Forum Replies Created
Thanks. For anybody else reading, I managed to republish an external feed locally using the method here:
The original feed has only one entry. I am about to upload a second when I get this sorted.
Sorry about the 404, I had experimented with the custom feed URL and needed to refresh the site permalinks. It’s producing XML now.
I had used the query parameter
to force RSS v2 but I don’t think it would work if I placed the query parameter in the plugin custom feed URL field, would it?- This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Adam.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: GDPR and cookies with Google AnalyticsHi A2HostingRJ,
good to know that there is a way to do it – of course there has to be. It’s just not WordPress friendly is it though? Further online searching shows that Google is only talking so far about making their Site Kit easier for GDPR, and that some people are just going with the GDPR cookie compliance plugins and putting the Google Analytics javascript snippets in that plugin’s config somewhere. Currently looking for both the snippet to copy and the place in the GDPR plugin to put it.
Just discovered I could do something manually with HTML but that would take way too long.
Twitter displays external links by grabbing the linked page’s title, excerpt and banner image which are specified by header tags in the linked page’s HTML header.
So a tweet consists of:
– a user name
– a user avatar image URL
– user comment
– link with image URL, title & excerptThis takes quite an effort to compose manually. Automating a block to accept the tweet URL from Twitter, fetching the parts above and composing the HTML would be turn the operation into a 1 minute job.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: GDPR and cookies with Google AnalyticsThanks for trying to help, but at risk of boring you with repitition, I did read it and couldn’t find anything useful.
I think you might be vastly overestimating my intelligence here, or at least my ability to use WordPress. With WordPress, I can install plugins, no worries there. But I can’t write them. It looks as if the Google docs you linked to recommend programming your website to tell various bits of Google Analytics what to do. I only found one reference to GDPR, and no references to the cookies.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: GDPR and cookies with Google AnalyticsOK, I read it but unfortunately didn’t understand the relevance. It says I can “programmatically disable” all sorts of different bits – but what I’m assuming since Google Analytics and GDPR has been around for a while and affects everyone, is that there’s a standard plugin or plugins for the issue.
This is the sort of level I’m working at – here’s a list of the options I expected other forum users to suggest:
– not to use Google Site Kit WordPress plugin but instead, use plugin XYZ
– keep Google Site Kit but use another GDPR plugin PQR
– ditch both plugins but use this premium plugin (oh no)
– ditch both plugins and use this free plugin (yes!!!)
I think your answer lies in the “ditch the plugins and use this Javascript and PHP solution” area, is that correct?
I haven’t really found any work-around.
I can use a function on the Newsletter plugin to import the WordPress accounts into the Newsletter subscriber list.
However the Newsletter plugin puts a checkbox on the WordPress register form which must be checked so that the user gives permission to be put on the Newsletter subscription list.
When a subscriber registers with Supersocializer, the checkbox value gets lost.
So I can’t really import all the WordPress accounts created by Supersocializer because I don’t know if they clicked the checkbox. Or better said, I shouldn’t ??
If you want any help testing, let me know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Post Block] The editor has encountered an unexpected error.OK, I’ll start a different thread on this subject.
Thanks for fixing the main issue!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Post Block] The editor has encountered an unexpected error.@asreurotux looks like you nailed it!
Thanks v. much!
Just one niggle: the article I’m using is in 2 categories, but Post-Block is only showing one category, and it’s not the primary category.
And it’s not got any excerpt – in fact I see there’s no option to turn on the excerpt, is that right?
Hi Rajat,
did you get around to testing why the plugin’s user creation doesn’t trigger account creation in another plugin “The Newsletter Plugin” which says it should pick up any create-account event?
AdamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Post Block] The editor has encountered an unexpected error.I get the same as sstrudeau.
I’m using 5.4.2.
I’d love to know if anyone is going to look at this, it’s exactly the plugin I was looking for. Very intuitive apparently according to the docs.
Now that is exactly what I need, but unfortunately it breaks when I insert the block. What a shame! It says it has 90+ users, but no reviews, and no new version this year ?? I’ll try their forum.
Hi Prashant,
thanks for the advice.
The WordPress-Embed block is what I sometimes use, but I don’t like it as much as the method I described in my first post. It also doesn’t feel right that I have to paste in the whole URL including the domain name. Plus, what would be ideal is an entry field that auto-completed from my blog post titles.
I also tried out the latest-posts-block, which is ideal in everything except that I can’t select the post I want, just the latest.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twenty] Adding a widget or menu in posts before commentsHi,
thanks for replying.
I think I might have formulated my question badly. I don’t actually want to do anything with that plugin I mentioned and am now regretting mentioning it. It is pretty much irrelevant to my question.
With Twenty Twenty, is there any scope for me to include a call-to-action right at the end of my blog text, and not after the previous/next and leave-a-comment sections?
Good news!