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  • Plugin Author Alexis J. Villegas


    Hi Souvik,

    Another user recently had a similar problem to yours and I was able to find a bug with the widget update callback filter which was short-circuiting the widget’s ability to save their settings in some server environments mainly those running PHP 7.

    I issued an update that should fix the problem in version 1.2.1 of the plugin. Could you please update and confirm if the issue is fixed?


    Plugin Author Alexis J. Villegas



    In trying to recreate the issue I was able to find a bug with the widget update callback filter which was short-circuiting the widget’s ability to save their settings in some server environments mainly those running PHP 7.

    I issued an update that should fix the problem in version 1.2.1 of the plugin. Could you please update and confirm if the issue is fixed?


    Plugin Author Alexis J. Villegas


    Hi @bustel,

    I’m sorry you’re experiencing issues. I would need more information to be able to replicate the issue. Could you turn on wp_debug on your wp-config.php file? Here is more info on editing the file directly: Alternatively, if you don’t feel confortable editing the file, you can install this plugin to turn debug on:

    Once you get an error, could you paste it in here? This should give me a starting point to start solving the issue.

    I look forward to your response.

    Plugin Author Alexis J. Villegas



    I’m so happy you found the plugin useful and that it helped solve your problem! Thanks for the kinds words.

    If you ever need to do something more complex with your “Widgetized Page”, say for example create a landing page with a custom layout made up completely of widgets, make sure to check out my other plugin Easy Widget Columns. It’s also optimized for the Genesis Framework, and it was developed hand in hand with Widgetized Page Template for this very purpose.

    Cheers and good luck with your website.

    Plugin Author Alexis J. Villegas


    Hi Souvik,

    Unfortunately there could be many things causing the widgets not saving to the database error. I have the Prasoon theme installed with Easy Widget Columns and everything is saving fine on my end, so it tells me it might not be a theme issue, but rather a conflict with another plugin.

    Are you able to save plugins again if you deactivate Easy Widgets Columns? Try deactivating all plugins except for Easy Widget Columns and see if the problem still persists. If it works as expected, then start reactivating the other plugins one by one testing the widgets every time until it breaks again. If you can pinpoint the conflicting plugin, please send me the name so I can try to replicate the issue and see if I can find a fix.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author Alexis J. Villegas



    Thank you for you feedback. I installed the Prasoon theme, and I think I know why it doesn’t work.

    But first, just to clear things up, are you able to save data onto a widget? For example, if you add the Search widget and update the title, does it save your change when you click “Save”? I ask, because if the widget data is not being save to the database, there might be another issue altogether.

    With that said, I did notice a couple of incompatibility issues with the Prasoon theme. The first is with the way Prasoon registers sidebars. There are two sidebars registered by the theme, the “Sidebar” widget area, and the “Business Template” widget area. The first sidebar is registered correctly with a before_widget and after_widget parameters, but the second sidebar (Business Template) doesn’t specify those parameters and are left empty (please refer to the functions.php file and take a look at the prasoon_widgets_init function starting in line 134).

    As stated on my plugin FAQs “This plugin only works with registered sidebars that have an HTML element assigned to the before_widget and after_widget parameters. If these parameters are empty, the plugin will not work. In addition, the before_widget parameter must have a class attribute associated with it so the plugin can inject the column classes accordingly.”

    The second compatibility issue is with the way all Prasoon widgets are registered. None of them echo the $before_widget and $after_widget parameters in their markup. So even if you fix the sidebar registration function (see below), the Prasoon widgets are still not using them in their markup so you still wouldn’t get the columns classes assigned to those specific widgets.

    To accomplish your original task, you could edit the prasoon_widgets_init function, but will have to use widgets that output the $before_widget and $after_widget parameters in their markup such as the WordPress default widgets, or other third-party widgets that make use of those parameters since the Prasoon widgets are incompatible.

    Here is the amended prasoon_widgets_init function:

     * Register widget area.
     * @link
    if ( ! function_exists( 'prasoon_widgets_init' ) ) :
    function prasoon_widgets_init() {
        register_sidebar( array(
            'name'          => esc_html__( 'Sidebar', 'prasoon' ),
            'id'            => 'main-sidebar',
            'description'   => esc_html__( 'Add widgets here.', 'prasoon' ),
            'before_widget' => '<aside id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
            'after_widget'  => '</aside>',
            'before_title'  => '<h4 class="widget-title">',
            'after_title'   => '</h4>',
        ) );
        register_sidebar( array(
            'name'          => esc_html__( 'Business Template.', 'prasoon' ),
            'id'            => 'business-sidebar',
            'description'   => '',
            'before_widget' => '<aside id="%1$s" class="widget %2$s">',
            'after_widget'  => '</aside>',
            'before_title'  => '',
            'after_title'   => '',
        ) );
    add_action( 'widgets_init', 'prasoon_widgets_init' );

    For more information registering sidebars, please refer to this page: Registering a Sidebar.

    I hope this can help you solve your original problem.


    Excellent – that was the best outcome. Cheers!

    Glad to hear that. Good luck with the website.


    It seems the issue is with your image sizes not being large enough to span the column width when they stack on top of each other into a single column. Try adding the following CSS to your stylesheet or to the Customizer’s “Additional CSS” section (WP Admin > Appearance > Customize).

    .grid-container .column .textwidget img.alignnone {
        width: 100% !important;

    Hope this helps.


    That’s good news. Now you just need to get that account access from your previous dev – I don’t know why a developer wouldn’t share that information with a client if they are not actively monitoring and applying updates.

    Hopefully you get it resolved without any issues. Good luck.


    Check out my plugin Easy Widget Columns. It was build specifically for doing the kind of stuff you want with widgets.

    In your widget area or sidebar, you’ll add a “Widget Row” widget to define a widget row, then add a text (or Custom HTML) widget and assign the “1/2” column width. Finally, add a slider widget below it (I recommend Soliloquy) and also assign the “1/2” column width to it. This will give a widget row with two columns inside your widget area or sidebar.

    To make them responsive, you could add a media query to your stylesheet that rearranges the columns into a single column in smaller screens like this:

    /* Screens 768px or smaller */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
        .widget-row .one-half {
            float: none;
            width: 100%;

    Hope this helps. Good luck.


    Try adding the following CSS to your stylesheet. The current styles for that section are being loaded from theme.css located in gt3-wp-oyster/css/theme.css, try adding it there.

    Another option is to add the CSS in the “Additional CSS” section of the Customizer (WP Admin > Appearance > Customize).

    .blogpreview_top .listing_meta span:last-of-type {
        display: none;

    Hope this helps.


    I’m really sorry this happened to you. It sounds like your previous developer made the modification to the theme itself and not on a child theme, so when you updated the theme, it overrode the modification and your website went back to the default theme look.

    Unfortunately at this point, the only way to recover theme files is through a backup. If you’re not already using a backup plugin, check with your hosting provider as they sometimes make automatic backups of your site or root folder and might be able to get you back on track. It looks like you’re using GoDaddy. Reach out to them and they might be able to help.

    If everything goes as planned and you get your old site back, don’t run any updates until you install a good backup plugin beforehand. I recommend BackupBuddy, but there are other plugins just as good if not better. If possible try to move all theme modifications to a child theme before updating the theme. I suggest you contact your previous developer for help if you are unable to do this.

    Best of luck. I hope you can get this resolved soon.

    Plugin Author Alexis J. Villegas


    Quick Update: Version 1.2.0 introduced the ability to remove specific advanced options when using the ewc_advanced_options filter. Please see the documentation for more information.

    Plugin Author Alexis J. Villegas


    Update: Genesis v2.5.2 resolves the original problem so the fix is no longer needed. I removed the fix in the new version to ensure full compatibility with Genesis once again.

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