Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Adding Likes to CommentsJust read the other thread (the one you and the notification email links to). You guys are very professional. I see the problem (with comment Likes)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Adding Likes to CommentsThank you very much for your quick reply:-)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Adding Likes to CommentsHi Jeremy,
Is a comment Like Jetpack feature on the horizon yet?
The ideal is the WordPress.com comment Like feature – that one is perfect. A simple little star (or heart, or carrot* or whatever), no frills, changing colour when “Liked”…that’s the perfect way to provide that function.
The comment Like feature is extremely useful as a way to show appreciation for comments and encourage communication in the comment tracks, and most of all as a way to say “I have seen your comment on my post, and I appreciate it, and I may or may not reply later”. It is such a great little feature, whether you’re the blog author, or commenting on someone else’s blog and able to see in the notifications that they’ve read your comment and appreciate it, even if they don’t reply yet, or don’t reply at all.
There do exist other comment Like plugins, but they are mostly of the vote-up vote-down type, counting Likes. Generally what they provide is a comment popularity contest, rather than a neat way to show appreciation for external contributions.
I’m currently using a vote-up vote-down type comment Like plugin with a counter, where I’ve removed the thumb-down option and customised the symbol. I’ve copied the WP star and use that with the counter. However, it isn’t as neat as the original WP comment Like feature. I’m not particularly fond of it and consider removing it again, although it kinda does the job. It is subtle aspects that make all the difference in whether a feature does the job the right way or not, and this one just isn’t spot on, but the best I could find amongst the available plugin options.
Thank you so much for all the marvellous Jetpack features, I would never had gone self-hosted was it not for Jetpack, I would have stayed on WordPress.com.
*kidding with the carrot
Hi Therese,
Thank you, that was a very useful idea … I actually just made my own icon and uploaded the same one as both like and unlike button.
I feel I should have thought about that myself a bit earlier:-)
Sorry for the slow reply, I moved host so I put it on hold for a while.
Alarm off. It is all back to normal now.
Thank you for your Matt. I will follow your advice and not downgrade. I’m slowly getting used to the new “distraction free” interface; I still think it is much more distracting than the old one.
Cause of problem: apparently, when any of the boxes are ticked on the tab “Default values” in “Meta keywords editor”, then a large number of pages display that error. When I un-ticked all the boxes, the problem vanished from all the pages.
(I have no clue what I’m doing and would really appreciate a thorough, basic beginner’s tutorial)
Above: “the website” = my blog.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Discourage search engines from specific blog pagesThanks for the tips WebPrezence. It seems that the SEO plugin does indeed allow me to do what I want: disallow indexing of specific web pages.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Disqus Recent Comments Widget] Installation instructionsI have revised the review. Unfortunately that makes your reply underneath look a bit off. I have found no way to remove the review or this thread, so that is the best I can do for now.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Disqus Recent Comments Widget] Installation instructionsI have removed the app, but not the review yet because I haven’t found out how to do it… Unlike the comments here it doesn’t have an edit button. (I’m also surprised that the review started a www.remarpro.com thread, but that is a nice feature).
Do you how to remove a review / or possibly the entire thread, if removing the review isn’t possible by itself?
Ps. I do find the www.remarpro.com community very helpful. I didn’t draw the connection to the installation of the Disqus plug-in though.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Disqus Recent Comments Widget] Installation instructionsI was looking for a link to feedback/support, or a support forum while I was going through the installation process and didn’t find anything, except for the option to provide feedback in a review.
I did find out how to install it by myself, but it didn’t actually show any Disqus comments in the widget, it just said “There are no recent comments”. That could be because I haven’t used Disqus very often up til now.
In any case, I have changed my mind and will remove the app, and I will remove my review as well so you can keep your unspotted record. (With your 13k downloads and only 6 ratings and reviews, it could be that it is only the persons who it works for who review the app!)
You might want to take my feedback as inspiration to provide more accurate instructions instead of just saying that it is easy… Most plug-ins really do provide super easy self-installation, so that was my expectations. What I mean is inform people from the start what experience level they need to be on for it to be easy, then and provide more detailed instructions/screenshots along the way for those who are not on that level yet but still want to undertake the installation.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Comment likes*Sigh* Doesn’t seem like anything will happen here.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Discourage search engines from specific blog pagesThank you for your advice… Yes, I don’t think my theme has that option. It is not premium and I didn’t find any.
I’m a bit hesitant to install the SEO plugins. It looks like the exact opposite of what I want – although I see your point about controlling the snippets.
(I’m quite negative to anything with “SEO” in it, the term has a ring of spamming, superficiality and sensationalism to it, and I avoid writing the word anywhere on my blog because it seems to attract crawlers/spam sites).
Installing that code in your theme’s header.php will discourage search engine bots from indexing all of your website.
WordPress has a tick-box that does that, and that is the one I currently have ticked until I find out how to selectively shield some posts from search engines.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Contango] Remove border around main menuI managed to remove the vertical borders between tabs under :
/** Top Level List */
.menu ul li {
background: #fff;
border-right: solid 1px #e7e7e7;
}(changed solid to none)
That’s better, but I would still like to remove the whole box, and I can’t find otgher settings there.
Any help appreciated.