot!
A added this function in my code so that page with id 914 will show only the testimonials with a ‘orientation’ taxonomy set to ‘orientation-isa’ while all other pages will show testiminials with the default ‘orientation’, which is set to ‘orientation-complet’function clea_ib_strong_testimonials_query_args( $args ) { if ( is_page( 914 ) ) { $orientation_tag_slug = 'orientation-isabelle' ; } else { $orientation_tag_slug = 'orientation-complet' ; // is default 'orientation' value } /* using the term slug: */ $args['tax_query'] = array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'orientation', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $orientation_tag_slug ) ); return $args; } add_filter( 'wpmtst_query_args', 'clea_ib_strong_testimonials_query_args' );
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Theme My Login] works as described !Hi, I use it only to redirect logged in users to the page they initially wanted to go to : in REDIRECTION, I set every user who is not administrator to be sent to “referer”. I also put the theme my login widget in the sidebar so that anyone can login (not register).
hope this helpsForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Firmness] Image PlaceholderHi,
I really like this theme. I’m encountering a problem though.
I selected a right sidebar layout in the theme option. I can select a no sidebar template for a “normal” page.
But I don’t understand how to do that in a page template made in order to display specific text (for now you can see the output on which is a development website.
In order to not display the sidebar I don’t want, I add to add style in the template :- <div id=”content-box” style=”width:100%;”>
- <div class=”sidebar-frame” style=”display: none;”>
I’m sure there’s another way. I tried
of_get_option('page_sidebar_position') = 'none'
but I got an error notice.What should I do ?
ThanksForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Firmness] Homepage@edgarmut
You may put the file in the /www/wp-content/themes/firmness directory.This theme is beautiful and, as you do, I really want to make it work for me.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Firmness] Homepage@pesiin : I had the same problem. I solved it by creating a front-page.php file in which I pasted the content of index.php.
I put it in a child theme of firmness but you may also store it in the original theme directory.
Then I went back to the wordpress dashboard and switched the front page display to a static page.
It’s perfect !