Forum Replies Created
Of course.
Kind Regards,
That’s awesome.
Thanks for your help.Kind Regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Product Custom PermalinkHi,
Thanks for your support, I got close to the answer but still have some problem with the code. And I wish you could help me out.
function wpd_woo_product_permastruct(){ add_permastruct( 'product', '%product_cat%/%product%-%post_id%/', array( 'walk_dirs' => false, 'with_front' => false ) ); } add_action( 'init', 'wpd_woo_product_permastruct', 99 );
When I try to remove the “%product%” before “%post_id%” the link doesn’t work anymore, and I don’t know why! I just want to have post Id at the end of my products links.
Kind Regards,
Thanks, that’s great.
Could you help me with the email too?
Kind Regards,
Yes I know, it’s a custom role and supports by WordPress.
Can’t we use this??Kind Regards,
Great, thank you.
– What role you want to set? Know me “slug” for that role.
– I found it in my database for that user role: “a:1:{s:12:”pending_user”;b:1;}”
and I think the slug is “pending_user”.– What will be subject and content for this email?
– Subject: Registration Under Review
– Content:
Dear {first_name},
You have successfully submitted your Contributor Account request.?
Your Contributor application is still under review.
Once we review your application, you will receive details about our decision in your email very soon!
If you did not receive an email from us in 24 hours, please contact us.
Thank You
Can I change them later?
Kind Regards,
Sorry, but I have no idea how to use PHP codes.
Could you help me through this?
Kind Regards,
Here is the screen:
I use Code Snippet plugin for that.Thanks,
That’s Awsome, but none of work.
And how can I customize the email message?
Could you help?
Kind Regards,
It’s because I don’t have the ultimate version I guess.
I didn’t read this before:
“Just to mention, this feature is only available for WCFM – Ultimate users.”That was nice.
Thanks for your help.
Yes, it’s possible, but I need to add the credit as their commission/ or increase their balance to be able to make a withdraw through their panel.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Media Library Assistant] Copyright NoticeI was asking for the second one.
Thanks for your fast support.No, that wasn’t the point, I wanted to add credit to their account (as commission)
without any product sell.
I hope it’s possible.