Thank you so much Mateja for your complete and rich answer. I will definitely try the Editoria Assistant plugin.
Nevertheless, I do think that users should decide how many related posts they want to display. Why not use the default number unless I drag&drop specific posts in the thumbnail spaces. In the latter case, each time I do a manual insert of posts in the thumbnails, then it should switch to manual, i.e. not automatically add undesired posts to complete the list. I think this doesn’t have to do anything with language. It just offers more control to the user.
Another option would consist in adding a checkbox “Check if you only want to see the posts you added”, in the edit interface. If checked, then it won’t automatically fill the empty thumbnails with other posts.
Have you explored these possibilities?
As a former geek, I don’t see why this should raise complex issues in the coding… maybe I don’t see it right.
Best regards,