Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Nefunk?ní checkout (“woo_heureka_overeno_zakazniky” not fMuseli jsme nakonec zakoupit modul znovu, abychom mohli aktualizovat a otestovat. Na?těstí funguje, tak?e stará verze modulu.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WPify Woo Czech] Nefunk?ní checkout (“woo_heureka_overeno_zakazniky” not fNějaky update, prosím? Web kompletně ztratil spojení s heurekou s produkty a je to dost záva?ny problém!
Thank you @kmacharia !!
After few hours and debugging, I have programmed what was required and it is working. Thank you for your help. Solved.
Hello Ralden,
We are maintaining the web for the client, we are not owner of the WPForms account, he has got PRO through WPStarterPack.
Can you please support anyway? Is the solution achievable with WPForms?Thank you
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Packeta] Nezobrazuje se tla?ítko vydejnyDobry den,
bylo to ru?ně odebrané ve functions.php (unset country).
- This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by aladyreg.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Packeta] Nezobrazuje se tla?ítko vydejnyDobry den,
perfektní, moc děkuji. Zemi jsem opět p?idal a ji? se Paketa zobrazuje.Existuje nějaká mo?nost, ?e dojde k o?et?ení v pluginu ohledně vyběru země? V tomto eshopu toto pole jen p?eká?í a klient by ho rád měl pry?. P?ípadně nějak natvrdo v Zásilkovně nastavit ?R, aby nemuselo byt v pokladně toto pole?
Děkuji za pomoc
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Packeta] Nezobrazuje se tla?ítko vydejnyDobry den,
nějaky update, prosím? Klient na do docela spěchá. I nahrané video ji? expirovalo, zde je nově nahrané:
DěkujiForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Packeta] Nezobrazuje se tla?ítko vydejnyJiank url webu, v p?ípadě pot?eby:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Packeta] Nezobrazuje se tla?ítko vydejnyDobry den,
děkuji za odpově?.
Divi tam je, ale zrovna tuto stránku nemáme nijak upravenou (viz
Je?tě jeden post?eh je, ?e p?i na?tení stránky se dropdown na chvíli uká?e, ale po chvíli zmizí. Viz p?ilo?ené video:
Co byste navrhovali vyzkou?et k nalezení chyby?
Děkuji za pomoc
This sounds like an issue I’ve seen before.
In your WordPress admin, navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory and check the “Hold stock (minutes)” setting. This needs to be zero (or empty).
Let me know if this fixes your issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End Users] Restricted does not workNo reply? Really amazing, better not to purchase it!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End Users] Restricted does not workYou really can not provide a support on this as you do not read what I replied! I am really disappointed, I was happy about the solution, but support is second part of the product and that fails…
Again, in points:
1) Wrong quote is caused by WYSIWYG editor of this forum textarea, not me or my code!
2) You do not reply to not accepting ending tag [/restricted]
3) No other plugins installedSo again, please read carefully!
echo do_shortcode(“[restricted]”);
<div class=”col-12″>
Test Text
echo do_shortcode(“[/restricted]”);
get_footer(); ?>And in html code is generated:
You must be logged in to access this page.”
<div class=”col-12″>
Test Text
”[/restricted] ”
In visual:
You must be logged in to access this page.
Test Text
1) First shortcode is accepted, but only affects the one line
2) Other elements (div, p, any text, etc..) is still displayed
3) Second ending shortcode is most likely not accepted as it displays [/restricted] in the codeCan you assist? It happens on:
1) already 2 new WP installations (without any plugin!)
2) in all three inbuild WP themes- This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by aladyreg.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End Users] Restricted does not workDear Jay,
Thank you for your reply.
I tried almost all possible type of quotes, they are same (it was wrongly formated here).The template is the default one Twenty Twenty available in WordPress 5.4.1. I have tested also other inbuild template Twenty Nineteen, but the same issue – those are the default template delivered with WordPress installation. There is just this module for a test purpose, so there should be no conflict etc..
echo do_shortcode(“[restricted level=’1′]”);
<div class=”section”>
<div class=”container”>
<div class=”row items”>
<div class=”col-12 item content”>
echo get_post_field(‘post_content’, $page->ID);
echo do_shortcode(“[/restricted]”);
get_footer(); ?>Visible text>
Lorem ipsum..![/restricted]