Hi Gabor,
Thanks for that link, very useful.
I feel I am very close to getting this working, I’ve got up to the Step #17 of that article.
I am actually using a Page feed, rather than an Album.
So I had accessed the Edit Generator of my slider, and under Filter for ‘Page’, I had entered the full Facebook page URL.
That gave an error when saving:
(#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field (from) on node type (Page)
I then tried just the unique part of the URL, omitting the facebook.com part of the URL.
That gave another error when saving:
(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: [<em>shows my value here</em>]
My slider shows on page, but it is empty of course, just shows the arrows and the slide indicator green square.
I’m not sure what exactly I am meant to be entering into the Filter for ‘Page’.
Could you please advice? The article linked shows screenshots for adding an album only.
Thanks again