Forum Replies Created
Here’s the rule in your theme causing the white background issue.
I’ll add a rule into crayon.css to override that.
Great, nicely done
I think it’s something to do with your minified js and CSS plugin or something. You’re not including crayon.js etc, and these must be generated within wordpress. Make sure your theme has <?php wp_head();> in the header.php. I’m not so sure how the minified plugin you’re using will handle this, but you don’t want to be printing all this out manually! Also, I’m getting like 1 error per second. Please see the js console in chrome:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://realtime.services.disqus.com/api/2/thread/593111062. Origin https://mediacdn.disqus.com is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Hi, try the new Tag Editor:
It uses a pre tag and adds settings into the class attribute (HTML compliant).
No problem, glad you like it ??
Yep, found it. In the js console of Chrome:
“Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined”
Basically, jQuery isn’t defined when the header styles are printed. You are including jQuery manually for your theme AFTER crayon has initiated.
<script type=’text/javascript’ src=’https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js’>
Make sure this appears BEFORE <?php wp_head(); ?> in your theme header.php. WordPress will automatically enqueue jQuery for you usually, not sure why you’re specifying it manually. It might be faster also from your local server than from Google’s, not sure.
Oh right, sorry Steve I didn’t recognise your username ??
Also, that post text works fine for me:
And if you have HTML and PHP in the same document and want to highlight both, then set the language to html to allow the bits between PHP tag to be rendered as html and bits inside php tags to be php.
Oh, and with the tag editor this won’t apply since < is encoded to & lt; but if you use plugins that let you put PHP code into posts, then the code in the Crayon may turn into PHP code and cause issues. I had an issue with PHP Exec like this, but like I said with the Tag Editor it won’t apply.
Thanks for that, sorry I didn’t see this sooner. I’ll need to see if there’s an email notification for newly added topics… There sure is a better way now! Use the tag editor button (<>) in the visual editor, or the “crayon” button in the HTML editor. I prefer using the visual editor now, since this integrates nicely and you can even type. When you select a pre tag (which is what it creates Crayons as) it will highlight blue and you can edit the code and settings in tag editor – the same window that you use to create Crayons. You can even switch between HTML and Visual modes and it should all just work.
Hi, try the new 1.9.0b5:
Also, untick ” Attempt to load Crayon’s CSS and JavaScript only when needed.”, tick “Disable enqueuing for page templates that may contain The Loop.” and untick “Load Crayons only from the main WordPress query”. These are defaults.
Are you using custom excerpts in the post editor or have you written your own filters for them?
Also, IE < 9 had issues with this that I fixed in 1.9.0. Beta is on my twitter, but it will be released next week hopefully.
Oh, WordPress should enqueue them correctly since jquery is specified as a dependency.
I forgot to update here, it’s added as of 1.8.1.
Also try toggling “Disable enqueuing for page templates that may contain The Loop.” No other ideas though…