I paid a subscription to ThemeKraft purely for support and received this very unhelpful reply
this seems to a resurfacing issue – we had that once before and solved it.
Though, if I remember correctly, we decided to drop the second menu and use a position selection instead; ie. that you’re able to choose between before header, after header, and so on. The secondary menu was just taken over from CC 1 without much thoughts about it. But AFAIR, the actual reason for TWO menu locations in CC 1 was, that no easy way of choosing the position existed. One has to keep in mind that CC 1 was started more than 5 years ago, and back then, quite a bunch of current WP features weren’t available (yet).
Sincerly yours,
Fabian Wolf (developer).
ps: if you still require two menus out of any reason, I could offer you to build a plugin by custom development, to keep the second menu location and also integrate both menus into a big one; this would fix both issues AND also the issue of having two mobile navigations. See https://themekraft.com/products/service/ for our current applicable rates.