Forum Replies Created

Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Thread Starter Ahmed Fawzi Guellil


    Also enjoy,

    msgid ""
    msgstr ""
    "Project-Id-Version: Simple Custom CSS and JS\n"
    "POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-06 13:27+0000\n"
    "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-03-06 19:37+0000\n"
    "Last-Translator: \n"
    "Language-Team: \n"
    "Language: ar\n"
    "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
    "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
    "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
    "X-Generator: Poedit 2.2\n"
    "X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n"
    "Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=(n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5);\n"
    "X-Poedit-Flags-xgettext: --add-comments=translators:\n"
    "X-Poedit-WPHeader: custom-css-js.php\n"
    "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
    "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c;_n_noop:1,2;_nx_noop:3c,1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2\n"
    "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n"
    #: custom-css-js.php:54 custom-css-js.php:61
    msgid "An error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again."
    msgstr "??? ??? ??. ???? ????? ??? ?????? ? ???????? ?? ????."
    #: custom-css-js.php:277 includes/admin-config.php:58
    msgid "Settings"
    msgstr "???????"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:42 includes/admin-screens.php:869
    msgid "Available only in <br />Simple Custom CSS and JS Pro"
    msgstr "???? ??? ?? <br />??????? ????????"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:54
    msgid "Preview"
    msgstr "?????? ??????????"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:55
    msgid "Apply only on these URLs"
    msgstr "??? ???????? ??? ????????"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:56
    msgid "Code Revisions"
    msgstr "??????? ???????"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:67
    msgid "Full URL on which to preview the changes ..."
    msgstr "???? ???? ??????? ????? ???? ????????."
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:68
    msgid "Preview Changes"
    msgstr "????"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:82
    msgid "All Website"
    msgstr "??? ??????"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:83
    msgid "Homepage"
    msgstr "??????? ??????????"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:84
    msgid "Contains"
    msgstr "????? ???"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:85
    msgid "Not contains"
    msgstr "?? ????? ???"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:86
    msgid "Is equal to"
    msgstr "????? ??"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:87
    msgid "Not equal to"
    msgstr "??? ????? ??"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:88
    msgid "Starts with"
    msgstr "???? ??"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:89
    msgid "Ends by"
    msgstr "????? ??"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:100 includes/admin-addons.php:101
    msgid "URL"
    msgstr "???????"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:102
    msgid "Text filter"
    msgstr "???? ??????? ?? ????? ???."
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:103
    msgid "Add"
    msgstr "???"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:114
    msgctxt "revision date format"
    msgid "F j, Y @ H:i:s"
    msgstr "??? l d F Y ??? ??????? h A ? i ?????"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:136 includes/admin-addons.php:169
    msgid "Compare"
    msgstr "??????"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:137
    msgid "Revision"
    msgstr "????????"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:138 includes/admin-screens.php:302
    msgid "Author"
    msgstr "??????"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:139 includes/admin-addons.php:174
    msgid "Delete"
    msgstr "???"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:140 includes/admin-addons.php:163
    msgid "Restore"
    msgstr "???????"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:171
    msgid "This is only an example, not real data."
    msgstr "??? ????? ?? ????? ??? ? ???? ?????? ???????"
    #: includes/admin-addons.php:172
    msgid "Note: currently the revisions are not being saved. They start getting saved at the moment the plugin's pro version is installed."
    msgstr "??????: ?? ???? ??? ????????? ??????. ???? ??? ????????? ??? ????? ??????? \"???????? ???????."
    #: includes/admin-config.php:152
    msgid "Custom CSS & JS Settings"
    msgstr "??????? ????? ????????"
    #: includes/admin-config.php:212
    msgid "If you use HTML tags in your code (for example <input> or <textarea>) and you notice that they disappear and the editor looks weird, then you need to enable this option."
    msgstr "???? ??? ??????? ?????? ???????? ????????? ???????? ??? ????? HTML ????????. (????: ??? ????? > ???? ??????? ?????? ??????? ??? > ). ??? ????? ??? ????????? ??? ????? ??? ????? HTML ????? ?? ??????? ??? ?????."
    #: includes/admin-config.php:214
    msgid "If you want to use an HTML entity in your code (for example > or &quot;), but the editor keeps on changing them to its equivalent character (> and &quot; for the previous example), then you might want to enable this option."
    msgstr "???? ??? ??????? ???????? ????????? ????????? ?????? HTML ?????? ????? ??????? ??? ???????. (????: ??? ????? ?????? &quot; ???? ??????? ??? ????? ?????????? ??????? ????? ?? &quot; ). ????? ????? ??????? ????????? ???????? ????????? ??? ??? ??????."
    #: includes/admin-config.php:216
    msgid "In your page's HTML there is a comment added before and after the internal CSS or JS in order to help you locate your custom code. Enable this option in order to remove that comment."
    msgstr "???? ??? ??????? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ??????? ???????? ? ??? ??????? ?????? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ???????. ???? ???????? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ????????."
    #: includes/admin-config.php:220 includes/admin-screens.php:769
    msgid "Editor Settings"
    msgstr "??????? ???????"
    #: includes/admin-config.php:223
    msgid "Keep the HTML entities, don't convert to its character"
    msgstr "????? ??????? ??????? ????? HTML ??????"
    #: includes/admin-config.php:229
    msgid "Encode the HTML entities"
    msgstr "????? ??????? ???????? ??? ????? HTML"
    #: includes/admin-config.php:234
    msgid "Autocomplete in the editor"
    msgstr "????? ??????? ???????? ?? ????? ???????"
    #: includes/admin-config.php:246
    msgid "By default only the Administrator will be able to publish/edit/delete Custom Codes. By enabling this option there is also a \"Web Designer\" role created which can be assigned to a non-admin user in order to publish/edit/delete Custom Codes."
    msgstr "??? ????? ???????? ?? ???? ???????? ???? ????? ? ??? ????? ???????? ???? ????????. ????? ???????? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ???????. ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ? ??? ????? ????????."
    #: includes/admin-config.php:247
    msgid "General Settings"
    msgstr "??????? ???????"
    #: includes/admin-config.php:250
    msgid "Add the \"Web Designer\" role"
    msgstr "????? ??? \"????? ??????\""
    #: includes/admin-config.php:258
    msgid "Remove the comments from HTML"
    msgstr "??? ?????? ???????? ??? ????? ??????"
    #: includes/admin-config.php:268
    msgid "Save"
    msgstr "???"
    #: includes/admin-install.php:28
    msgctxt "post type general name"
    msgid "Custom Code"
    msgstr "????? ????????"
    #: includes/admin-install.php:29
    msgctxt "post type singular name"
    msgid "Custom Code"
    msgstr "???? ?????"
    #: includes/admin-install.php:30
    msgctxt "admin menu"
    msgid "Custom CSS & JS"
    msgstr "????? ????????"
    #: includes/admin-install.php:31
    msgctxt "add new on admin bar"
    msgid "Custom Code"
    msgstr "???? ?????"
    #: includes/admin-install.php:32
    msgctxt "add new"
    msgid "Add Custom Code"
    msgstr "????? ???? ?????"
    #: includes/admin-install.php:33
    msgid "Add Custom Code"
    msgstr "????? ???? ?????"
    #: includes/admin-install.php:34
    msgid "New Custom Code"
    msgstr "???? ????? ?????"
    #: includes/admin-install.php:35
    msgid "Edit Custom Code"
    msgstr "????? ???? ????????"
    #: includes/admin-install.php:36
    msgid "View Custom Code"
    msgstr "??? ???? ????????"
    #: includes/admin-install.php:37
    msgid "All Custom Code"
    msgstr "???? ????? ????????"
    #: includes/admin-install.php:38
    msgid "Search Custom Code"
    msgstr "????? ?? ???? ?????"
    #: includes/admin-install.php:39
    msgid "Parent Custom Code:"
    msgstr "???? ???????? ????"
    #: includes/admin-install.php:40
    msgid "No Custom Code found."
    msgstr "?? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ?????."
    #: includes/admin-install.php:41
    msgid "No Custom Code found in Trash."
    msgstr "?? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ????? ?? ???? ????????."
    #: includes/admin-install.php:62
    msgid "Custom CSS and JS code"
    msgstr "????? ????????"
    #: includes/admin-install.php:107
    msgid "Web Designer"
    msgstr "????? ??????"
    #: includes/admin-notices.php:126
    msgid "Get your discount now"
    msgstr "????? ?? ???????? ????"
    #: includes/admin-notices.php:126 includes/admin-notices.php:191
    msgid "Dismiss this notice"
    msgstr "?????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:99
    msgid "Add Custom CSS"
    msgstr "????? ???? CSS"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:102
    msgid "Add Custom JS"
    msgstr "????? ???? JS"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:105
    msgid "Add Custom HTML"
    msgstr "????? ???? HTML"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:211 includes/admin-screens.php:299
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:1400
    msgid "Active"
    msgstr "??????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:212 includes/admin-screens.php:1403
    msgid "Inactive"
    msgstr "??????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:213 includes/admin-screens.php:1371
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:1404
    msgid "Activate"
    msgstr "?????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:214 includes/admin-screens.php:1368
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:1401
    msgid "Deactivate"
    msgstr "?????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:215 includes/admin-screens.php:344
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:1367
    msgid "The code is active. Click to deactivate it"
    msgstr "??????? ?????? ??????. ???? ????????."
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:216 includes/admin-screens.php:347
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:1370
    msgid "The code is inactive. Click to activate it"
    msgstr "??????? ?????? ??????. ???? ????????."
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:223
    msgid "Options"
    msgstr "??????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:283
    msgid "Add CSS code"
    msgstr "????? ???? CSS"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:284
    msgid "Add JS code"
    msgstr "????? ???? JS"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:285
    msgid "Add HTML code"
    msgstr "????? ???? HTML"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:300
    msgid "Type"
    msgstr "??????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:301
    msgid "Title"
    msgstr "????????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:303
    msgid "Published"
    msgstr "??? ??"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:304
    msgid "Modified"
    msgstr "??? ????? ??"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:323
    msgid "Unpublished"
    msgstr "??? ?????"
    #. translators: %s: Human-readable time difference.
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:332
    #, php-format
    msgid "%s ago"
    msgstr "??? ????? %s"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:334
    msgid "Y/m/d"
    msgstr "Y/m/d"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:413
    msgid "CSS Codes"
    msgstr "????? CSS"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:414
    msgid "JS Codes"
    msgstr "????? JS"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:415
    msgid "HTML Codes"
    msgstr "????? HTML"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:418
    msgid "Filter Code Type"
    msgstr "????? ??? ??????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:420
    msgid "All Custom Codes"
    msgstr "???? ????? ????????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:529
    msgid "Custom Code"
    msgstr "???? ?????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:530 includes/admin-screens.php:549
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:570
    msgid "Add CSS Code"
    msgstr "????? ???? CSS"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:531 includes/admin-screens.php:550
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:571
    msgid "Add JS Code"
    msgstr "????? ???? JS"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:532 includes/admin-screens.php:551
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:572
    msgid "Add HTML Code"
    msgstr "????? ???? HTML"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:552
    msgid "Edit CSS Code"
    msgstr "????? ???? CSS"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:553
    msgid "Edit JS Code"
    msgstr "????? ???? JS"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:554
    msgid "Edit HTML Code"
    msgstr "????? ???? HTML"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:585
    msgid "Code updated"
    msgstr "??? ????? ???????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:768
    msgid "Beautify Code"
    msgstr "????? ???????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:770
    msgid "Distraction-free writing mode"
    msgstr "????? ???????? ?? ???????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:770
    msgid "Fullscreen"
    msgstr "????? ???????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:787
    #, php-format
    msgid "Last edited by %1$s on %2$s at %3$s"
    msgstr "??? ??????? ??? ???? ?? ??? %1$s ?? %2$s ??? %3$s"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:789
    #, php-format
    msgid "Last edited on %1$s at %2$s"
    msgstr "??? ??????? ??? ???? ?? %1$s ??? %2$s"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:884
    msgid "Linking type"
    msgstr "??? ????????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:889
    msgid "External File"
    msgstr "???? ??????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:893
    msgid "Internal"
    msgstr "??????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:899 includes/admin-screens.php:987
    msgid "Where on page"
    msgstr "????? ??? ???????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:904
    msgid "In the <head> element"
    msgstr "???? ?????? <head>"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:908
    msgid "In the <footer> element"
    msgstr "???? ?????? <footer>"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:914 includes/admin-screens.php:1002
    msgid "Where in site"
    msgstr "????? ??? ??????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:919 includes/admin-screens.php:1007
    msgid "In Frontend"
    msgstr "????? ??????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:923 includes/admin-screens.php:1011
    msgid "In Admin"
    msgstr "???? ????? ??????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:927
    msgid "On Login Page"
    msgstr "???? ????? ???????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:933
    msgid "CSS Preprocessor"
    msgstr "?????? ?????? ?? CSS"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:938
    msgid "None"
    msgstr "???? ??????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:941
    msgid "Sass (only SCSS syntax)"
    msgstr "????? Sass (???????? SCSS ???)"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:944
    msgid "Less"
    msgstr "????? ?? ???? Less"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:950
    msgid "Minify the code"
    msgstr "????? ???????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:957 includes/admin-screens.php:1038
    msgid "Priority"
    msgstr "????? ???? ?????????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:962 includes/admin-screens.php:1043
    msgctxt "1 is the highest priority"
    msgid "1 (highest)"
    msgstr "1 (????)"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:971 includes/admin-screens.php:1052
    msgctxt "10 is the lowest priority"
    msgid "10 (lowest)"
    msgstr "10 (????)"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:992
    msgid "Header"
    msgstr "?????????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:996
    msgid "Footer"
    msgstr "??? ???????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:1017
    msgid "On which device"
    msgstr "????? ???????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:1023
    msgid "Desktop"
    msgstr "???????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:1027
    msgid "Mobile"
    msgstr "????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:1031
    msgid "Both"
    msgstr "??????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:1064
    msgid "After <body> tag"
    msgstr "??? ????? <body>"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:1208
    #, php-format
    msgid "The %s directory could not be created"
    msgstr "?? ???? ??? ??????? %s"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:1209
    msgid "Please run the following commands in order to make the directory"
    msgstr "???? ????? ?????????? ???????? ???? ???????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:1219
    #, php-format
    msgid "The %s directory is not writable, therefore the CSS and JS files cannot be saved."
    msgstr "??????? %s ??? ???? ??????? ? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ?????? CSS ? JS."
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:1220
    msgid "Please run the following command to make the directory writable"
    msgstr "???? ????? ?????????? ???????? ???? ??????? ????? ???????"
    #: includes/admin-screens.php:1510
    msgid "Editor Shortcuts"
    msgstr "???????? ????????"
    #: includes/admin-warnings.php:58
    #, php-format
    msgid "Please remove the <b>custom-css-js</b> post type from the <b>qTranslate settings</b> in order to avoid some malfunctions in the Simple Custom CSS & JS plugin. Check out <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">this screenshot</a> for more details on how to do that."
    msgstr ""
    #. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme
    msgid "Simple Custom CSS and JS"
    msgstr "????? ???????? ????????"
    #. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme
    msgid ""
    msgstr ""
    #. Description of the plugin/theme
    msgid "Easily add Custom CSS or JS to your website with an awesome editor."
    msgstr "???? ??? ??????? ?????? ????? ????? JS? CSS ? HTML."
    #. Author of the plugin/theme
    msgid ""
    msgstr ""
    #. Author URI of the plugin/theme
    msgid ""
    msgstr ""
    Thread Starter Ahmed Fawzi Guellil


    By the way :),

    .rtl #custom-code-options.postbox .radio-group{padding-left:0;padding-right:10px}
    .rtl #custom-code-options.postbox .ccj_only_premium-right{margin-left:0;margin-right:130px}
    .rtl #custom-code-options.postbox .ccj_only_premium>div{margin-left:0;margin-right:-110px;float:right}
    .rtl .ccj_only_premium.ccj_only_premium-first{margin-left:0;margin-right:254px}
    .rtl .ccj_only_premium.ccj_only_premium-first>div{float:right}
    .rtl #revisionsdiv table.revisions thead th{text-align:right}
    .rtl #edit-slug-box.hide-if-no-js #ccj-edit-slug-buttons{margin-right:5px}
    .rtl table#post-status-info .autosave-info{text-align:right}
    .rtl .code-mirror-buttons,
    .rtl .code-mirror-before,
    .rtl .code-mirror-after{direction:ltr}
    .rtl .CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper{left:-30px !important}
Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)