18 years, 6 months ago
no one can help?
ok but I really need help I understand you trying to help, and thank you!
But for now, please I really need help, so if someone can help me (instructions) please do so.
Yes I know it is I have looked through my css and tried a lot of stuff, but could not get it to work.
As well, I looked through that link, and still no luck
so can someone please help me?
18 years, 7 months ago
Upping this please someone help lol I know someone out here loves money
Anyone else? no one contacted me yet…and if you want me to contact you, please leave some info.
Yes please contact me via email/msn: petro916 [at] hotmail [dot] com -[email broken up -spencerp]
Well thank you It is coming along, but the site is not only about sneakers, it is about Michael Jordan himself as well…
But the most part yes.
Also the offer still stands, I have no idea what you guys are talking about LOL.
ok I will give it a shot I want to add another column at my site on the left side. How do I go about doing this?