about this test:
Total(Bs) Bs10.752,00
Multiplier 2
ToPayBTC 5.02603111
Total(Bs) Bs10.752,00
Multiplier 1
ToPayBTC 2.51303327
Total(Bs) Bs10.752,00
Multiplier 0.01
ToPayBTC 0.02529379
Total(Bs) Bs10.752,00
Multiplier 0.009
ToPayBTC 2.51897808
Total(Bs) Bs10.752,00
Multiplier 0.005
ToPayBTC 2.51896546
in practice…
Total(Bs) Bs10.752,00
need Pay 0.02206447
So, the multiplier when it is less that 0.01, this changed by the default value 1.
But I need 0.0089, How can I do?