Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Please help; WP forums giving me troubleThat is an
tag with class “level1” and not a<li>
tag with class “level1” and so has no effect. In other words the css is targeted at the<ul>
only.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Please help; WP forums giving me troubleThe class used is totally irrelavant as there is no corresponidng style defined. It was just a value to output so that your site validated as you wanted. You can change it to whatever you prefer as long as it doesn’t clash with something in the css that is going to mess things up.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Please help; WP forums giving me troubleThat bit of code just sets a the variable “$highlight” for the link to home as it is manually inserted in the menu because the list pages function doesn’t add the home page link.
The rest of the page menu is in the functions.php.
You should now see that the classes are not empty and your validation should be ok?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Please help; WP forums giving me troubleI would also change
<?php if (is_page()) { $highlight = ""; } else {$highlight = "current"; } ?>
<?php if (is_page()) { $highlight = "level1"; } else {$highlight = "current"; } ?>
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Please help; WP forums giving me troubleOk I have emailed you and updated functions.php that should insert a class if one wasn’t previously set.
This should fix the problem.
Let me know if it works and I update the theme.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Please help; WP forums giving me troubleYes the code is a little buggy as it leaves an empty class in places but it does validate on
Try validating the theme here:
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: TOP TEN (or maybe 20)Good to here you like the theme.
WP-Andreas09 now comes with 14 colour choices and a new horizontal menu that supports unlimited sub-page levels. Oh and is fully prepared for localisation. Very soon it will also have support for Widgets.
I’ve been busy ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: WP-Andreas09 (any mods out there?)Wow this thread has grown so much since I last visited yesterday.
Hi Spencer how’s that site doing? Looks like you are still at liberty ?? Hey as far as I am concerned you ideas are as good as anyone else’s. ??
There are some good tutorials on about CSS/Java dropdown menus. I think you need the java to kick IE into action as it won’t apply the hover to anything but an anchor. (Typical!). I have seen a wordpress theme like this that looks like Kubrick but with a horizontal dropdown menu, but I can’t remember its name. It’s got to be on the theme viewer?
So far I have only got one level to play nicely. I think one level would be enough in most cases but I really want to kick it’s… and make it work.
I used the Sub pages List plugin by Rob Miller that I hacked because it didn’t seem to work on my site when I first tried it. Then I hacked it some more to output the links as I wanted them and then built it into the functions.php file. All the menu is is a div with an unordered list that is displayed inline with a little style to make it look good. Really very simple.
I’m still playing with it at the moment and would like to keep the parent page highlighted when on a sub page but haven’t got a clue how to do that yet.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: WP-Andreas09 (any mods out there?)I have added a basic horizontal sub-page menu to my site and would value some feed back. – look for the themes pages.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: WP-Andreas09 (any mods out there?)I have just added simple sub-page navigation to my sidebar on it works but there is no current page highlighting at the moment.
This could of course be made horizontal with css and moved up under the page menu. I am just going to have to try and see how it looks and what happens when there are sub-sub-pages.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: WP-Andreas09 (any mods out there?)Sub-pages in the sidebar are quite easy to implement with a plugin but if you have a horizontal menu then it seems logical to also do the sub-pages the same way as many sites do. Though I have not seen a WordPress theme do it yet. Has anybody seem one that does?
I don’t think it will be to difficult to have 1 level of sub-pages pop up in a bar below the parent pages using a modified plugin, but beyond that I think it may get tricky. Of course 1 level of sub-pages would be better than no sub-pages.
I need to do some more research as I think I have seen something about css popup menus that may fit the bill. If the first level of sub-pages pop up in a bar below the parents and then any further levels pop-up when they are hovered on ?? It must be possible – I just need to get my head round it! It may take me a while.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: WP-Andreas09 (any mods out there?)Ok here goes, sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
1. There is a little more than just changing the sidebar width as you also have to adjust the margins of the content.
2. Anything that is too wide will just have it’s overflow hidden. Remember that this is a fluid design and will shrink/stretch for different resolutions. 800px wide will be fine on some screens but too big on others.
3. The sub-page menu you describe would be nice but as yet I am not sure how to make it work beyond 1 level of sub-pages. I’ll see what I can do.
I am working on version 2 now but can’t give you an answer as to when it will be ready. I am working on it between other things as I get inspiration. Hopefully you have a lot of patience!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: WP-Andreas09 (any mods out there?)I am working on version 2 now with subpage support.
It is only limited by your ability to add the functions you need
What do you need it to do? I will help if you give me an idea of what you are looking for.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: New theme: WP-Andreas09Look – you messed the forum up. ??
Just follow the example of the home link.
You forum link complete with li’s needs to go directly after get_pages and before the /ul. It will also need class=”page_item” added to get it to look right.
If you want to talk direct to me via email, where I can send you code etc. just email me from the contact page on my website and I’ll get back to you.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: New theme: WP-Andreas09No problem, Thankyou for letting me loose in your admin panel!
It was fun! Maybe it’s a new service I can provide! lol
As for bitch slapping IE, yes please do! Until it works, the way I want it to, should be enough.