Hello there,
I have 2.6 installed and the problem that I face is partly resolved with above solution.
There are the tests –
1. User is not logged in, goes to a post and clicks on comments- Comment form opens. User can log the name, email id and submit the comments. Upon submit, the user is taken back to the same page and the comment is found to be submitted. Everything works perfectly. A mail also is received by the administrator for this comment.
2. When the user is logged in,, the comment form open, user can enter comment and upon submitting, the user is taken to
https://www.marathishabda.com/shabda/wp-comments-post.php and then nothing happen. The page is blank, status is “done” but the user is not re-directed to the page where it started.
No email is received by the admin this time.
Can you tell me what needs to be changed on comments.php?